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  1. The way I do it is to goto Options>Keymapping then change each Select Teammate X to the appropriate number pad key, instead of using the default that uses the Shift key. I then bind Numpad0 to Heal Other and Clear Mind to Numpad9. Healing Aura is in the number 1 position in Tray 1 so I use the 1 key from the top keyboard. Still two keypresses but works well enough for me.
  2. Donated. Thank you again, HC team.
  3. Finally got a donation in. Thank you for all your hard work, HC Team!
  4. I would like to add that the leader not assume the person knows the TF as well and actually lead not just form the team which some people equate to leading.
  5. Nope, no cel shading turn on.
  6. I've tried twice now to add an Tech enhancement table in my base and both times it has locked up City of Heroes and my computer until I kill the task. This is the only item I've tried. Had my friend who is my SG perform the action and he was able to do it no problem.
  7. Probably not a small thing but it would be fun to buy small inspirations from vending machines, even inside missions.
  8. Surgical Strike, a Street Just/Bio Armor Stalker. Felt lucky to get that name. My just for fun and love of the show My Name is Earl, HeyCrabMan, an Arachnos soldier.
  9. Huh, I was by myself on the last day of ToT and the EBs did focus on me solely instead of my robots. Every single one of them. I don't spam attacks either since my End goes down quick when I do. I was fine with the mummy by hovering and he only got my health down to half one time but I never had to summon Maintenance Drone since he never attacked them. Same happened with my mercenaries/traps. I didn't think much of the behavior when i can make them dance around caltrops as my guys whittle them down. Playing in a league they got pulled off of me all the time. I survived solo-wise with all my MMs. Not saying anything either way but that was my experience. /shrug Anyways, I loved all the new EBs. Whoever designed them did an awesome job and they were a nice surprise this season.
  10. Yep, I was trying to click doors this morning then realized it was the 1st. Glad I was able to do Banners a few time this season. They were fun.
  11. Yep, from the referenced thread: Ok, so I just need to keep moving and can't pause too long. Bummer.
  12. I don't know if something has changed with mobs but CoT and Lost were able to see me when I stood too close and too long with Cloaking Device and Super Speed on. I pick up Stealth and SS on a lot of characters and I'm not used to any mobs seeing me except high level or high perception like Rikti drones or Knives. Should I switch to Stealth or maybe I'm just used to zooming through a map, rarely pausing long enough for anything to detect me? It just felt off for this to happen after playing for years.
  13. And Electric is even more fun when you have another Elec on the team. You are taking all except AVs down to zero endurance and at that point, your blaster does extra damage. I never knew that mechanic existed.
  14. Absolutely love my Beam Rifle/Devices. He is one of my best characters and puts out great damage. In fact, I liked him so much I decided to try to pair something else with Devices that being Electric. He is already 50 within a couple weeks. Usually, with my playstyle and time constraints it easily takes twice as long.
  15. Donated. Thank you, Homecoming Team!
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