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Everything posted by Widower

  1. We're aware of the issue and will let you know what to do as soon as there's something to do.
  2. Highly variable. In theory Atlas (and Kallisti) can hold up to 200, and other zones 100, but because of a memory leak in mapserver, a map instance will more likely cap out once it's consumed 1.8 GB of RAM, which can happen at any population.
  3. 8/2/19 Update: The maintenance is concluded; play ye now in peace.
  4. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it, and Mr. User is apparently well-qualified.
  5. Well, it is true, four GMs have responded here and are actively trying to understand what Mr. User is asking. Mind you, we're just GMs, we don't set economic policy, and I'm the only one of us who was even in the room when the market was seeded. We're not really looking at major policy changes, here, unless Mr. User really convinces me and I send it to Jimmy.
  6. He means WoW Classic, I imagine. Since the core CoH population has always been rather disdainful of WoW, I'd guess "not much, if at all".
  7. Well, no. We don't care how you flesh out your builds, exactly. We do care about providing people with multiple ways to do so, and we also care about limiting the endemic market PvP from live Beyond that, the economy is going where it's going - hang on for the ride. For your edification, I'll also tell you that we didn't set the rates for salvage. Those were devised by Leo and his GMs years ago in order to limit market PvP and let people focus on playing the actual game to build their characters rather than the market.
  8. In Tequila, click the options button, then type -uiskin 2 into launch parameters.
  9. Usually, zones aren't actually full, they're draining. There's a memory leak in mapserver instances once they've eaten up about 2 GB of RAM, so to prevent this we close off the map at 1.8 GB. It doesn't open back up.
  10. Regrettably, you are correct. It's been a busy month behind the scenes, but we hope to get back to doing events Soon™.
  11. If I'm correct, this is just the standard respec glitch... try relogging and hopefully that will bring back slotted enhancements.
  12. I would note that we're not really in the business of limiting options or significantly changing how the game works to appease a subset of the population. Also, I feel reasonably certain that your idea isn't actually possible; presumably the SG cap checks every character in the character db and doesn't check the auth db, which it would need to, since handles don't exist outside the chatserver. Rewriting the code in such a way would presumably be a horrific pain, and there are many other things our coders would rather spend their time on that would improve the experience for everyone rather than cause a riot. So, no, we're not going to set up joining SGs by account.
  13. Until the situation gets settled, I'd say General Discussion is fine so long as CoH stuff doesn't get crowded out.
  14. Yes, I was there, you know. ☺️ I asked about a generic "off topic" forum some weeks ago, and it got vetoed.
  15. And if you do, perhaps we should call it Comic and Hero/Villain Culture?
  16. I believe there are plans for red and goldside themes, we just want to get the blueside theme in a state everyone is more-or-less happy with first.
  17. Part of your issue, I imagine, is that PMs here are stored as mini-threads. Because of the comically barebones way SMF handles PMs, every PM you had there is now an individual mini-thread. I suppose I'd suggest going through and seeing if you have any quote chains and deleting some of the excess there. When Cipher rises from his slumber, I imagine he'll look into it - a lot of the issues with limits are just default settings we didn't change.
  18. There are database issues with raising the cap. Apparently, even the raise Paragon did up to 150 very nearly broke things, so it's not particularly likely anytime soon.
  19. There were some unforeseen issues, but regardless of what the future holds, we're no longer planning to return to SMF now or in the future.
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