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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. Got new computer today. Runs on ULTRA mode! Decided to crash into an MSR. Old computer netted me anywhere from 2 to 6 FPS in the bowl during a raid. Here is screenies of the new computer, in the bowl during a raid. in case you cannot see that tiny little FPS meter at the top: Thats right, 49 FPS IN THE BOWL AT A RAID! WHAAAAAT!??!? It would occasionally dip down to about 33 but mostly it stayed above 40 at all times. I think I am in LOVE! ❤️
  2. Nope....there is no way to move bases between shards. Just make it on your home shard and make the entry room all function...then work on the rest of it as you have time and make the last thing you do be making the elaborate part accessible.
  3. I think the 'added reward' is already present in the form of xp, inf and drops. I don't really see the need for more additional rewards but it is entirely possible I am not seeing the whole picture, or I am not seeing what you see as a problem.
  4. *peeks in larder* Um.... *finds empty gum wrapper, three shoelaces and a can of spam that, according to the stamp, expired circa 1987* I don't even chew gum!
  5. Welcome home, hero!
  6. Aren't we all 😛
  7. Tilts at Windmills, electric/storm corruptor, at your service. 😁
  8. They are like 5 or 6 missions....not long at all. Doing one patron arc opens all the choices for all the patrons.
  9. Welcome home, hero. Come on in, the water is fine! To help reduce lagginess, I upgraded from hotspot connection to actual, honest to goodness, Wi-Fi. Also closing background tasks helps. Check your install is in the right path (not a folder windows futzes with) and that you are whitelisted through firewall and antivirus software. All the servers are located in Canada except Reunion, which is in Germany, so finding one closer to you may improve lag as well. Shard transfers are free, you get refilled to 5 every 3 days, so you can maybe move around and balance server location with population load to even out lag. Lots of QoL improvements so have fun and welcome to your new addiction!
  10. Did you transfer that toon between shards? There is a known bug that transfers seem to break LRT.
  11. Are you sure you bought recipes and not the actual enhancements? People have made that mistake, and the reverse, many times.
  12. I have pretty much remapped my entire keyboard. When I returned to HC I had to relearn how to make binds...then relearn what key does what. It works for me because its quite intuitive to the way my brain functions. Now, other peoples brains work differently so my keybinds would be a huge WTF to them. I think trying to create one set of keyboard controls for every person on the planet is just a bad idea, so CoH got it right in allowing the level of customization we can achieve.
  13. You just don't wanna lead 😛
  14. Gonna miss Fraulein too 😞
  15. My computer is a bit of a toaster, and I noticed no change. Even had my graphics options tab open, saw no difference. I already have it set fairly low to work with my machine so maybe thats why.
  16. Awww we will miss ya Rich! Haven't seen ya all week, hope all is well.
  17. @Techwright Will that run CoH and the Sims 4? Cuz I can afford that 😁
  18. I am hoping for a new laptop for Christmas pressie from my parents 😁
  19. Each multibox counts as a player...the spare you see are goldsiders as well as folks in character creator...mostly character creator 😁
  20. I have more merits than pennies.
  21. OK, it just being a physical problem is excellent until it obstructs my entire screen....this laptop is um, well it doesn't have a lot of ports and i don't really have a place to set a separate monitor, plus the keyboard has issues with melted and sticky keys so prolly time to start saving my pennies for a new one. As for what Trademark said about I7 and ghz, I don't even remember where to find that info. Thanks for the info folks!
  22. Mods...if this is the wrong place, feel free to move to wherever you see fit, I put this here because this is the forum I frequent the most and I know there are lots of techy folks here. A few days ago, a black line appeared on my screen behind the LCD (squishy stuff). It has stretched to halfway across the screen now. A: Is my computer dying? 2: Is there anything I can do to repair this with minimal financial input? 3: Should I just buy a new laptop since this one is from 2014, almost 7 yrs old, and already performs like a toaster and I would love to dual box more reliably and other such fun stuffs. Thanks!
  23. *gasp* What have you been doing? And why didnt you invite me? 😛
  24. It actually turns inf into xp so the actual math would be a reduction in the inf by the amount you bought. Since not all enemies give equal xp and inf the whole 2xp thing is kinda a misnomer.
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