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  1. This was it, thanks. Thought I had the badge already.
  2. I've done Ganymede, but DJ Zero still isn't offering me the mission.
  3. Is the Snaptooth mission from DJ Zero not a part of this year's event? I'm not being offered it when talking to him.
  4. Would definitely love a set of different stag antlers too.
  5. I'm quite tickled by the idea of having a Kinetic Melee character with powers from the Kinetics set. But honestly I think something like this should be reserved for maybe the "Omega" slot power in Incarnates if it ever happens, that'd be balanced by it being only one selectable power at least. It'd also be further balanced by being limited to one enhancement slot, and that can only accept any additional crafted Alpha slot enhancements, as long as it's not the same Tier 4 version you've got currently in your Alpha slot since you can only have one of those. Obviously you'd need to see what the power requires to make that slotting choice.
  6. I've got the Task Commander badge very recently, and that was with only doing the Sister Psyche TF and not Yin's. So is this a bug that afffects getting the badge?
  7. Hero 1's bio just mentions he's from London, so any could work there. The Lady Grey lives in Wimbledon according to the comic, but no more information than that.
  8. Outside of the technical difficulties of pet customization I'm gonna assume they'd stil want the primaries to represent what they actually are titled, so Robotics should still be robots and Mercs still some form of military looking unit. Being able to change the type would be good though, Robotics could have ones selected from Longbow, PPD, Malta, maybe Arachnos Spiderbots. Mercs could select from ones like PPD special forces, Malta, Arachnos Wolf Spiders, and the like. Plenty of mob/thug style groups exist already, and there's a few options for Necromancy and Demons too: from the Circle of Thorns (minion Hordeling Berserkers; lieutenant Hellfrost Lord & Behemoth Master; and then the giant Behemoth Overlord for example) and the Banished Pantheon and Zombie zone invasion mobs could probably be made to work for Necro.
  9. Would be great as alternate to the look of granite armor too.
  10. Once you hit level 50, you keep earning xp for "Veteran Levels".
  11. While I'd love a raccoon themed MM primary, I'm more surprised there hasn't been a kitty cat one yet. Imagine all the crazy cat ladies.
  12. How about 'Looking Through the Glass' (levels 20-29) from Special Agent Jenni Adair? It has you stopping Protean from unleashing an invasion upon Paragon City. The badge you get at the end is Singular Vision: "You've prevented Protean from carrying out his plot for a Praetorian invasion, but not without a heavy cost - the death of your alternate self."
  13. Marcus Cole (Tyrant included) shouldn't come back, no. That doesn't preclude someone else taking up the job, either as "Statesman" or their own hero identity. Ms Liberty would probably be the obvious choice for either case.
  14. Would be nice to have a few spear options.
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