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Everything posted by Grouchybeast

  1. Not all heroes go around punching bad guys. Some of them stock the market to help other heroes punch bad guys better and faster! I'm going to start a new Water blaster with a dollar bill aura and call them Market Liquidity.
  2. Well, my personal answer to that question would be that yes, I would rather have a faster and more reliable AH be the next improvement to the game, rather than changes to ATs and powersets. I accept that I'm probably in a minority, but you did ask.
  3. I followed a tip I saw somewhere and recoloured Afterburner to hide the effects as much as possible -- the Light option with the darkest colours on the palette. That's made it much, much better, at least for me. Now, of course, I forget I ever turned it on and wonder why my combat powers aren't working. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Like that, only when you unhook one of the pieces of yarn from around the coffee table leg, all the lights upstairs turn purple and then half of the bulbs explode, and no one can explain how or why that could possibly happen. Also, when you look outside your swimming pool is now on fire.
  5. There are two main reasons that I play CoX. One of them is Fire Blast, and the other is Fly. I love Fly. Sure, it's a little slower (take Afterburner - faster Fly, and somewhere to slot LotG +Rech) but I get to admire the scenery so much more. I can pass serenely above everything, taking a direct line to the mission, flying into a gorgeous sunset or moonrise. I can swoop in amongst the buildings; I can dip down and zoom along at ground level clicking my badging macro and zapping Ancestor Spirits. I can skim just above the surface of the water with an extremely cool splashy sound. My cape flutters out behind me! There are multiple Fly poses! Fly is the best travel power. (Also, unslotted Fly will hit the flight speed cap, so it's really just a nice open slot for a +Stealth IO.)
  6. Ironically, in this context, the few simultaneous objectives that existed, like the Cavern of Transcendence trial glowies, have been taken out on HC so that people can run the content with smaller teams.
  7. It was actually less than 2 years to the release of the IO system. That's the problem about looking back -- things get remembered as both better and worse than they really were.
  8. I think there might be some occasional wonkiness happening in the bid matching. I had a bid up for a couple of days for a piece of attuned Basilisk's Gaze, and it didn't fill. When I looked at it again, the IO had sold for significantly less than my bid while my bid was up, which should be impossible under the AH matching system. Generally it all seems to be working pretty well (apart from slow price info) but I did notice that one instance of flakiness.
  9. The Fortunata chorus warbles, Fa la la la la, la la la la!
  10. Maybe they could shoot down a few Longbow skiffs and hang them on the statue of Lord Recluse in Grandville? They're a festive colour and they'd make good baubles.
  11. I like reading the powers and bonus lists, if I'm honest more than the bios sometimes :-) It's a shame that it doesn't include IO set information too. You can often kind of guess the sets from the powers, but set names would make it a LOT easier.
  12. I have the same problem and put in a support request, and I was told that it's a known issue affecting some people and is expected to be fixed by the next server reboot.
  13. I reported it via the form in-game, and was asked to post a report here instead. I just do what I'm told :-)
  14. I'm in Pocket D on Reunion, and when I click on the base portal I get punted back into the PD. I've attached a screenshot of the message box that pops up. ETA: I did manage to leave PD through the St Martial door, though.
  15. I've been defeat badge hunting against very low-conning enemies (e.g. <20 with a 50+ character) and they're dropping the occasional Enhancement Converter. It's happened in multiple zones, and it feels like the ECs are dropping at about the same rate they would if the enemies were supposed to be giving drops. Otherwise it's all as expected with the greys, no other drops and no XP.
  16. This is a brilliant recommendation for this level. Despite the warning on Paragonwiki about needing a team it's extremely quick to solo on low difficulty. Quick note: in the final mission, the two hostages are located at the side pillars in the boss room. They don't have any text on sighting and I found them quite tricky to spot on the first run.
  17. There's no map-creation in AE, it uses existing missions maps from the game. So you just need to figure out which maps were used in the old AE missions you enjoyed.
  18. The local copies of AE files are kept after publishing. I never deleted my old CoH folder, and my AE mission files were all still there. I just copied them over to the Homecoming directory and they were available to publish to AE.
  19. I somehow missed the CoH resurgence, but I'm here now. I played pretty much exclusively on Defiant, bar a little badge-hunting. I had various alts: Grouchybeast (rad/rad defender), Ellie Mintaal (Fire/Ice blaster), Cocktail Companion (Cold defender), Penny Black and Penny Umbra (Dark...somethings I don't remember) and a lot more, due to a fairly mild (for CoH) case of altitis. Hope to see some familiar faces around :-)
  20. I'm very late to the party, but big hellos to any old Defiant players who are around. I'm so excited and delighted to be back in game. I admit I got a tiny tear in my eye when I saw the loading screen come up. It's been seven long years, but apparently I can still remember the layout of Atlas City. (Not so much how the powers work, mind.) I'm also feeling extremely happy right now about my decision to never delete my old costumes files, or my Mids builds folder. Is there a chat channel for ex-Defiant players, or anything similar? p.s. If you're looking at my name and wondering who the hell I am, I did solo a lot. But I'm the one who used to get a pity slot on the late night speed ITFs for my Fire blaster, due to still being awake at 2am, despite my enduring tendency to fly the wrong way and into walls.
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