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Everything posted by PluckySidekick

  1. I agree entirely. The thing I hate most is watching a body fade as I raise my arms. Targeting one too late sucks.
  2. I found Combat TP to be really fun in melee when blapping, and especially when using cone attacks. It takes a lil practice but very effective when you get going.
  3. Oooh, These all look fun!
  4. What do you mean by 'Late Game Build'? Do you want to solo AVs, +4x8, ITF Challenges? Here's my Archery Build (an almost Regen Blaster). I can't say if it's Late Game or not but It's enjoyable. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1409;684;1368;HEX;| |78DA6594DB4E13511486F74C67809E38550A082DA54039940EC5073022821A2041A| |BDE369332B4350D6D861AE5494C94A314D07B8F8FE095C64362F41914AF4CBC1AD7| |CCBF360DB149FBCDFEF75EC7EE352B8FAE85D6D717AF08253C5F313737F357E9B76| |ED9FA8A592C17047DDA7255DB2C991B562B2DA2BC9DBF6D6E14AD3563CE2E942C7B| |2B2EE5DC835AAD6AD78D3B66A15E2E9895FC9C6D571F8AE06AB55A31162BE562A91| |EF09E7335CB5A0B798FCB96592B6F14C338E31EA155D742AD5C30E6AB95B5FC8AE7| |7AAB8FC227E91B13671F4713862AC4AC26D419E6917B4A135A03EC9C85BE9D6A1AF| |9847B28A689A943E16D4E1F334FA0C7098A82C3BAF2D4E76D6A4FC0966DE60ED8B6| |CBDC0383D4261F47527CDF113EFA031C2255E74D5DCF420C6498D3606887D3D9073| |307E00ED5D08ABC1CAD35A0E370106C0F31C3E0783BB84B467ED92DFF4D44E85C00| |BB17C1F11BE0E475708F8C82D2287808B16F171CDC63EE83A307A09F0A0F73D7947| |08FE289894E7098D40E597887A24154C1111F38AA81533A538009B2EA92C65D2F10| |EEE209F339186F308FC0C4317840B544382D5F2487742EDC62DE05A37F10294935F| |4C81A7AD26EDFFD22CE742F5F2F6F6ABD1FF0A70C7F647E02473E33BF8051F2D8CF| |46A29FBBD2A09C06585407B84509DE9C8C80FBA9B3BBEE885810B76B94564302774| |01F7AC97D7B07A65E33DF8099B7A0F10A2C918FA4CC25F91E619E5198310EA38EE9| |B835A916BE456D60992C27641327DC26D0984CFE454E3331ACB397B03E248F69390| |1E96FAAB799F90A8E906AC8413478F00C77F0C6C95303EB591ECCFBE4302B5B904D| |73A735773C213A835A73AEDDB5E388E5FFA5554D5A90A478D2CF40D38B1019B8FE7| |54EF4CE9D06CE5E068E2A865161F76554DC770F3DFC7DCEEE312EDED25433796729| |429A4C5A449BAF08E71FD658C7BD| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Have fun out there.
  5. I looked into this a bit more and tried to play around with what I think you were up to. It looks like you were playing with Energy/Neg Def, and Resistance to mainly S/L. I tweaked around the edges, moved a lot of slots around and did my best to spike your Ranged Def without losing too much of your resistances. I also noticed you did not select either Aim or Upshot. A complete set of Gaussian's will add 2.5% to all your positional Def. Though that's a lot of slots to use and I didn't want to pull anything else. Your Ranged Def should be near 35% and everything else is no lower than 13.5%. Not ideal but workable. Resistances: S/L: 32.5% F/C: 12.5% Everything Else: 8% I also boosted your Regen and HP (these work in sync with each other) to get you to +36HP (500+%) per second plus an additional ~2 per second from a Proc in Stamina. These two things run independently from each other but work together in the end. I hope this helps you out a bit. Have a nice day and have fun out there! Your Modded