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Shred Monkey

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About Shred Monkey

  • Birthday August 29

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  1. The problem here is that dead people don't get the benefits of vengeance. If they did, any self respecting blaster would happily die and wait for the buff. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can always trust people to act in their own self interest.
  2. Brutes are especially good at low level content since you don't have enough slots to enhance for damage... brutes do really good damage without enhancements. I'd especially look at Martial Arts for the +defense bonus. Also, I'd pick up Air Superiority and slot for recharge in whatever you pick. This power allows you to knock down a single target permanently.... which is very very helpful when soloing at low levels. (I use this attack on almost every toon I make for the first 15-25 levels.)
  3. This is a little known story among art historions about a brilliant forger who created a copy based on a photograph taken using a selfie camera with the mirror image turned on. Truly a masterpiece work made by a complete idiot.
  4. Cones with +range are nasty nasty things. I highly recommend abusing this option when possible.
  5. I'm not sure, but I'm confident that the answer is not "a toilet."
  6. I'm pretty sure it's an original score that's intended to sound like something you would hear in a newscast about superhero activity.
  7. Along with the "there's no best choice, choose what you want to do" comments I'll add this personal view... (and again, it's not an absolute in all cases fact). I would play dominator if I was focused on solo play because I can do good single target damage and use my controls on the few targets I'm not directly attacking. I would play controllers on teams where I'm contributing buffs to my teammates or debuffs in large spawns, while using bigger AoE controls to keep my teammates safe. Again, both options play just fine and can be fun in all situations, but that's a personal view that may help you decide.
  8. I play this way, although mostly solo because I like to go slow enough to read the stories and also stop to update and play around with my build as I level up. I still go all the way up through the endgame. But I have way fewer alts then I suspect most players because i never farm and I am not in a particular hurry to level up. In fact I have a few alts frozen at level 25 and another at 40 with the intention of just playing those toons at that level because they're fun that way.
  9. How dare he play the way he wants and enjoy it. None of that should be happening here. This is important work we're doing here.
  10. Before the concealment pool update, there were 3 powers that took LoTG sets, one of which was useful (Stealth), the other 2 were mules (grant invis and improved invis). At that time, most of my builds were tight enough that I generally used Ninja Run and skipped travel powers. With the change to remove improved invisibility and add Infiltration the needed to keep 3 powers that took LoTGs. Furthermore they made one more power useful. I can now drop Ninja Run and use Infiltration as my travel power. This is much better because, unlike Ninja Run, Infiltration can be slotted with enhancements to improve my run/jump speed and endurance use in the event I want to keep it on in combat. Also, for the record, being hidden is pretty useless in today's game. Yes you can stealth missions. But no, there's no real benefit in being able to stealth missions.
  11. I started making monkey characters because I discovered early on that playing the game on super short toons makes it more exciting. Everything looks big from that perspective, but you feel like a super fast ball of chaotic energy.
  12. Lots of good ones listed. I'm a fan of the Underground ITrial map. Also, I want to give accolades to the original sewers maps. We probably don't think much of them because they're so common, but they were really well done for creating a modern day urban dungeon crawl.
  13. Everyone's focusing on the penalty part of the OP. But in reality that's already covered. If you leave before the missions over, you don't get the mission completion bonus. However, I do agree with the sentiment of the OP in that you should say something before dropping. Just to be polite. Furthermore, say hello when joining a team. And while you're at it maybe try making at least other socially acceptable comment in each mission. Then respond to 2 other peoples' comments with an "LoL" or a "good one." Look at you now. You're already interacting with people who share a common interest. You keep this up and before you know it, you might find yourself with some decent friends.
  14. Agree... dark armor, change colors to yellowish greens. Also you can use the cloud aura while traveling, and possibly that insect aura.
  15. This is me. And I do wish I was still connected more strongly to a group of regular players, although I don't mine PUGing every time I play. Plus, it took me a really long time to get my enhancement storage locker wall set up right.
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