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Some specific tactics that worked well for my scrap: (1) using black wand with stealth on (Celerity unique in sprint) to tag BS, take him solo, and then mako, scir, and GW, in that order. (2) at least 75% defense on GW at all times so her holds and heals dont hit. She leeches, so if she misses, she won't heal. No pets on her. Manticore summon if you want. (3) I respec'd to caltrops for my scrapper so that I could spam it while taking down towers. The one thing you can do is take a tower down to 55%, then refill your insps and buffs. Then take down the rest of the tower with a full kit. Manti is again helpful here, as he can stay ranged and mostly keep out of the way. I used Seer Lore for the red tower as one of them is unkillable. (4) Used the end drain resist buff from SG base and kept 2 large blue insps on me just in case LR hit me with end drain. I was purely ground-based. Once red tower was down, it was pretty smooth sailing, with pauses in between to deal with the flyer, as I took a while.
Finally did it on my TW/Bio scrap. The first four missions took 1-2 hrs. Last mission took me 3+ hrs. No kiting, straight up killed LR in the little alcove in the center. No way I'd do it without temp powers, though. Let me know if you want the details and I will post the strat I used. I won't be going back to try the 1:25 speedrun for a long time.
I think Ill/rad should still work well, because of all the Incarnate and P2W buffs we have access to. The Incarnate bonuses can either up your damage or get you perma-PA. So it might be worth it to look at builds that focus getting you the complementary buff. I haven't run the numbers though, this is just from "feel". But certain mechanics will be more challenging than in other builds. Nictus in ITF, AV's that fly; AV's that regen off Phantasm, and maybe other mechanics. Duo, however, is another story. I think a good Ill/rad more than other AT's should make all content more viable, and really brings a lot to the table. Just, er, maybe don't duo with another ill/rad. Again, just based on my experience with mechanics and have not run numbers.
Here's something I use on my Dom. The powexec_location command is really nice. /macro_image "UnifiedPeoplesArmy_Infiltrator_TargetingDataAcquired" "D.Field" "powexec_location target Distortion_Field" I think you can just adjust it by adding "$$ powexec_name Domination" in the third part, as shown in the 2nd link. Here is a link to the doc with macro image icons and names. Here is a link to more /macro_image info on another post. If you want more info, you can try searching /macro_image or /powexec_location On further reading, I don't think you can execute two powers using the same macro. You'll need a keybind and .txt file to do that. You might want to start a new Dom topic
Thanks @VV, but BTW I also mentioned my Brute and Stalker experiences; both of which are Redside AT's. Having said that, I've felt a similar lack of AT identity with Corruptors as I do with Doms, and probably stay away from the Sentinel AT for the same reason. I'll try changing my IO sets to lean harder on controls and focus on ST damage. That might give my Dom more identity.
I have a similar question about my Dark/Rad dom as the OP. How am I supposed to "feel"? When I'm on a blaster, I feel like a glass cannon*. When I'm on scrapper, I feel like a tough, bad-ass, well, er.. scrapper. My stalker feels slightly squishier, but definitely feels like a ninja-assassin (even if they're built like a brute). My brute feels like the irreverent younger brother of my tank. My controller is master of lock down, then ever so slowly** whittling enemies to death... My Dom feels like... ??? Wondering what I should be going for. I read the posts about walking in, locking down, then dispensing dps. Sadly, I don't feel my Dom gives me that feeling, even with IO sets. I feel like I sort of hold things down, and I sort of kill things, but not a flaming ball of "lock down, smash, all die". Do I need to invest in better IO's? But if so, what am I going for? Posting my build for reference. * - True except I use the Winter Sets so I feel a little sturdier since then. ** - damage rate depends on type.
Some other TF's: Khan (I read you need about 1000 dps to counter his elude? dull pain? some power that cycles every 6 minutes. Would love to know if anyone's gotten past the last boss. Sutter TF -- a little easier than Market Crash, but was challenging on account of the level restriction. Similarly, Mary McComber #10 in the Katie Hannon TF. But I did those two solo with no P2W buffs or temps, iirc, except Envenomed Daggers. On Market Crash, the robot has a debuff that stacks on you. You get enough stacks (2? 3?) and your def and res hit the floor. The tactic I used was running away towards the hosp to let the debuff wear off (he has a hard time climbing the cliff), then re-engaging him. He regens slow enough that this tactic works.