build: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1384;684;1368;HEX;| |78DA6594D96ED35010868FE3E3A64BD236DD976C4ED2A44D132729F788B2F4A68D5| |451E036B25237B5542591930AFA1C5C20415BBAB03C0020B8E719D81EA280848484| |00A513FF6315544BF19733FEC733E7F7D8E50737035B5B2BD78412BCB163B65A95E| |B746E5B8E56366B7655D021CBA663FAE9CF045FAADC36EB356BD35876AADB96B317| |F5C21BBBCD66C3691B77CC6ADBAE9A3B9565C769DC1781F54663C7D86838551207D| |DC58A5DDB6EDBF5DA90BB5AB3CC4DCB696DDBCD7E489B96B53971AB69578DF26EDD| |6EDB8D7AAB52766BEC4D511F71FA85BB9D294AF7DCD1A847214A52F814B0C707C65| |5302BC1BC06EEA7BBC9C24DF6899C0FC97970D000236E01AEA09C0837288FC08943| |305F80385F048D12F8704E08D5ABA0FE5590FC071CFC0D46E9AA863E3A527B873BF| |6BCE50AAFC1E82B30FB063CA0DEFD9CE4F30F6A6EB037C00C828724EA1328AFF67D| |A09E2252F47F647E02473E8331520D78E28117848C148197CCE760F814E5754290C| |55A50A2DC700FB3171CD1C0193F5850C1236A6B882D154301D52D9FA055C8F339F4| |587595634F98FB60F4004C1E82A9A7A0427339CAED88D10E1DE2988A8C7BD68FDF5| |5DCF6A774E8A7EEC17A95F2265924278B08CE2C81A92BCC88E276985E42B2A4A469| |EFCED3E3108587C1CC28F88CCACFB248996551F407B74FD108B7EB8B1CC0D238CF5| |6FC184C11629EC531B64E67AB75B65667CB17D8E205B6FE94CA27783CD4C4173CE1| |243FF1243FF1024FC20989E7BC019CE3014CF300A679000D1EBC120FE27BDACABCE| |7C27C0AFE663360E117361A22AB1659A42EAE22986337726C596E0C1C21B1C16261| |E82893A060D1F3B1B8D80DF689125397172F70272C857774BA6B9A81B5CBA175E96| |55048714367FD177761D5D7CBA16FFF8414711523B170862D7DFFEFE223BCFC999F| |F8CCAC66690B5CB2730ED6C6C850| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| =D
  6. I haven't taken that much time to look at it but this is my 2 minute overview: Your general defense looks too low. You seem to have focused on Energy/Neg when Smashing/Leth is the better play, even for ranged ATs. You've placed a lot of SOs in places you should have IOs. This includes Hasten where you should be using 50+5 Rech IOs. Several powers are over slotted, Tough and Weave to be precise. Here's an example of what I did for my archer (an almost Regen Blaster). I'll take more time tomorrow to take a look-see and see where I would go with yours. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1409;684;1368;HEX;| |78DA6594DB4E13511486F74C67809E38550A082DA54039940EC5073022821A2041A| |BDE369332B4350D6D861AE5494C94A314D07B8F8FE095C64362F41914AF4CBC1AD7| |CCBF360DB149FBCDFEF75EC7EE352B8FAE85D6D717AF08253C5F313737F357E9B76| |ED9FA8A592C17047DDA7255DB2C991B562B2DA2BC9DBF6D6E14AD3563CE2E942C7B| |2B2EE5DC835AAD6AD78D3B66A15E2E9895FC9C6D571F8AE06AB55A31162BE562A91| |EF09E7335CB5A0B798FCB96592B6F14C338E31EA155D742AD5C30E6AB95B5FC8AE7| |7AAB8FC227E91B13671F4713862AC4AC26D419E6917B4A135A03EC9C85BE9D6A1AF| |9847B28A689A943E16D4E1F334FA0C7098A82C3BAF2D4E76D6A4FC0966DE60ED8B6| |CBDC0383D4261F47527CDF113EFA031C2255E74D5DCF420C6498D3606887D3D9073| |307E00ED5D08ABC1CAD35A0E370106C0F31C3E0783BB84B467ED92DFF4D44E85C00| |BB17C1F11BE0E475708F8C82D2287808B16F171CDC63EE83A307A09F0A0F73D7947| |08FE289894E7098D40E597887A24154C1111F38AA81533A538009B2EA92C65D2F10| |EEE209F339186F308FC0C4317840B544382D5F2487742EDC62DE05A37F10294935F| |4C81A7AD26EDFFD22CE742F5F2F6F6ABD1FF0A70C7F647E02473E33BF8051F2D8CF| |46A29FBBD2A09C06585407B84509DE9C8C80FBA9B3BBEE885810B76B94564302774| |01F7AC97D7B07A65E33DF8099B7A0F10A2C918FA4CC25F91E619E5198310EA38EE9| |B835A916BE456D60992C27641327DC26D0984CFE454E3331ACB397B03E248F69390| |1E96FAAB799F90A8E906AC8413478F00C77F0C6C95303EB591ECCFBE4302B5B904D| |73A735773C213A835A73AEDDB5E388E5FFA5554D5A90A478D2CF40D38B1019B8FE7| |54EF4CE9D06CE5E068E2A865161F76554DC770F3DFC7DCEEE312EDED25433796729| |429A4C5A449BAF08E71FD658C7BD| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Have fun out there.
