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Everything posted by TheSpiritFox
Does gaussians proc on the assault bot? I would think it would proc on you.
As an experienced player, Bots/FF is a good way to hate playing MMs and think they're boring as fuck. Its tanky enough, though nowhere near top tier. Bots/time is far tankier. So are bots/cold and bots/traps. Don't go bots/ff. Its legit boring as hell.
I cant remember off the top of my head. Type /ah and go into enhancements. Attuned is where you want anything not purple to come from. Look at the mastermind, pet, and recharge intensive pet categories. Look at all the sets. You will see that certain ones one of enh names lists a benefit, read it. There are 2 +10% resist, 1 +15% resist, 2 +5% all defense, 1 +10% AoE Defense, and a build up proc in soulbound allegiance that gives your pets build up damage boosts. Its good to get to know the IO system and the simplest way is looking through it. Each set generally has one unique in it, a few pet damage sets do not. I think the 5% all defense ones are in Mastermind and recharge intensive pets areas? Call to arms and one of the MM sets maybe? A note on pet auras. Rumor has it those auras are going to get changed and the effects they have now rolled into MMs in the future, no idea when. For now, Thugs Gang War, Zombies Soul Extraction, and Demons Hell on Earth can fit pet uniques. If using those sets, you have a power that can mule pet aura IOs freeing up slotting on your actual minions, bots beasts ninjas and mercs are all SOL with that unfortunately, making them all weaker overall sets. Not bad, but harder to slot effectively.
Bots/empathy is going to be pretty weak. I you are a brand new player, here are the sets I recommend. Pick bots or thugs with /time, /traps, or /cold. Pick demons with /Electric, /Nature, or /Thermal If you are set on Bots I highly recommend you try /time. As you are new to the game, /time is a set that is harder to screw up than most. Its solidly survivable, has an AOE heal, extra defenses for your bots, and decent debuffs for your enemies. Bots/time/mu patron pool will be very survivable in most content. You take mu epic because of electric fences which has -knockback, bots knock things back and having an immob that stops knockback keeps enemies in one place for aoe damage. There's a /time guide stickied so that'll also help you, go read it. Basic facts about bots. Lowest single target damage, high aoe damage on groups. This is because the assault bot has a single attack which it shoots a missile at an enemy and it drops a burn patch under each enemy within like 20 feet of the targeted enemy. In a tight, close together group this burn patch missile is capable of spawning enough damage to utterly melt minion and lt level enemies and do heavy damage to bosses fast. Bots do -regen especially your Tier 3 pet the Assault bot, helps alot with AVs. Protector bots cast a shield on you and your pets. This is noteworthy because it actually takes a second for the protector bots to bubble you and all your pets. Has to be paid attention to because resummoning in combat is tricky, the protectors have to bubble the resummon for it to have full defenses. No you cannot at this time recolor your pets. Now basic tips. Here are some binds for you, type them into the chat bar and they'll stick /bind q "petcom_all aggressive$$petcom_all goto" /bind e "petcom_all defensive$$petcom_all goto" /bind r "petcom_all defensive$$petcom_all follow" /bind mbutton "petcom_all attack" /bind shift+mbutton "petcom_all stay" These five binds are pretty much all I use to control pets. The goto commands order the pets to go to a spot you mark and stay within about 40 feet of it. They tend to attack based on proximity to the spot you mark. Follow is follow. The attack command orders your pets to focus fire using the mouse wheel button, while shift+mouse wheel orders them to stay which is specifically useful for certain enemies which lay down damage patches and make your pets sprint like 80 feet away and come back, potentially aggroing groups and getting them or you or your team killed. Rikti monkeys and praetorian robots are specific offenders where you might want to put them on stay. Also useful in areas where enemies are jumping up and down and your bots might waste time jumping up and down after specific enemies instead of standing there blasting away at whatever they can see. Heard of bodyguard? If you are within supremacy range, 40 feet of a pet, that pet gets a boost to accuracy and damage. If that pet is in defensive stance and under goto, follow, or stay orders, you are in bodyguard mode. You get 2 parts damage, each living pet within 4 feet in defensive goto/stay/follow gets 1 part damage. So with 6 pets alive you get 75% damage reduction by splitting it with your pets. This gives sets with an AOE heal