I managed Aeon without the ultimate insps by occasionally spamming the stun grenade and knockback temps from P2W store. All the P2W and SG base buffs, too. Also on TW/Bio. How did you take down the towers? I managed red and green (the two back ones), but could not take out the front ones on account of flier re-spawn.
Did it by using the Fire Mastery Epic Pool hold. It took... a long time.
I have to admit I don't quite understand exactly where I'm supposed to look, but I'll hang around the thread and keep an eye out for more info. Not a dev, so I really couldn't use it for anything except my personal learning. But man, is it fun!
@Progor and @Sif, thanks for this!! Question: I am interested in the powers.json, and specifically the "Boosts" (aka Enhancements) info. I see it's in @Progor's .json file in the following format: Does anyone know where and how to get the actual data, for example, for max level of each IO? I assume it's related to the "{Boost.Attrib.[SomeAttribute].Scale}%" I'd be happy to search for it myself but also happy to download a file in case it's already been parsed. Thank you again!!
@The Philotic Knight, correcting your statement. ** Not ** equating that python code in github to a "white paper". Also, what is wrong with that python code? The codebase had been stable since 2012-ish. Wouldn't someone be able to reuse 90% of it? And couldn't you reverse engineer it to get to the powerset and IO data you wanted, or at least 90% of it instead of crawling through manually? I'd think updating the python code would be a far easier task than reworking everything from scratch. I'd ask you be open-minded about this rather than rejecting the idea outright. Or also, why not use Mid's dataset? It's already on Github as a db. I'm curious.
I think you are expecting a lot for a commercial game that had its code leaked. Maybe calm down a bit? And not be so upset at the Homecoming devs who are trying to do their best while legal negotiations are taking place? Besides, you (and everyone else) has access to the i25 server files. The only thing they have that we don't are our character data and the Homecoming server customizations. You've already referenced the Ouro wiki, which has a ton of resources. I don't have programming experience but I can see quite a few resources that could easily be reverse-engineered to figure out how to make things work. Someone interested enough just has to learn it. The information is out. Specifically for the .bin files, I see there's already python code, something like "CoHTools" on GirHub: https://github.com/ovekaaven/cohtools I found that reading through what's in Ouro wiki, which you already seem to be aware of, but not digging deep enough into.
I think I saw someone named "Zero Kevin"... which is rather funny actually.
Ok, I had to look up my old Operations Research (OR) books because it was nagging me. Regardless of MMO definitions, mathematical programming is all about the minimization or maximization (min/max) of an objective function of many variables, subject to constraints on the variables. Linear programming (LP) which is a subset* of problems that mathematical programming tries to solve, means solving for an optimal solution given certain parameters. The components of an LP model are: Sets, like a set of products Parameters, like production and profit rates Variables, whose values we are trying to solve for Objectives, to be minimized or maximized Constraints, which the solution must satisfy You can see how this optimization appeals to certain player type in RPGs or MMOs. In CoH terms for example: you could maximize damage output (the objective), given the DPA (damage per attack) functions of each power, your AT bonuses, the enemy resistances, and impact of IO bonuses on DPA, your attack chain, etc (parameters). You are trying to solve for the defined list of IO's and attack chain (variables) that will maximize your damage output (the objective). Your constraints could be a limited number of IOs, a certain level of defense, resistances, and KB protection. Not entirely sure about what makes the set, but I think it is entire universe of IO's and their bonuses; and the universe of attacks that your AT can use. Please don't think min/max was invented by MMO or even RPG players. As someone said, it's older than that; and also much broader. And if people are going to apply it to MMO/RPG, it should be applied correctly. Even my initial response was wrong. * For linear functions, meaning there is a direct proportionality between the quantities of interest and their sums. Mathematically speaking, f(X) can be graphed as a continuous line or space. Non-LP problems are those that have gaps and spaces, and so are not continuous functions and can't be graphed as such. And sorry, that's as simple as I can get it to with my limited math knowledge.
+1 to @Hedgefund's definition. Maximize your desired output while minimizing your cost variables (aka constraints). In gaming terms, I've always seen it as maximizing some aspect of your character (usually DPS) given the gear constraints, i.e. number of slots, types of usable IO's, etc. If you want to be truly minimizing, you might also minimize the time or $ cost of the build.
I respec'd specifically for soloing the LGTF Hami, but not much changed. I took the fire epic pool and 6-slotted char for the hold. I used it as part of my solo non-AoE rotation with envenomed daggers. That was enough to get past the green mitos. It would look like nothing happened until the Hold mags finally stacked up enough, and the mito would just crumble. It was a *long* fight tho. For the ranged mitos, char, blackwand, envenomed dagger, (possibly some other ghetto temp powers) and the void judgement were enough to kill them.
