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Everything posted by Geodyne

  1. I just like Punch's look better, so if it's even just a wash? I'm a happyunderoos-on-the-outside boyscout.
  2. Out of curiosity, Hyperstrike. What with the relatively recent change in levels that powers become available, does it change whether a /SS should start with Jab, or does Punch work well enough or better?
  3. Had to go Inv/SS/NRG, if only because Superman.
  4. He was born in the heart of the sun, when a hair of Superman's was attached to a nuclear missile. Superman also suffered radiation sickness fighting Nuclear Man. The vague electrical aura could just be a costume aura, but his only real ranged use of power in the movie was when he attacked the Great Wall, and it's so close up it could be generously described as "some form of yellow, non-physical attack". He DOES match Superman's strength, so saying he's Super Strength is likely accurate, but I'd probably say Radiation Armor for his Primary.
  5. I know there was an IP where the infantry personal force fields were also an improvised melee weapon for a clever combatant. One where it was more overtly offensive than Dune's kinetic barriers.
  6. Shield Defense as a Personal Force Field set? I can dig it. Would be some science fiction-y builds, too, like with porting Beam/SD Sentinel.
  7. I'm an RPer, and my global matches my forum name. The catch? I currently play in the 1am-7am EST window most days that I'm on.
  8. I rebooted SinC as a Praetorian, and would join in a heartbeat.
  9. My Red main, The Sinister Circuit, was FOE. How ya been, man?
  10. Help channel, but dats me!
  11. Geodyne

    Hero Laws?

    The FBSA at a minimum clearly tracks all heroes thru their five departments, though it doesn't seem like there's anything akin to MARVEL's SHRA in regards to enforcement, or outing of secret identities.
  12. Definitely reminds me of the glory days of Virtue. I'm most often on Superluminary if you need backup or RP at ridiculous hours of US night time...so long as you don't mind some Nictus heat.
  13. I dig it. Only critique would be that Scrapper had Katana/ before Villains existed. Stalker's was called Ninja Blade/, since more of it was changed around than was usual at the time for Power Proliferation. MINOR critique though, since all your info is going to be damned helpful to a Stalker rookie.
  14. Geodyne, here! Paragonian Knights was his home, with Sinister Circuit my primary Villain in their villainside affair. I was also likely better known as Agent Quinn, over in American Legion.
  15. In fairer days, I was Agent Quinn from Live's Virtue Server. Just found out about the Homecoming late last night. If you see me bolting about on The Flying Brick? You're all more than welcome to interact with the Last Son of P-338. I'm always looking for individuals and SGs to align with, and VGs to white knight against! The Flying Brick/Alan Quinn/Geodyne/US Jack/Dryw/Mister Fission/Toranos/Sinister Circuit (Villain)
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