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Everything posted by reconfigureyourface

  1. Sadly I have an idea of who that is/was. I am sorry that happened!
  2. Can we also agree RP bartenders need to have a thick skin and not block people? Cuz that def screws with RP. K? K 🙂
  3. I just saw this reply. Thank you! looking at this in mids has made me go from entirely lost to "I think I know where I am headed" 👍
  4. I am regretting ever posting this. My SUGGESTION... god forbid I have one and people agree. Can I get a thread lock please?
  5. Unfortunately I cannot get that video/sound you posted. Otherwise i will absolutely do this.
  6. You're right. I guess these few mixed drinks I had let me fall to the troll trap. My apologies. BACK ON TOPIC: My personal super power IRL is drinking coffee and even I don't drink as often as her.
  7. See his 3rd reply? Get real man, He has come in to troll and I knew it.
  8. Or maybe I spend a lot of time in Pocket D so it is convenient? Maybe I don't give a damn what you have to say at this point? If you don't like it, piss off man. There are options on forums other than coming in and starting arguments. Thanks!
  9. Uhhh if I am using her to train, kinda can't
  10. it's not OK, it's annoying
  11. Can we PLEASE either make the interval between her drinks further apart or just change her animation and sound from drinking completely? JESUS.... 😛
  12. These were rebalances... which means it was making other builds more viable to be picked... had nothing to do with making the game a faceroll.
  13. Good news, the bug where the top color pallet in base build was cut off is now fixed with this patch 😄 Thanks for the work guys. Now if you could get some more costumes going, not just patterns 😛 I would be one very spoiled brat
  14. Indeed I have, it is nulled. Just snaps back to the regular size.
  15. Correct indeed... it just means no to a dumb idea
  16. Anyone else experiencing this menu bug when trying to tint base items? Top one is only showing half and there is no slide or amount of middle mouse button scroll that will give you the full pallet.
  17. Mind blowing data... 😂🤷‍♂️
  18. There is also one in Pocket D, she is in the Tiki Bar just to the right of the truck Null the Gull is on over on Red Side, Trina the Body Sculptress
  19. Bravo team... I clicked the OG Homecoming and my guy was a teal spectrum looking blob... exited, clicked 64 bit client and all is right in the world. Thanks for all your hard work guys!
  20. It is described as in the US... Man, maybe go read the paragon wiki and flesh out this idea? Then, I'll gladly RP with you about it.
  21. Followed instructions to install original PC and MoreMaps4U... no change 😞
  22. Jan 4th, 2020 is end of life last I heard, same date as Windows 8. So realistically you have until June 2020 before it becomes a huge problem unless some god tier hacker makes a super virus in those 6 months.
  23. Except the game already has registration. The FBSA is what you're describing via Civil War, just Civil War had a more... violent introduction. So do you want the RP in the past? Do you want to be part of a present day resistance?
  24. Thanks for this info! As far as what I like in Willpower, I have no clue 😂 I guess I am about to find out.
  25. Is there any anticipated date for when this might roll out from beta to the main shards? Obviously testing is unpredictable but I am just curious if you had a target date in mind. Thenew base items in beta made me decide to put the rest of my base on hold 😄
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