  7. =D
  8. If you're curious, both Snarky and I have builds up in different places if you search our histories in the blaster forums. Glad to see more people giving Dark/Dark a go. Have fun out there!
  9. 1st post: 5/11/22 I thought about this for a hot minute and decided to see what would happen if I financed an entire build using this method. My new Ice tank is currently at level 22 and has a constant flow of income by patiently clicking and converting for about 15 minutes before or after each session. My current liquid assets are at 55M but this is the remaining profit after buying 6 basic ATOs (50M total) and a single Winter IO (20M). I also have about a dozen freshly converted IO just waiting for their slots to show up in my build. In the end I plan on having about 9 purples to finance but I'm not so sure that's going to be a difficult thing at this point. I'm generally one of those players that's flat broke because of my notorious lack of patience (or farming) in general. This is kind of fun. I'll give you an update when I get near 50 so we can see if this method is viable but so far it looks like it is. Edit 1: 5/11/22 Making some numbers more accurate Edit 2: 6/6/22 So, my tank is now at level 31. I wanted to do an update at 30 but hit 2 levels during a SF and well, that was that. I recently purchased 1 additional ATO and 2 more Winter IOs in the build, and have a stack of 15 other IOs waiting for slots to open up and 189M Inf liquid. I actually find this to be a lot of fun because I really am a gambler. I'll write up my general strategy, perhaps in my own separate post here in the market forum. It's fairly simple and you guys have really done me a solid by pointing this out to me. @Yomo Kimyata: Thanks for starting this thread, you've made my life much more entertaining game-wise and left me with more Inf than I would generally need to manage my builds. I'm going to do this with nearly every toon I make from here on out because it's easy and so much fun!
  10. Your Honor, I have a small supply of CBD treats for when my kitteh is stressed. She had become quite adamant that I leave the top off said treat bin so that she may decide which days are stressful and not me. I disagree. What say you?
  11. I've been building one of my own as well. This is Sorahane (Sky-Feather). This is a weird DEF/REGEN combo. Just standing around, she should regenerate all of her HP in 36 seconds. That's ~42HP/Sec on a blaster. But she's not too bad so far. I've just recently hit 41 so a few more levels will tell the tale. Enjoy, | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1409;682;1364;HEX;| |78DA6594594F135114C7EF4C67806E6C9502424B295096D2A1F8018C88A00648D0A| |AAFCDA40C6D4D439BA146F92426CA2A05F4DDF523F8A471498C7E069727139FC633| |F33F974A9CA4FDCDFDDF7BD6DED395075742EBEB8B9784129EAF989B9BF9CBF45DB| |76C7DC52C960B829EB65CD5364BE686D54A8B286FE76F9A1B456BCD98B30B25CBDE| |8A4B3977AF56ABDA75E39659A8970B66253F67DBD5FB22B85AAD568CC54AB958AA0| |7BCF75CCDB2D642DEEBB265D6CA1BC530CEB84768D5B5502B178CF96A652DBFE2B9| |DEEAA3F049FAC4C4E9E368C2508598D5843AC33C724F69426B809DB3D0B7534D239| |F700FC534317528BCCDE963E609F43841517058571EFBBC4DED11D8B2CDDC01DB76| |997B6090DAE4E3488AEF2BC247BF8143A4EABCA9EB5988810C731A0CED703AFB60E| |600DCA11A5A9197A3B506741C0E82ED2166181C6F0777C9C82FBBE5BF8E089D0B60| |F722387E0D9CBC0AEE9151501A050F21F6ED82837BCC7D70F400F453E161EE9A12E| |E513C31D1090E93DA210BEF5034882A38E2034735704A670A3041565DD2B8EB19C2| |9D3F613E05E30DE6119838060FA89608A7E58BE490CEB91BCCDB60F4372225A9861| |E59434FDAEDBB5FC499EEE5EBE54DADF71D7E94E1F7CC0FE0C847E627304A1EFBD9| |48F473571A94D3008BEA00B728C19B9311703F757AD71D110BE2768DD26A48E00EE| |843CFB96F6FC0D44BE62B30F31A345E8025F29194B924DF22CC130A33C661D4311D| |B726D5C2B7A80D2C93E5846CE284DB041A93C93FC869268675F602D687E4312D272| |0FD45F536339FC111520D3988060F9EE10EDE38796A603DCB8379971C66650BB269| |EEB4E68E274467506BCEB5BB761CB1FCBFB4AA490B92144FFA1E687A112203D73FC| |E88DEB99FFF48AA184685DD175171DF1DF4F0D719BB87B8784B53CDE49DA5086932| |69116DFE45387F01D5FDC7BC| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  12. This looks pretty good. Dark is a surprisingly versatile powerset. You Def may be low but you've got so much damage pouring out all over, I'm unsure it's going to make that much of a difference. I also love the Fold Space strategy. Mine used Combat TP to get to other groups. You just bring them to you. Clever Flea.