alot of survivability with masterminds. Also, your defense and resistance come into play if something attacks you in bodyguard. So if you have 75% resistance to smashing/lethal damage and get hit with a smashing attack, first it has to get past your personal defenses and hit you, then it gets reduced 75% by your resistance, then the damage gets split into 8 parts and you get 2 of them reducing it another 75%. A 1000 damage attack would get reduced to like 60-70 something damage to your masterminds HP. TLDR: Masterminds have the highest effective HP in the game by far with bodyguard up. We can take an incredible amount of punishment built right. With bots/time you're basically going to send the bots in with defensive goto, and jump in yourself after the enemy's initial attack goes off. You're gonna use heals and debuffs to keep your bots and team alive, and fire off a few attacks if you want to take some. I do not recommend ever taking more than one of the attacks from the primary with MMs. I've heard rumors of revamps for MMs coming but right now our personal attacks get some of the lowest overall damage because of our pets doing damage essentially for free. High endurance cost, low damage, so you have to throw slots at them for them to be remotely useable and you still don't get a ton out of those slots. If things aren't attacking you and your bots are sitting there, a quick switch to aggressive goto and they start lighting up the surrounding area. Follow as soon as you move onto the next group. You can give pets orders any time you are not dead, mezzed, or in some form of "only affecting self" status. You can move your pets while you cast powers without interrupting either. Those tips will get you started. Last two tips, if nothing else you want the two unique pet IOs that give your pets 5% defense to all. There are 6 total pet uniques, bots are tight on slotting but you can easily fit the 2 5% to all defense uniques in your battle drones and still slot them for accuracy and damage. Leveling a mastermind isn't that hard, but it is slow solo. Our damage really blooms once we get all our pets and our level 32 upgrade. Before then, leveling is slow and I highly recommend you do it with teams where your anemic low level damage matters less. This is true for bots more than most, the level 32 upgrade gives your assault bot its burn patch missiles and those are the source of a large amount of your damage as bots. Use the help channel in game often. Lots of people with lots of information available to you in real time especially during server busy hours. Here too. MMs take time to figure out, no class in any other game is quite the same as them, but once you get used to them they are a shitload of fun and very powerful in the right combinations of sets.
Yeah I did. If you meant something different clarify, but Striker agrees that your response as written doesn't understand his post at all.
You're making a mistake here. You don't slot defense debuffs, you slot the damage procs from those defense debuff sets in your enforcers. Enforcers have like 4 attacks that do defense debuffs on enemies, each of these attacks can fire the damage procs from the defense debuff sets, but somewhat brokenly, EACH ATTACK RUNS A SEPARATE PROC TIMER. So like, if a proc fires 3.5 times per minute, it will fire an average of 3.5 times per minute PER ENFORCER ATTACK PER ENFORCER. In other words, the damage procs can add a ridiculous amount of damage because the enforcers can proc it potentially on every enemy they hit with their cone attacks. OF KB/KD is decent, but all of my thugs MMs take bonfire with sudden acceleration making overwhelming force a waste of a slot. This is how I slot my thugs and its a hard slotting choice to really improve on no matter the secondary you pair with it. I don't take thugs personal attacks someone else can talk about those. Thugs - 2 pieces of Mark of supremacy 4 pieces of command of the mastermind - Gives 2 10% recharge bonuses from 1 power. Can fit both pet auras from Mark of Supremacy and command of the mastermind in thugs, 2 pet auras down. Enforcers - 3 Acc/Damage hami-os, shield breaker lethal damage, lady grey negative energy damage, LOTG +7.5% recharge/def Gang war - the other 4 pet auras for resistance and defense and 2 lvl 50 +5 boosted recharge IOs Bruiser - the other 4 pieces of mark of supremacy, either an acc/dam hami or the OF kb->kd + proc, soulbound allegiance chance for build up. This has my thugs with musculature all around 130% + dam, it gives you 2 damage procs in enforcers which increases their dps significantly, it has all 6 pet unique auras, it gives you a total of 37.5% global recharge added to your build from pet slotting, it gives your mini bruiser its own build up which can trigger off of any attack he makes. I've seen my bruiser knockout blow for 600 on even level mobs.
