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Everything posted by NodHero

  1. So http://www.cityofplayers.com/coh-modder/ still mentions version 1.5 in the "about" paragraphs. I've got v1.62 installed on my computer so I thought you might want a heads up.
  2. Thank you thank you!
  3. Hurricane is the primary one. The ice crackling from Ice Storm is another that could be lowered a bit. Tornado if you have the time. Lightning Storm I just outright went quiet with. I can get a sound muted no problem, I have the spreadsheet by PK and a quiet file to rename as needed. It's the powers that are cool sounding but JUST.TOO.LOUD to enjoy on a constant/loop basis.
  4. I'm not looking to mute them entirely, just maybe turn them down 50% so they don't overpower every other game sound while Hurricane is running, heh.
  5. I've reloaded this on Mod several times now and it's still showing v6. Is there an actual v7 or are you just playing Mind Games with us?
  6. Can a request a similar pack for Staff Fighting? There's a couple of tech based weapons that this would be neat for.
  7. I'm looking into making an Invul/Staff tanker. Toggle up and GO! Any tricks/tips/suggestions/warnings?
  8. Excellent feedback, thank you!
  9. Does Fury still carry this combo or do the Tanker changes make Staff a better set as a secondary?
  10. An all-too-common story, which I myself have written more than one page in...
  11. Leaving any kind of noisy /power/aura/ going when they are doing something that doesn't require it. Training, building an ae arc, whatever, you don't need Flame Aura or auto-Heal going during all that.
  12. I just wanted to come back and say thank you again for this sound mod. It turned one of my characters (so far) from "I love this character concept but I can't stand the game play" into "I can't wait to play this character again!"
  13. It's magnificent. It didn't quite get everything on my /Psi Dominator but it changed enough to make that character so much more exciting!
  14. If you are taking requests a version of Psionic Assault that isn't so "wubbly" would be very interesting.
  15. Tired of having to drag and delete a bunch of powers after a respec? Just use the /cleartray command and voila-- nice empty trays to put your powers wherever you want them. This command does *NOT* delete macros, so those stick around!"
  16. Stone/Rad controller, bug themed.
  17. This is why I gave up on DB and went with the other stacking type power sets.
  18. You're using the Arcane Beacons instead of the Tech ones, sounds like.
  19. Is there any plans for making this usable for the Rebirth or Reborn servers?
  20. Okay well not as exciting as some previous posts but a couple shots of my entrance... and transportation hub...
  21. That looks pretty badass!
  22. Ah! But you can! As long as you're on a character with invite permission, type /altinvite (your other character's name) THIS is something that makes me glad I read this thread.
  23. I don't know about mandibles but with a foo-manchu beard and some scaling bar mixology you can get... something https://imgur.com/YuGZnth
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