  13. If it was for a Psionic Threat Report in the last few days... Thanks! My blaster needed the cash. Well, I'm sort of a gambler and I make poor decisions, so I'm always broke anyway. /em Shrug
  14. Not entirely. It's simply a different of form of "Not Dying". I have a pretty good base defense and, so long as I don't get too mobbed, I'm ok. I'm currently at level 36 and not fully slotted yet so we'll have to wait and see if it works out. So far, +1/x2 is pretty easy. I may go to x3 but I sort of mosey through missions at a leisurely pace when solo so we'll see how things go if I do.
  15. I did something similar while experimenting with a Regen-Blaster. The defenses are lower but I gain regenerate 40+HP a second. I've seen blaster builds with 800% regen but I wanted to try AT/TA so this is what I came up with. I also use flash freeze as a Self Heal (Call of the Sandman Proc). It Procs nearly every time for a good 15% heal. That's an uninterruptable +220HP at level 50 for this build. Enjoy! | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1409;681;1362;HEX;| |78DA6594594F135114C7EF4CEF50BAB1550A082D6D81B2940EC50F6044043540825| |67D6D2665686B1ADA941AE5939828AB14D077D78FE093C62531FA195C9E4C7C1ACF| |CCFF0C953849FB9BFBBF67B9E7F49EAE3CB8125C5F5FBC2494D07CC5D8DCCC5FA6E| |F8659D7568C62B920E869CF55EB46C9D830BDB488F076FEA6B15134D7F4B97AA164| |D6B762AE9CBB57AB55EB0DFD965168940B46253F57AF57EF8BC06AB55AD1172BE56| |2A9E177DE7335D35C0B3AAFCBA6512B6F1443B0B14D68D5BD502B17F4F96A652DBF| |E284DEEAA7F449FA44C5E96349A1AB42CC4AA1CE308F6C2B296413EC9A85BE9D6A3| |979846D149562EA50389BD3C7CC13E83182A2C058531E7B9C4DF9086CDB66EE80ED| |BBCC3D30406DF27026C5F315E923DFC0615235DED4B42C447F86390D0677F838FB6| |0E600DCA11ABC389725BD7E0DC601B023C80C81E31DE02E39F9DC6EF9AE2343D702| |D8B3088E5F0327AF827BE414709D028710FB77C1A13DE63E387A00FAA8F010774D0| |9F52A8E18EF0213A476BA85772A12A20A8E78C051094E694C01C6C9ABDB75EE7E86| |74E74F984FC158937904C68FC103AA25CCC7F2847338CEB91BCCDB60E4373225A98| |65EB786DEB4DD779F8831EDCBD7C79BB2EF1D7E94C47BE60770E423F31318A18803| |EC2406B82B4D3AD3208BEA20B728CE9B9361703F757AD72D110DE0768DD26AD86DC| |5F073EEDB1B30F592F90ACCBC06F51760896224F90289E45BA4794269C638A23AA6| |E1D6A4DAF81679C132794EB84D9C882ACE984CF681D90B385BF60F784811D3EE04A| |4BFA88E51E6333842AAEE0EA2CE83A7DB83372EC54C13EB591ECCBB1430EBB6209B| |E64E4B7B3C215A43B235D7F6DAB2C4F2FFD2AA743D48521CE9BBBF1545880C42FF3| |8233A763FFF91549140853D175179FF1DF4F0D719BF87B8784B53ADC35B4B61D2DC| |8588B4FE22ACBFC7EFC7BB| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  16. Most of the advice I would give has already been shared. I will say this, depending on how you do your attack chain, you may not need the KB/KD proc in Umbral Torrent. Hitting a group with Tenebrous Tentacles first will lock them down vs. the KB in Torrent. Other than that: Have fun out there!