Bind web grenade to your mouse. Like, mine is bound to shift+lmb. And slotted with 2 +5 immob duration IOs and an acc IO. Its a 40 second long single target immobilize that fires fast and recharges fast. Super spammable, capable of locking down runners pretty easily. Its not an amazing power, but it fires fast enough that you can cast it in between traps and just keep shit where its standing. Adds to micromanagement, but webbing the bosses in place so they can't run can shorten kill times considerably if you don't take mu with bots for the additional -kb. A significant number of AVs can be immobilized permanently with 2 stacks of web grenade.
Dark is at the same time more fragile and it tops out higher in its performance than demons/time. With fluffy (the dark extra pet out) between your debuffs and his you can pretty much neuter an entire spawn with -tohit and -damage. The -regen for AVs is really nice, the -resistance from it's slow patch is stackable with a high recharge build, you can keep 2 of them out permanently. Black Hole is skippable, but a decent emergency button. I have it so that if the entire team goes down and my pets start going down too I have an oh shit button that just removes a group of mobs from being a problem for 30 seconds. The rest of dark, well like fearsome stare does fear, but it also hits with more -tohit. Everything you do debuffs enemy accuracy its honestly pretty hilarious how much you can neuter a spawn. Just be aware demons dark is also like, you have debuffs instead of buffs, so if your debuffs aren't up, you get mezzed and toggles drop, you can very easily watch yourself get eaten alive before you can re-establish control. My demons dark took char and procced it out for an extra hold/attack, to get to rise of the nix. Bonfire is almost too good to pass up on MMs, but I took heat mastery up to the self rez because demons/dark more than most MMs is a set that is subject to accidental cascade failure when your debuffs drop and you get that 5% miss chance on your heal at a bad moment and suddenly your pets are dead around you and then so are you. I would definitely say demons/dark is fun. I would definitely say that I've gotten good mileage out of taking a self rez power.
I made a StJ/Shield and it's alot of fun to play. I'd consider it a tight build going for survivability while fully slotting for damage and not requiring ageless to function. Spend a shitload of money on it to chase recharge bonuses, endurance recovery, and softcapping at least ranged and melee, and it's an absolute monster. Room for the soul snipe and fade as a small panic button which actually helps alot. People criticize fade, but street justice is capable of wiping out both bosses in a group in that 12 second window and then throwing a high damage aoe to clear smaller stuff, if you can survive the alpha and take out the biggest sources of damage you can solo pretty much anything. AV tanking usually requires one with the shield or some inspirations. But you can put out enough single target damage to often shred an AV before one with the shield is up, and if incarnates are involved at all you're a legit demigod of single target damage with a good bit of aoe you can throw out if you aim it right. And with shield charge on a 25-30 second cooldown, clearing trash isn't super irritating.
I made a street justice and I was like, well this is actually like useable aoe ok I can work with this and said yeah stalkers need some aoe. Then I made an elec/shield and I cackled "Stalkers are the best aoe this is more fun than a fire blaster hahahahahahaha"
Ever have a moment where you just went "DAMMMNNN"?
TheSpiritFox replied to JnEricsonx's topic in Stalker
Playing my max recharge barely softcapped elec/shield never gets old. Hit a double build up going into Lightning rod -> Shield charge and the two attacks hit for over 600 each. I wiped all but a pair of purple bosses from the world in a couple of seconds, the fire blaster trailing me into the mobs only killed the two bosses I left at 1/4 health. He didn't think a stalker could put out blaster levels of AoE so I ran ahead of him the whole map clearing mobs. His nuke was on a 35 second recharge, my double nuke only 25 seconds, so I beat him to aoeing every mob group. Finished an ITF kill most in 41 minutes. -
Mu Mastery vs. Mace Mastery for Elec/Shield Stalker?
TheSpiritFox replied to Qabal's topic in Stalker
Honestly fade saves my ass enough that going soul was good enough. The single target attacks in elec are fast animating, worth throwing into the DPS rotation just target the bosses. With lightning rod and shield charge on low enough recharges, you don't really need that much other aoe. But mu if you absolutely have to have that additional aoe attack. -
Top tier - Nature, Thermal, Elec. Thermal is more offensive, elec is almost all defensive, nature is a decent balance of the two. Dark also goes here, because the massive debuffs it brings along with the solid heal mean that properly played it's an absolute monster, but if you fuck it up it dies easier than the rest of the top tier, or miss your targeted heal at the wrong time, sometimes that 5% miss chance fucks you and there's nothing you can do. Good tier - Time, cold. Both defense to demons resistance base, but solid sets overall. Time will be more survivable, cold more offensive with the debuffs it has. Everything else comes after those.
