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Everything posted by Olly

  1. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/74-forum/
  2. How do you manage to get the beacon names to sort? Specifically, I want Perez, RWZ, Striga, and TV in alphabetical order but they insist on going: Perez, TV, Striga, RWZ...
  3. As I mentioned in my previous post, solo playability is great! It's even manageable exemplar'd solo. It has its own niche IMO.
  4. The game started at 50 for my TW, and so far it's got the best feel for soloing. The key for me was to get the rotation fast enough to essentially have perma-momentum. It is a solo beast. It's tanked an STF, and I managed to solo Khan with it (among other things). It's far more fun right now for me to solo it vs. the ill/rad I'm working on. To be fair, I haven't put as much effort into my ill/rad just yet -- which just solo'd the TV Rikti respec. It is horrible for nearly all group content, though. Only places I'd take it would be ITF or STF/MLTF. I have other alts made for team content. RE: end problems: a non-issue once you run ageless or similar incarnate ability
  5. Can confirm both the tp and super speed tricks. I found the closest you can get is a little bit in front of the furthest 5th column soldier (facing Rommy platform, straight on, going down from the cliffs). From here super speed sometimes works, and tp def works (I used Jaunt from the experimental pool).
  6. Ill/time is nice, especially with the Experimentation pool if you can fit it in. I rank it a slight tier lower than Ill/rad and Ill/traps which are solo beasts. You won't have trouble soloing regular content, and unless you're hardcore you won't miss much. To add to the financial advice: on Homecoming, all enhancements on AH are "pooled". That is, if you sell a lvl 30 enh, and there is a buyer for a level 50 enh, your enh in AH will be converted and sold as a level 50 enh to that buyer. So you can make decent money crafting recipes and selling lower-level enhs for level 50 prices. The grind depends on how long you think "grindy" is, and whether you start hero or villain side. You can pug the DFA/DFB trials and run the positron 1 & 2 task forces to start. That's about 1-3 game hours. Then move on to all the TF's, which average ~ 1 hr each. That should take you pretty close to 40-ish quite quickly; and that is an "average" leveling experience. Homecoming is fairly generous with the XP and leveling options.
  7. Updated the post. Thanks for that and also the additional info!
  8. Based on what I read on the "Silly Sentinel Tricks" and a few other posts you've made =) Known = I read you post about it somewhere Speculated = Heck, if Nihilii posted about X, I'm pretty damn sure they can complete Y.
  9. Collection: Solo-friendly AV/GM/TF Builds Hi all. I've grown an interest in soloing in CoH, and did a fair bit of playing and reading up. I've collected what I've found and my own experiences playing a titan/bio, ill/rad, and ill/traps (incomplete) controller. I've also broken it down by content difficulty level, based on my experience. It's incomplete, so I'm hoping people will respond here to add in their experiences with builds I haven't listed. I'd especially like to know about MM's, ill/storm|cold, and fortunatas for harder & near-impossible content -- these are mentioned often but ppl don't say what content they can solo. Also, I don't play villain-side, so those are unknown. Without further ado: **************************************** Hard to solo: AV's for Accolades (Maria Jenkins, etc.) Most hero-side GM's ITF, regular setting Known viable builds: Ill/traps|rad|cold, Fire/ice blaster, @Chirikiti's mind/psy dominator, titan/bio scrapper Speculated: @Werner and@Bill Z Bubba's brute builds, @nihilii's fire/rad sentinel, Fire/fire blaster, empathy/? defender, Masterminds, Fortunatas, ill/storm, ill/cold, most scrappers, most brutes, @Elmyder's fire/fire blaster Harder: Sutter: Ill/rad unknown Katie Hannon: Ill/rad unknown Babbage (level-limited): Ill/storm known LGTF: Ill/traps unknown ITF +4/x8: empathy/? defender, brute builds below, ill/rad, Dark Armor/Martial Arts Tank, fire/rad sentinel, fire/ice, fire/time, dev/time blasters, sav/shield stalker, ill/therm, ill/traps are known AVs +4/x8: brute builds below, fire/rad sentinel are known Market Crash: Apex: empathy/? defender, demon/cold MM known Tin Mage: empathy/? defender known Jurassik: Goliath War Walker: Known viable builds: Ill/rad | cold, titan/bio scrapper, Elmyder's fire/fire blaster Speculated: Ill/traps, Werner's and Bill Z Bubba's brute builds, Nihilii's fire/rad sentinel, empathy/? defender, Chirikiti's mind/psy dominator Near-impossible: Kahn TF: corruptor (fire/cold) known, Frosticus' ill/cold controller (MoKhan), ill/therm, cold/sonic defender STF / MLTF: Nihilii's fire/rad sentinel known Known viable builds: titan/bio scrapper, Elmyder's fire/fire blaster ************************************ Sources: - Search for posts in the Brute AT sub-forum from @Werner & @Bill Z Bubba - Search for @Nihillii's post on "Silly Sentinel Tricks" on Sentinel AT sub-forum - Search for "Solo" and "AV/GM killer" posts - Titan/bio scrapper guide on Scrapper AT sub-forum - Ill/traps vs. Ill/rad threads on Controller AT sub-forum - Frosticus' Crazy Controllers 2021 edition post on Controller AT-sub-forum
