He's prob been busy with all his movie deals...
1.Baban Baban Ban Vampire (2025)
2.Sinners (2025)
3.The Night Time World (2025)
4.Abigail (2024)
5.Bloody Bridget (2024)
6.Bogieville (2024)
7.Drained (2024)
8.Nosferatu (2024)
Just one for me just one...got it on all servers I play on 'cept my main server. I actually have the name friended on every alt I have made, and it's been gray ever since I joined, and I tried to get it. Soooooo I'll take the 50/50 40/60 30/70...chance I can get it 😄
Well I play CoH on my lazy boy with the keyboard on my lap and the tower at the side with my 75 inch TV in front of me soooo I use one of those armchair caddys with yes a mouse pad on it.