I highly recommend against Demons/FF for +4x8 Demons/nature, Demons/Time, Demons/Elec will all be better for that. Resistance pets and defense secondary can work but forcefield is kinda a one trick pony. Time gives you solid defenses and also has debuffs for enemies, nature can outheal tons of damage, lower damage and tohit, and buff your pets. Elec can buff your pets to the point they're close to invulnerable with the heals, absorb, resistance buffs.
Its not gonna do enough. Like said above, purple patch cuts it in half. You gotta have a bunch of recharge to keep the debuff up and adding essentially like 10% resistance to your pets. Thats not enough to stop the T1s from getting one shot and the T2s from getting 2 shot, the bruiser is the only one it will make much difference on. 3x avs with av aoe? Your pets can't tank that and neither can you as /traps. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to test this out now and see if you can separate the AVs or not.
The -damage and -tohit of seekers don't do much to AVs with AV resistances even if they're -2 to you cause incarnate shift and -1x1. One AV is perfectly tankable, two AVs is difficult, 3 or more is more incoming damage than you can mitigate with a traps build as traps is more a damage force multiplier than a defense heavy set. It softcaps your pets, but thugs being the overall toughest option with traps being able to fit the pet uniques still leaves you with the ability to have minions one shot and Lts 2 shot, and your bruiser won't survive 3 AVs long either if he manages to draw all their aggro. Double triage helps, but against AV level enemies not enough considering plenty of AVs can one or two shot your pets. You get a bad set of attack rolls (for you) and the attacks slip through and you're toast, take a defense debuff and your entire set of pets can cascade fail very quickly. If you can aggro them only one or two at a time you can pick them off easily, but I think you can end up with 5 avs on you in LRSF? If you get 5 avs on you at once you're toast, there's just no way for a traps mm to tank that much incoming damage for long. Lastly, against multiple AVs you really have to focus fire, having pets on defensive randomly attacking things is not going to focus your single target enough to actually grind them down even with poison trap. And focus firing the pets removes bodyguard, leaving you open to getting one shot yourself. Tankerminding won't help, unless there's only one av for the pets to focus on. Splitting your pets among 3 avs means none of them are ever going to die, you have to attack command them and be safe from getting randomly blasted. I'm not saying its mathematically impossible, but that's why I asked if you can isolate one AV at a time you can easily solo LRSF, if the AVs aggro together as a group you're probably fucked unless you get super lucky or are prepared to die a bunch trying to succeed waiting to get lucky enough to focus fire and not get one shot, not have pets cascade, etc. Same way, rebirth helps but it's on a long cooldown. It's an emergency button, not reliable healing. If I were going to solo LRSF I'd go straight for demons/nature and probably take wide area web grenade with as much recharge as possible to try to web avs in place. Demons/nature has the buffs and debuffs to kill avs (a bit slower than traps) but is way, way, way tankier than any traps build can ever be thanks to the massive amount of aoe heals.
Traps can't mitigate enough damage to survive +3 AVs at once even with aid pool, can you manage to only aggro them one at a time? Demons/nature would stand a chance. Its a generally solid choice for TF soloing especially fully incarnated. Barrier core, support core, and maybe have the -tohit radial on standby if you really need it to keep yourself and your pets alive.
My main main character is a Thugs/Traps with zero direct attacks and it's like this build x2 lmao. I love it. I drop my traps and sit back and watch my teammates and pets chew everything down, move on to next group, plenty of time for typing out pithy team chat messages while I do it. The only build I've played that's more brainless than thugs/traps is thugs/time because with the long lasting buffs sometimes I literally just cast distortion field, bonfire, and then hit my heal a few times and shit dies.
As an MM main I highly approve of Petless MMs being the one playstyle no one wants to deal with.