  10. Well done! How did you separate rommy from his nictus friends?
  11. I took longbow instead of Banished Pantheon. Not sure which one is better overall, I just went for the big numbers on the spreadsheet. Cryonic (-recharge) or Void (-dmg) against tough guys. Envenomed daggers are very helpful. iirc the Positron ranged pet also has a -regen debuff attack.
  12. Hero-side GM's aren't that much trouble. Load up on -regen temps and incarnate powers. My solo GM list: Adamastor Jurassik Eochai Jack in Irons Babbage Council Goliath War Walker (this one was harder than the rest)
  13. Didn't do no temps, "master of" runs, but I solo'd all the hero-side TF's, including Eden, DiB, and the respec trials. For LGTF, I did it on a blaster fire/fire/fire iirc, or maybe it was ice/fire/fire. The main trick I did was to get char + ring of fire (theoretically should have helped, not sure), and spec'd into intuition alpha to get some hold strength. I probably used envenomed daggers too. On my scrap I only had one hold power, did the same thing, and killed the green mitos. It took a while, though.
  14. Hi all, I'm working on soloing the ITF, and am able to separate Romulus from the nictus on a random basis. I know this used to be possible in Live. Was wondering if anyone still knows how to do it and can share? I read a post on reddit that said you needed to get to his spawn point via SS or tp before he did. I tried it but not exactly sure what I should be doing. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Curious -- what does "unkillable" mean to your Ill/traps build? For me, I'm running +4/*8 ITF to test my ill/rad. Then going to run all the AV arcs at the same max diff settings. Update: finished the ITF +4/*8. Now curious if ill/traps can do that. I'm fairly certain it can, but would be nice to hear from someone who's done it. Update 2: went to beta and started an ill/traps on an ITF. That thing does insane damage! And really nice defenses with ff gen and triage. I think it has the upper hand over ill/rad. I haven't even learned the proper /traps play style yet.
  16. I built my ill/rad to solo, so I use Musculature and lean hard into perma-PA using other means. Mid's says I should have 51-sec recharge on PA once I hit T4 everything. 55 sec atm, which is nice. Not yet complete, but did manage to clear Apex/Tin Mage solo, so that was fun.
  17. I'm not sure how to measure damage, but some anecdotal comments: It probably took close to three hours for the first three missions. (But I'm slow. It takes me 1 hour to run ITF solo on lowest setting.) Mostly because I didn't want any stray mobs coming in (see note about 2 praefectus being very deadly). I ran offensive for ~90% of the time. For each mob I made sure I had either void or barrier up and ready. It takes about 4 aoe swings to take out the minion adds and Lts (centurions). Then single target rotation with defensive sweep to finish off the bosses. Hibernate if I got hit with too many -def shots from the bosses/mob. Like you, I had no trouble with the 3rd mission main boss fight. I imagine it likely went quicker for me. The last boss fight, with hover, probably took as long or longer as it did for you. I had no access to arc of destruction and had to minimize aoe's to conserve end for the nictii. Plus run in efficient at times. Roughly speaking, it was about 2.5 lore appearances per boss. So that's about.. 30-35 minutes? x 4 = 120 minutes for the last boss fight; plus time when Rommy calls his troops or decides he wants to literally take a hike. My titan/bio became my solo toon for hard content. I imagine you already have that with Werner, but maybe you'll want another one, idk. I'm going classic and building an ill/rad to see if I can match my scrap's achievements. There is a lot of talk about Titan/Bio nerfs incoming, just so you know.
