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  1. Being able to slot them in the upgrade powers would be nice.
  2. Having to waste Pet slots on the Resistance/Defense Io's, I wish you could shove them in the upgrade Powers.
  3. Does anyone have a build I can use? I have searched and can't seem to find one.
  4. I wish you could stick the Defense/Resist ATOs in the upgrade powers
  5. What changes would you like to see for Beast/Demons/Thugs?
  6. Animate Stone AKA The Poo Man
  7. Beast Mastery should be renamed to Wolf Mastery
  8. Hi, I was wondering if you had a Bio/Spines build?
  9. It's worth it just for Dillo
  10. Masterminds, you're pretty much required to use the plus Def/Resist IO's and DMG procs.
  11. Thugs/Thugs
  12. Serum and Repair, you can't even use them as a pet IO dump.
  13. It would be a lot of work but, I'd like a pet based on enemy groups. Like a set of five that you could swap between.
  14. They kind of already feel like a Pool Set.
  15. Clawed feet that don't bend backwards
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