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Everything posted by Widower

  1. Resistance count as Heroes, Loyalists count as Villains. The total numbers include people in the character creator, hence why the figures don't add up.
  2. And you're sure you made a game account here?
  3. It is my understanding that Powerset Salad was tried in the early days of the secret server, and was found lacking. I strongly doubt it will ever make its way back into the game.
  4. This topic has been moved to Suggestions & Feedback. [iurl]https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php?topic=4847.0[/iurl]
  5. Did you make a game account here? If no, do that. If yes, let me investigate and get back to you.
  6. Well, this... discussion has taken a turn. I think it's best for everyone that it end.
  7. Doubt Arcana at your own risk. The Homecoming team takes no responsibility for any brain-melting that might occur as a result of doubting Arcana.
  8. I will say, though, that this is not the most bizarre theory I've heard about the shutdown... just the least plausible.
  9. Well, they will be spawned from the finest popmenus the team has to offer, and probably won't cause too many crashes. So, maybe?
  10. I feel inclined at this point that this thread has a topic and arguing about philosophy and logic is not part of it. If you must continue, I will be forced to lock the thread. (Also, lay off on the ad hominems.)
  11. I agree, who really cares about Damage Meters, plus certain Blasters have some serious AoE output with their last ability. WoW was once a great game but Blizzard ran it into the ground with putting in Damage meters and other junk that was not needed. Blizzard didn't make the damage meters, the players did. In a similar fashion, I would think that we won't make damage meters ourselves, but rather you the players will. Indeed, I believe one of the good people at 4chan is working on one already.
  12. You (and anyone else who made an account in the past two weeks) should be able to get in to Justin tomorrow.
  13. This error should be resolved now. Let us know if it's not.
  14. Did you make a game account here? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/board,1.0.html
  15. Okay, this thread is going nowhere fast. We'll consider your request, OP; it's a valid and reasonable one.
  16. I will give this thread a chance, since it's a perfectly valid question, but don't be a jerk. (And for the record, I main redside and I'm a perfectly polite, well-adjusted person.)
  17. With respect to GM Widower, that's not accurate. Aggro limits are currently global. They're also "currently" at 17 (more or less). Changing it globally might (probably would be) simpler. Changing it for one archetype -- or for that matter, only for Huge bodies, or only for characters with the string "pe" in their names -- is still reasonably possible. But if we were to go back to the alternative utility ideas back in the other thread I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken... I'm just quoting what I've been told by Leo. I've sent your post to him so he can consider and/or demolish it. Locking this one, go back to the other one...
  18. The aggro cap is global, it can't be raised for only one AT. Either it goes up for everyone, or it doesn't at all.
  19. I think straight up removing it would have to come with some other downside. The thing we want to avoid is it becoming a "just set it on auto and forget about it" power, as that runs counter to the intent of both the original design and Castle's redesign of it. Even removing the damage penalty (due to the mentioned smashing resist issues) isn't out of the question if we can come up with some kind of alternative mechanic. It is again appropriate to quote the mighty Six, who knows many things. (But yeah, the bug fix is here to stay.)
  20. I believe we've handled this one, but for future reference, https://support.homecomingservers.com/.
  21. Matt Miller, is that you? What have you done with Leandro? Leo is a troll sometimes. Yes.
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