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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. I see talk talking about khelds but missed the schedule...I have a rocking human form PB I can bring whenever that is...lemme see if I can find the schedule and reserve that date weeeee
  2. Yes, well. Some is excellent some is sucky but hey its life, just super busy for a while.
  3. Life just went overboard on crazy and I may not make many theme teams in the next couple months. Hopefully, by June, things will slow down a bit for me and I can definitely return! You may see me hit and miss until then, but I just don't make any guarantees! Ya'll have fun!
  4. I was always disappointed that villains and heroes were relegated to their own worlds. Seems to be that villains should rightfully be trying to break stuff over in Paragon while the heroes are righting wrongs in the Rogue Isles. Or better yet, everyone do everything everywhere. I'm not advocated free world PvP, but I do think the two sides should be integrated better. On the PvP note, I was somewhat disappointed when CoV came out and I kinda thought when you do a bank job, you'd be fighting an actual hero, someone from the game. I thought it was going to be a fun little queued system to have minor PvP, the robbing, or saving, of the bank not a guaranteed outcome. I am not, never have been, a PvPer, but I always thought that'd be cool. But yeah, definitely let the villains into Paragon to work on their dastardly deeds and the heroes cleaning up the Rogue Isles. Never made sense to me that the villains were relegated to the Isles when there is plenty of crime to be done in Paragon City!
  5. Yep. And if I don't get that feeling when picking them up after a while, I tend to delete them LOL
  6. Its always a dance party! Ya'll are great fun! I had a blast this morning but seriously need to get that toon a decent build.
  7. I can't believe that over on Everlasting I just picked up the name Flee. Honestly thought it'd be taken!
  8. Okay, Sinnocence will join ya'll for Posi 1 & 2, she took the bunny theme too far, but thats just how she rolls! See ya'll in Steel! She's elec/elec scrapper.
  9. My SG on everlasting has an event tonight which will keep me up late so I will be shit tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can jump back in next week.
  10. Couple months ago I heard a civilian say no I am not Ascendant you have the wrong number so yeah its still there!
  11. I do love color! Yes, palettes from the game would be easier to match, but ya know, the variations as different people tried to match the off-palette was interesting too! *logs in on computer to see the signature linky*
  12. USE ALL THE COLORS! Muahahaha!
  13. Okay, indigo is hard to make in this game but JMP is outfitted and parked on top of the train in KW!
  14. 90% of my gals are 5'5''. A couple are taller, for concept, and a few are smaller, again for concept.
  15. For the market crash next week sign me up with JaqMacPratt my peacebringer...and I will take indigo!
  16. There would be in-fighting.
  17. I believe Miss Tell, a fire/fire dom, will make an appearance next week. See ya'll at Citadel!
  18. I play my toon with common IOs. Or empty. Even if I PL to skip a few levels I make sure to have plenty of playtime to see how the powers work and what I like or dont like. Also to note holes. At 50, I will open mids and start a basic build. I have standard slotting I use for stamina and health, then start adding slots to other things focusing on their strong suit. Once all slots are placed I switch to totals so I can see the numbers and I start filling the slots. I usually give the most slots to defence or healing or whatever their strength is. I look for set bonuses to fill the holes I found while playing. Once done with build in mids, I spend way too much time carefully buying the enh from AH and usually manage to screw it up somehow.
  19. Don't judge me! 😛
  20. targetcustomnext alive Mito That should be all you need. I use it for quants and sappers. You don't need the whole name.
  21. What you are missing is that the costume contests advertised on the admin channel are run by the HC staff, devs and GMs. The ones run daily on the shards that you are talking about are not organized by HC staff. (Edit forgot to add they are run once a month...imagine how annoying it would be if all your daily community events were spammed on all your tabs daily)
  22. Saw MOTD say guns. I'll bring DP/mc blaster, T. Jones. She needs a workout! So excited to join ya'll next time!
  23. Alas...no archers.
  24. Argh, mateys! lotta orangy piratey stuffs! Hope ya'll had a blast!
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