  18. Not even sure I want to post this, but man, that fight was a beast. Managed to complete it no temps, no insps, +4/x8 with 6 deaths on my Titan/Bio scrap. I think I will leave it at that for now. The deaths were avoidable, just me lacking patience to retreat and get my defenses up. Used the incarnates to up my resist as close to brute range as possible. Used carnie lore. So s/l was capped resist @ 75% and negative energy around 30-40% or so. That worked until Rommie, at which time I switched my lore to seer, and went cardiac instead of resilient. Went void for judgement and juggled barrier + void to have some form of bonus resist as much as I could. Had to be exceedingly careful with the bosses (praefectus). Any more than one in a group was grounds for dying. I had to respec out, just like I did for the STF, and picked up hibernate and hover. Hibernate was helpful all throughout, and hover was a lifesaver for the last boss nictii? nictus? Hover is OP! Did the same order as when I tried it with temps (right most, the spawner, first, and regen last, then Rommie.
  19. My best memory is probably my first. Was in college way back when and was visiting a buddy of mine. We'd hung out a lot in high school and we'd spent hours reading comic books and playing video games together. (He had the cool Sega system, so you know how long ago that was.) Anyways, he tells me I "have to" try this new game he bought. So he sits me in front of the computer and loads up CoH. The login screen with the heroic music comes up. Dum-dum. Dummm....(trumpets)... type in a name (cool keyboard beep sound heard for the first time), choose a Hero archetype. What! I get to choose a hero type! Next.. costume creator... what! I can choose how I look! Heroic! 2 hours later he tells me he's off to sleep.. I mumble gnite, still stuck in AP. 8 horus later, he wakes up, sees me still bleary-eyed in front of his PC. Yeah... I bought CoH as soon as I got home.
  20. You are, but you'll want to check your endurance stats and how it plays without Incarnates at T4. Or, make an alternate build for getting you there. The exemplared content wont let you keep your Incarnate stats, I don't think.
  21. I actually think the first example is less condescending than the diplomatic one. So yeah, everyone has different opinions.
  22. First, I've seen a lot of help channel comments that are opinions presented as facts. Things like "X *should* do/take/ignore Y". Depending on how strongly I disagree, I'll either let it slide or point out a situation where it doesn't make sense. If people continue to argue about it, I usually don't engage. At that point I feel I've given sufficient argument, and hopefully newbie thinks about it. If it's factual and I'm sure, then I don't see how people can get twisted up about it. I'll correct it and either post the source, or know where to source supporting evidence from, so I can point them to it. For example, if someone states Luck of the Gambler special IO is 6% recharge, when it's 7.5%. If I'm not sure and I disagree, I'll look it up so I have a source to cite and also to minimize my own misinformation spread. That's if I decide to get involved. I've put the help channel on a separate tab which filters it out from most of my gameplay.
  23. There are quite a few fire^3 builds and comments on the blaster forum; probably why no one has said much. That being said, your build looks like a good place to start getting used to your blaster and style. Once you've gotten used to how it plays, you can start tweaking it based on your endgame playstyle. Which could be vastly different from your leveling playstyle. I've kitted out both a solo and aoe build for my fire^3 blaster. FWIW, here are my thoughts on fire/fire/fire in general: When you get enough recharge, flares is more effective than fire blast. Hot feet isn't fun unless you have a way to mitigate aggro. That being said, its dps is really high for its tier. I barely use Combustion and forget to respec out of it, for both my solo and team builds. Same with Consume. I found bonfire to be extremely useful, as well as Char. Fire shield is kind of meh. Nice mule for my solo build, tho. Ring of Fire *is* rather pointless, I normally use it as a IO mule or not just one-slot with an accuracy.
  24. For me it means I can at least try if I want to, on my scrapper. But unless I'm doing it for a specific challenge, I don't run +4/x8 as it just takes too long. This isn't the same as for my blaster, though. I took on Bill Z Bubba's blaster challenge, and while I finished a radio +3/x8 carnies no problem, it was a thoughtful affair as compare to doing that same mish with my scrap.
  25. 3-slotted panacea + miracle proc. This allowed me to slot 2 numina IO's in health for the 12% regen set bonus.
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