  17. *Waves*
  18. Searching through the contacts a bit yielded this: Fortunata Gossamer, https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Fortunata_Gossamer#Part_One:_Step_Into_My_Parlour There's 6 heroes in a 4 mission arc. I haven't run this one in a long time so I don't know exactly how long it would take so YMMV.
  19. Several discussions on this topic have been held before. You can see some here:
  20. Mids says that you can slot it. The only thing to remember is that it will only Proc 1 time per minute. So, YMMV.
  21. Dark is kind of a sleeper. If you embrace the DoT and some of the melee, you'll love it. It's not a FAST killer but it's as effective as any other set when you get your build set up.
  22. This looks very interesting. I don't run a human only WS myself (I tri-form). My only complaint here is that you don't have any damage buffs in Gravity Well. That's a darn powerful attack that's going relatively unbuffed. I made some minor tweaks, let me know what you think: | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1453;692;1384;HEX;| |78DA6593CB4F534114C6E7B6534BA1056A69CBAB0F8A085A7A69494CD4A8C8C3174| |2048B8F1D2970819BD4425A404D4C94958FA8F1B95244976E4CFC075450FF0B7CAD| |0DEA42A3BBEBE9FD0E6D9526CD6FEE77E69CF9E6CCCCE0853EE78B238B5D42A9EC4| |DA772B9D133A96C6E3A35A1D993E3BA9619D704FDDC497D4CCB8647B233193D9509| |77AA713BA9A18DA9A3272627B54C4E5FD0D453E7C6B2A9F4680F959A0B16E27DDA7| |FF1EEF96C4A540CCDCCA4D5C3697D6A7AAEDC1C2767356DC20539AFEA99A92AF36B| |40A332544C9F15B5B4722BFD179D827F8614ED1621125258624C15941DCC38389FC| |F51CC1C2102340848B1409AC29A520BED3C69566836EB1369E6962D83DB1F83AD4B| |60EC29A83E031DD41A1B72159B5731B52DD5608462768ED9A384844394312D14736| |03F56C7102122457992390C369F04AF91BF0AD3B4212B76636FCE3DCCBD60E53EE6| |7EF022E5B8786D17FBAA665F572956C5FBAD7A6545EC35B8F50D7305AC59657E016| |F50AE1BBE6DEE00F6E25B412F7CAB60ED5BE63BB0FE3D789D723DBCAEE70EC7EE82| |8DF798F7C1E003E643F012E57A057AE06D849760000C07992166185CF509E1E71EF| |BEB85A9356D30FA2FAD741E757C2FEAFCB8173769CD06F6DB70143EB61D63F6338F| |F33D19600E82D28E2B47B99600F7BDB986C9E7718BEA87B87EE800CEADB58B7910D| |CD1CDEC61F682972937827E88C857ECF70A692D8A34EBB5FC84B6F317F337F30FD8| |DEC9DC052F6EF2DBC67EDBD86F3BFB8CB16F0FCD89F29CE873F8883D227AA4482C8| |1B7C9838A39525DC31A1D1F981F999FC0C467BE6B5437CEBD8F37E13CC2F96D607F| |46A32CBCFDFCA76188814DCA90E4A79E7FD7A6B25E5EF2FA4DE5DB26E57B5151C46| |97EBDEB70F5A374761837BDBF74DD35746044165EB27098550F792800C5A8AFA131| |AA1867FD457DD85BD4974BE6BF8C14C77F010E2FDC11| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Have fun out there!
  23. Oh, they know we're there and they're very impressed... for a few seconds. After that, get the spatula.
  24. I like to Combat TP in (along with Time and Space Stealth IO) and Soul Drain first... Makes the nukes nice and spicy! Anything that dodged both get a good Smite for their trouble. After that, it's another quick TP to the next group for some accuracy enhanced Judgement.
  25. You may note on the build that I'm letting Muscular Core do a lot of the lifting on damage for the Debuff items and they're all slotted with Siphon Insight which gives some nice set bonuses to boot. Also, if you hit with Tenebrous Tentacles first, that negates the KB from Umbral Torrent. Some people always go flying but while they're in the air, they're not attacking either. I'm looking to do things that nobody else does. That's part of my fun. Enjoy!
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