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Everything posted by momentarygrace

  1. Miss Dee Rection, Illusion/Time Controller Her bio: My father was the most famous mentalist of his day and my great grandfather was a well known psychic medium who was never exposed as a fraud. Is it real? In Paragon City, magic does exist. Yet I will never tell you - it's up to you to decide if what you see is what you believe.
  2. Captain Obvious is already in use I think on all the servers. I made this guy, The Real Captain Obvious, in a nod to The Real Ghostbusters (IYKYK) His bio: I'm not Captain Obvious. I'm the Real Captain Obvious, because someone on this shard already had the name, "Captain Obvious" reserved, so I couldn't be that. I'm not "Another Captain Obvious" because there are too many letters in that name and it isn't allowed. I shoot a rifle, because that was the most obvious offensive power. My weapon looks like a Nemesis rifle. Someone will probably think that makes this a Nemesis Plot, and me a Nemesis Automaton. I might be an Automaton who thinks he's a Super Hero. That would be strange. You are reading my bio.
  3. In One Piece, Sanji's mentor and rescuer Zeff and a young Sanji are shipwrecked and stranded on a rock in the ocean that extends too high up for them to reach the water to fish. Zeff gives Sanji a bag of food, keeping a larger bag for himself since he's a grown man and sends Sanji to the other side of the rock to watch for ships passing so they can try and signal for rescue. Eventually Sanji eats all his food and after starving for a while, he determines to take some of Zeff's food at knifepoint. He discovers that the bag Zeff kept was treasure - he'd given the boy all the food. Zeff was still alive, but he was missing the lower half of one leg. (yes they got rescued and Zeff started a floating restaurant where Sanji worked until he left for his own pirate adventure.)
  4. In case you check back to see if anyone wants you back (I would)
  5. Deadman was one of my comics back when I collected. 🙂 I see your Boston Brand and raise you one Soul King https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Brook
  6. Apologies for double post, hit button twice.
  7. My pirate character was partially created because I wanted a thematic reason to get the first two Leviathan Patron powers. I just wish the Leviathan pool had continued the idea on through, for example I wanted Summon Guardian to give me a giant Land Shark buddy to fight alongside...
  8. Runs off to try this...
  9. Yup, I'm very familiar with the entire discussion. My thought process was this: how many martial arts characters would WANT a long shirt like this one? And if any did, they would probably be fine with the clipping issues. I see the same issues all the time with trench coats and even capes - honestly how many folks have seen their character's leg go through a cape, while flying, kicking, whatever? If that isn't game breaking or unprofessional, why would this be over the line? I brought this up again because of the legacy Thorn robes now being available in game. I hoped that this meant the issue could be looked at again.
  10. How do you know what the seeded price is for anything? Is it listed somewhere?
  11. I understand completely. I'm not super thrilled about the Prismatic Aethers and gating some costume options (not just parts) behind them but they are easier to get than they used to be. I actually got one recently, I already have a character who is a reformed Fir Bolg with the closest costume I could get... but it isn't that close. Now he can be his original self and switch to a 'human' form to mix with the straights. 😉 It's permanent enough, I just click on the power when I want to use the look. However you can't color or modify them in any way.
  12. You could use the legacy Thorn costume powers if you don't mind farming Prismatic Aethers. It's not the same as actually having the robe as a costume part we can customize, and I agree with you 100%, I asked for that as well once upon a time.
  13. My thought about clipping was that if we are now able to have the legacy Thorn costume powers, wouldn't those encounter the same issues, if any, with kicking? This guy is a legacy costume we can get with Prismatic Aethers. The capes already and always have clipping issues, and this apparently isn't prohibitive. Ditto for "butt capes" AKA trench coat skirts etc. Hope this can be considered.
  14. Since we now have purchasable Costume Powers that include legacy Thorn robes, I would like to request again a costume part from in game for players (and for free please), namely long skirts for female characters. It was given as a reason that this particular piece I want (below) had clipping issues, but with the Thorn robes, I would be shocked if they don't have the same issues, and no one cares. So... please consider this item - it's a long skirt from the villain group the Talons. On Paragon Chat we were able to play around with using some of the npc parts with db editing, and I was able to find and use the long skirt I'd always wanted. In the db, it was geom "V_Hips_Talons.GEO/GEO_Hips_Ragged_Talons" tex1"!Skirt_V_Talons_02" tex2 "!Skirt_V_Talons_02_Mask" It's the essential piece for this costume (you'll recognize the other parts, standard ones). The tex2 Mask creates the ragged edge and I used it with and without, both versions are awesome. Clipping is minimal, and certainly nothing worse that sometimes occurs with existing costume parts now. Please consider adding this piece the next time you are adding new npc costume bits. Thanks for considering. 🙂
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