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The cleanest way to do this is [at-cost + % markup]. The problem is, there's no mechanism in-game for someone to easily be transparent about the cost of the item. Even then, I'm not sure you would find someone willing to spend the time if you're looking at 10-15% margins. I'd say you'd need at least ~50% margins before it becomes appealing enough. (But you'd be right back to the problem of transparency.) You might even farm out the kitting to multiple players for one build.
Just to clarify what I think Outrider is saying is to keep all small insps and convert non-reds. That will get you a decent amount of reds. But note that blocking insps means exactly that -- the blocked insps won't be turned into small insps. So don't get surprised if you get less insps in total when you block insps.
Here is my fire/fire group build. This build is full-out dps and recharge (perma-hasten without Incarnates), with not much care for defense. The only thing I'd change is slotting super speed instead of using super jump. SS+CJ is more than enough and rather fun, actually. Attack is: BU+Aim -> Inferno (~30s sec cd) -> all dead or clean up with blaze + flares. If Inferno is on CD: BU+Aim -> Fire Breath, Fireball + jump in mob, Fire Sword Circle -> clean up with blaze+flares and/or fireball. I use Hot Feet on my fire/ice blaster, but have not found it useful for this fire/fire build. Someone else went for the defense / Solo TF route, and iirc those had winter sets and they had diff epic powers. Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build!
Oof that was one hell of a solo TF... I managed to take Romy down by taking out the autohit nictus then whomping Romy. There was a ton of time in figuring out which fluffy it was. Because... only one chance to guess before they all get jumbled.. then the accidental click on Romy and the damn thing has healed. I assume it's the one that spawns the adds, because killing the other two first didn't help as much. The other nice thing about hitting the nictus first was that Romy doesn't summon the traitor adds. (or at least not as much) Taking Romy on top of the roof didn't help much -- he summoned traitors that ran down from the hills... and forced me to retreat, re-stock, kill the adds, and then kill Romy all over again. I added two Force Feedback +rchrg procs, though, and that helped a bunch. My insps ended up being all over the place. For Romy, I did 4 greens, 8 purples, and rest red. I don't recall what I used for the nictus. I'm guessing it's due to Bio having decent heals and shields, but needing some extra dps. I found keeping defense above 60-70%-ish was optimal until Romy ate the 2nd nictus. He would occasionally hit me with a debuff that would take about 10% of my defense away before that. Incarnates were T3 Cryogenic, Seer, Degenerative, Barrier. T4 Agility and Assault Radial. I think regardless of build, the key points for me were killing the autohit add-spawning nictus first and 60-70% defense. And watching the defense numbers if it dropped below that. Then enough dps and regen debuffs to take everything down. Enough heals or mitigation .. not sure of the numbers though. Thanks to everyone who responded to my OP, it really helped.
Thanks all, that helped a bunch. I still haven't managed to beat him but I think I have a path to it.
I don't know what scrapper rules are. Just want to get it done. My defense is 37% melee, 49% smashing, 42% energy on a Titan/Bio build. Resists are at 57% smashing/lethal, 7% energy. I don't have as much to-hit debuffs as much as DM scraps do, iirc how DM plays. My lore is Longbow -- should I get Seers instead?
Hi all. Has anyone solo'd Romy on a scrap on +4/+8, AV= yes? I managed to get to the last boss but the nictii damage is far too much for me to take down Romy's regen. Hints and tips would be much appreciated. I managed it on a ranged alt by kiting, but melee is literally killing me.
Ok I managed to test one icon. It was disappointing as I realized "hi-res" means 100x100 pixels which I then had to downscale to 32x32 to make it visible in the client. Which then meant it looked... low-res. (I also tried 64 x 64 but that didn't work either.) The preceding method I noted worked. I used Gimp + DDS plugin (graphic file conversion), hXD (hex editor), and PiggViewer Pro (to get the proper file name and folder location). Your PNG icon was scaled to 32 x 32 pixels, and exported as a .DDS file using default Gimp settings. Using PiggViewer, I exported the original CoH .texture file (in this case "FireBlast_Inferno.texture". Using HxD, I copied the header information and inserted it into the new .DDS file. Then placed the new .DDS file into the CoH data folder (in this case, ..\data\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Powers) and renamed it as "FireBlast_Inferno.texture". The results aren't making me jump up and down for joy. Attached is what your "Inferno" icon looks like on the client. But at least now I know.