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Everything posted by Olly

  1. Ok. I did some research and I *might* have an answer!! This would be VERY exciting if it works. Because if it works, it will work for ALL the hi-res icons you've created. Ofc it is a client-side mod so not visible to teammates and others. I can't test at the moment so it will be highly appreciated if someone is able to. SUMMARY: You need to convert the files into .DDS and then into .TEXTURE files. Then add the files to the correct client-side data folder. 1. Convert to .DDS files: use Photoshop or similar (likely GIMP freeware will work too) 2. Convert to .TEXTURE files: According to Google, and this forum post, .TEXTURE files are just .DDS files with some proprietary CoH data on the header. I *assume* to make a .TEXTURE file, you just add those data bits into the .DDS file using a Hex Editor. This guy posted custom cursors, so maybe grab his .TEXTURE files and copy the headers from them. 3. Add the files to your CoH folders: The directory locations should be as follows. This is based on looking at the structure of the PIGG files: - Inspirations: \[TequilaCoH]\data\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Inspirations - Powers: \[TequilaCoH]\data\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Inspirations if this works, would request you add the instructions to your OP. Would love hi-res inspirations! Because in-game they are not the same res as all the other icons and look fuzzy using the display I'm using.
  2. If the goal is the shortest defeat all time, isn't the most efficient (and generally most fun) team tactic to herd? That if there's a tank, that tank (or other AT) holds aggro. The stalkers/brutes/blasters can run ahead and chew on mobs and/or bring them back. Though if more than 1 person does that, it becomes less efficient and less fun, right? Which is why I don't understand when 2+ players run ahead and zerg around pulling the support members in multiple directions. I don't think that sort of team behaviour should be accepted as "optimal". Of course there are exceptions -- council cave maps being one that comes to mind. Personally, if I"m playing support I'll stick by the tankiest player. And if I'm playing a scrap or brute, I'll run ahead a bit and gather/kill mobs for the team. If someone else is doing that, then I'll effectively duo with them instead of running off in a third direction. It confuses me when players run ahead and they're not capable of surviving a mob; effectively forcing their pace on the entire team to keep them alive.
  3. What about the Ageless Destiny Incarnate power?
  4. Is there a thread for instructions on how to change your game data folder for these? Also, is there an Inspirations pack?
  5. Stupid question : As far as I can understand, the point of this change is to make tank AT's competitive to brute AT's. What else is the point of this change? I'm not trying to be snarky -- I get this is a big deal for most people. But I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
  6. Ok thanks. I dropped my graphic settings down from Ultra one level to "Quality". That took 8 - 9 C off my GPU temps.
  7. How bad is it if the game takes up 1.41 gb of memory? Would also appreciate any other tips as my gpu temp has increased a lot since the last Win 10 update when running CoH (Homecoming.exe)
  8. Three issues for me personally: (1) I would hate to play these over-sized characters in indoor maps. Looking like I'm constantly about to hit my head on something is definitely going to change my experience. (2) I would hate to be in a team with one of these oversized characters in an indoor map. Being behind one would be like watching a concert I paid good money for while a 12-ft. tall, 300-lb. person is in front of me. And god forbid there are *more than one* in a team. I will quit the team outright if that player also happens to be a mastermind with pets. Nothing personal, but this is my game experience. (3) I'm not sure if you'll run into problems with clipping for all the various costume pieces designed. If so, that severely limits what people can style their 12-ft. character as. Which severely limits the benefits of having this function made live. As for PVP. I did have a weird experience in Live where my very small character was accidentally much harder to kill because of their size. So yes, I have personal experience that this can be problematic.
  9. I'm not a power base builder like the others. But, here's a pic of my perpetually work-in-progress Island Villa. I posted some more images on Imgur here for anyone interested.
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