On traps I slot recharge first, endurance recovery second, and those are my only slotting priorities. Any set that can take 5 purple pieces for the 10% gets them, LOTGs thrown in at every opportunity, along with hasten. I don't take personal attacks because with the cast times of traps and the recharge of my build, if I really want to I can basically just chain cast traps across the battlefield pretty well. Being able to easily stack 2 acid mortars and keep them out permanently once the second one goes down does a ton for team DPS, even poison can't debuff both defense and resistance and regen as much as I can on multiple targets, and that's before procs. I do also use recharge to leverage proc damage as much as I can. Caltrops is 5 procs and 1 endurance reduction, bonfire is 5 procs and 1 endurance reduction, poison trap and acid mortar each get a purple set with the purple proc plus one more proc for recharge, 2 procs, etc. My pools on my bots and thugs traps both are leadership, aid pool, speed, and leaping. I run super speed permanently with the celerity set which lowers the aggro I get and makes running into groups to drop an initial poison trap much less dangerous, and super jump I take cause I have the space and slots for it and I wanna be able to move vertically. I don't bother with fitness pool on MMs, or provoke. I build around pets tanking and keeping them alive through it. My MMs that aren't traps usually replace aid pool with team TP for the support. Take super speed at 6 and team TP before 20 and I can be the stealth bot anytime I need to. Helps a ton on speed runs. Just let the pets die as I run through shit and resummon when I get there.
Thats fair, I throw a billion at every single 50 I make and if that's not enough I throw more lol. Especially my masterminds. Every IO is either attuned or a purple boosted to +5, or a generic boosted to +5. Even the single accuracy in goddamn web grenade is +5.
How the hell do you run a traps build without hasten? Like I've got acid mortar down to a 25 second recharge, its up every single group and they double stack on each other. Poison trap 25 second recharge for permanent -1000% regen to everything all the time plus I slotted it for hold with a few procs so it like holds things for a long ass while. Seekers up every group for alpha taking. Triage beacon double stacked is actually really solid for keeping things alive in long fights and you gotta get that down to a minute recharge to do it. Caltrops on a 15 second recharge so you can have 3 patches of them out at once. Traps more than any other MM secondary needs hasten to really flourish, I'm really curious what your recharge times are and what you built it for
Its a pretty solid build. Yeah you can with bots and time softcap yourself and your pets at the same time. The bad news is, with no immob and no sudden accelerations anywhere, your bots are going to throw the entire level around all tf over the place. This build will survive just about any content, but the bot knockbacks might drive teams a little crazy sometimes, and your single target damage is going to be pretty apallingly low with your aoe damage being average because this build will not help you keep mobs together such that assault bot burn missiles spawn 16 burn patches cause 16 enemies are in the radius to do it and then melting the entire group in seconds. When this build works perfectly it will be a sight to behold. When you face anything with slow resistance to run out of your time powers, this build is going to be an annoying nightmare of safe and miserably slow DPS. I would check, but with this build your protector bots are the ones I would worry about. They almost certainly are below softcap and you not only have no attacks but have no provoke or anything else to keep aggro on you once the aoes start firing, so you might also consider that softcapping yourself is overkill and you'll be happy and safe while resummoning protector bots cause they're not softcapped on a very regular basis. Also, replace the recharges in your upgrade powers with +5 endurance reduction IOs. You'll thank me later. Last minor change suggestion? The resistance/endurance from steadfast protection out of tough (you're over softcap, you genuinely do not need it) and take one slot out of hasten. +5 both of the hasten IOs and drop an extra fly speed IO into each fly and group fly. Also, switch fly and hover. You want some kinda travel power and hovering up places at early levels is going to suck. You don't need hover except as a mule anyway. The biggest danger to this build? Protector bot bubbles last 2 mins. And they have to reapply bubbles to everyone. If the protector bots go down around when their shields expire, this build can quickly cascade fail as everyone on the team including you drops below the softcap and your bots start eating dirt. While your defenses are solid, the bots don't have a ton of resistance to them, so if defenses go down (or you face heavy defense debuffs) you're as subject to cascade failure as a blaster with a softcap build and zero defense debuff resistance. Ageless radial for def debuff resistance might be a good choice for destiny. If you want me to tell you how I'd change this? Simple. I'd take mu, get electric fences, slot it for damage over immobilize duration (you still get a resistance shield along with it) and I'd probably replace hover with vengeance or if at all possible, afterburner. Group fly is fun, it's pretty, but in the vast majority of circumstances it's clunky. If you're not in an outdoor map, or a circle of thorns multilevel nightmare room, it's basically useless. Afterburner will give you much more mileage and being able to fly only like 6mph slower than the top speed super speed can hit is pretty nice when you wanna get somewhere.
