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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. I agree with this, an accolade should not require another accolade
  2. Mirror Image is still bugged. We ran an all controller Market Crash, no icon and no badge. Then ran a Yin with 4 blasters, 2 Arachnos soldiers, a brute, and 1 other AT i don't remember, no icon and no badge, but on the last mission the Variety icon showed and badge popped for those what didn't have it.
  3. Still bugged, we ran a Yin with 4 blasters, 2 Arachnos soldiers, a brute, and 1 other AT I don't remember. Mirror Image never popped, icon never showed. But the last mission the Variety icon showed and badge popped for those that didn't have it.
  4. On the auction house, the new run enhancements are under Running, instead of Running & Sprints & the new jump enhancements are under Leaping instead of Leaping & Sprints
  5. I don't remember, but when I activated it, it pointed me to Nerva
  6. There needs to be a Hamidon badge, for everyone in the zone when he's defeated, ala Nemesis Invasion
  7. Does this count? Tip mission for an explore badge in Nerva has no waypoint, just says Vigorous.
  8. Same enhancement that I'm trying to slot in Electrifying Fences
  9. Trying to slot Gravitational Anchor: Imm/Rech/Acc into Electric Fences from the blaster patron pool but it will not allow even though the power says it allows Immobilize sets
  10. I'm in need of the Pentad badge
  11. AFTER next week tho, I need those Halloween badges
  12. Gremlins please, they will match my elec/elec blaster more than the elementals
  13. I found a disk I made of old screenshots from live, and was taken back, hoping to upload some more. On the CoH forums there was a lil back and forth between Justice and Pinnacle. I don't remember much about it but I do remember Pinnacle scheduled an invasion of Justice using mime characters. In-game we had decided a bunch of us would have Kronos Titans ambush them as a surprise. It ended up being a lot of fun. https://imgur.com/gallery/dwPU2Vb
  14. One of my favorite people
  15. @Killerhurtz here
  16. I'm veteran level 75, with all incarnate slots unlocked, still have the temp power and not the badge
  17. After rescuing Vincent Ross in the mission All In The Family from Mr. G, level 50. His dialog: [NPC] Vincent Ross: You've once against proved that you're better than the rest by saving me. I am still in your debt, it seems.
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