Tested out /buildsave Here you go dude, here's my version of this. All basic IOs are boosted to +5 Villain Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/Crytilis/mids-reborn-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Jim Bob Duggar: Level 50 Natural Mastermind Primary Power Set: Thugs Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Teleportation Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Heat Mastery Villain Profile: Level 1: Call Thugs -- SprCmmoft-Acc/Dmg(A), SprCmmoft-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50), SprCmmoft-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), SprCmmoft-Rchg/PetAoEDef(50), SprMarofS-Acc/EndRdx(50), SprMarofS-EndRdx/+Resist/+Regen(50) Level 1: Time Crawl -- Acc-I(A) Level 2: Temporal Mending -- Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(A), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(50), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(50), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(50), Pnc-Heal/+End(50) Level 4: Time's Juncture -- DarWtcDsp-ToHitDeb(A), DarWtcDsp-ToHitDeb/Rchg(50), DarWtcDsp-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx(50), DarWtcDsp-Rchg/EndRdx(50), DarWtcDsp-ToHitDeb/EndRdx(50), DarWtcDsp-Slow%(50) Level 6: Equip Thugs -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 8: Super Speed -- Clr-EndRdx(A), Clr-RunSpd(50), Clr-Stlth(50) Level 10: Temporal Selection -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 12: Call Enforcer -- HY:NeutP(A), HY:NeutP(50), HY:NeutP(50), ShlBrk-%Dam(50), TchofLadG-%Dam(50), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(50) Level 14: Recall Friend -- IntRdx-I(A) Level 16: Distortion Field -- GhsWdwEmb-Dam%(A), ImpSwf-Dam%(50), NrnSht-Dam%(50), Lck-%Hold(50), EndRdx-I(50), EndRdx-I(50) Level 18: Gang War -- CaltoArm-+Def(Pets)(A), ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(50), EdcoftheM-PetDef(50), SvrRgh-PetResDam(50), RechRdx-I(50), RechRdx-I(50) Level 20: Super Jump -- BlsoftheZ-Travel(A), BlsoftheZ-Travel/EndRdx(50), BlsoftheZ-ResKB(50) Level 22: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50) Level 24: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(50), LucoftheG-Def(50) Level 26: Call Bruiser -- SprMarofS-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(A), SprMarofS-Dmg/EndRdx(50), SprMarofS-Dmg(50), SprMarofS-Acc/Dmg(50), OvrFrc-Dam/KB(50), SlbAll-Build%(50) Level 28: Farsight -- LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(A), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg(50), LucoftheG-EndRdx/Rchg(50), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(50), LucoftheG-Def(50), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(50) Level 30: Burnout -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 32: Upgrade Equipment -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 35: Bonfire -- EndRdx-I(A), PstBls-Dam%(50), ExpStr-Dam%(50), Bmbdmt-+FireDmg(50), Ann-ResDeb%(50), SuddAcc--KB/+KD(50) Level 38: Chrono Shift -- EffAdp-EndMod(A), EffAdp-EndMod/Rchg(50), EffAdp-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(50), EffAdp-Acc/Rchg(50), EffAdp-EndMod/Acc(50), EffAdp-EndMod/EndRdx(50) Level 41: Slowed Response -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A), ShlBrk-%Dam(50), ShlBrk-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(50), ShlBrk-DefDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(50), ShlBrk-Acc/Rchg(50) Level 44: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(50) Level 47: Vengeance -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(50) Level 49: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A) Level 1: Punk Level 1: Arsonist Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 1: Supremacy Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Mrc-Rcvry+(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(50) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Rchg(50), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(50), PrfShf-End%(50) Level 12: Enforcer Level 26: Bruiser ------------
If you were talking to me, I don't have analyze weakness anywhere in my build lol. I picked most of my sets for straight recharge. I wanted my buffs perma, wanted stackable distortion fields, etc.