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Everything posted by Rylas

  1. It might be even better to let people assign text colors on their own. Accessibility is a rising trend and there are different types of color blindness. Not sure if this is something that would be easy to implement, but if it could be done, it would be a lot easier than picking a color that works for everyone. But +1 regardless to the suggestion.
  2. Or, someone's confusing high-end builds as normal builds everyone runs with. I play with a few friends who don't even bother with IO sets. Sure you're highly tuned Rad/Fire isn't going to be worried about what an EMP brings to the experience. But then again, a highly tuned and efficient defender won't be worried about what your tanker brings to the experience. That's kind of the thing about CoH; invest enough, and you won't really need anyone else.
  3. It's just so easy to roll a new character and get it to 50 that honestly, what's the point? So you can keep all the inf and stuff the character picked up? Easily transferrable. So you can keep the name? Also easy to do. Also, if you're worried you won't like a character build or that it won't be what you anticipated, I highly recommend hitting up the Justin server (test server) and making an auto 50 and giving yourself all the sets you need to test the build before you build the build. With the ever-so-amazing Freebies Popmenu it's insanely easy (seirously, INSANELY EASY) to magilevel yourself and make sure a build is what you want it to be. Considering these things, there's just no real reason to figure out how to make such a suggestion even feasible to implement.
  4. And while you're at it, can we get one for the groinal region as well. For my insecurities? Thank you!
  5. Oooh, what about a damage aura that has it's damage increased with more foes in range?! In case a "refelcted damage" mechanic proves difficult to do with the game. Seeing as it's gravity based, bending light to go stealth or invis could work as a feature. Not unlike Energy Aura or Dark Armor.
  6. As I've said in another Emp thread; if I'm tanking for the team, whether that be a Tanker or Brute or whatever, I'll always find an Empathy defender extremely useful. Fortitude is one of THE MOST amazing buffs for tanking. Defense that puts most any of my melees into the soft cap, and +To Hit and +DMG for aiding in aggro management. I'd do despicable, depraved things to keep my toon Forted, it's that useful. And the two Auras? As a brute, Recovery Aura is amazing for keeping you going to keep that Fury bar full. If Fort doesn't put my toon over the soft cap, then Regen Aura means I don't need to bother watching my green bar at all. And Adrenaline boost is amazeballs. Yeah, Empathy is worth having.
  7. I wouldn't write off /Ice. From what I've heard on the forums, it has no issues building Fury. It also has one of the strongest aggro auras, so even though it slows them, you'll have plenty of people trying to attack you.
  8. Let us know how it goes. Def post your build if you can if you're still having issues.
  9. I'm both for and against this. For, because it's always cool to see what's being thought about. And I think it does a lot towards keeping the community excited for the game when they can be reminded that it's still actively being worked on. I would always enjoy seeing updates from the devs. Against, because of the screamers and ranters you mentioned. But not because their complaints would be on the forums. I could see more incessant types PMing the devs and bothering them. Sure, they could send them to the ignore list, but that kind of stuff can really frustrate people in a way that slows or kills motivation. But hey, if they're willing to put up with the occasional entitled cry baby, then heck yeah, Road Map all the way!
  10. So, if the vote ended up being mostly "No", and polls don't work, then we'd have to assume the poll was wrong and therefore conclude that polls do work. Is Heraclea just trolling us with an elaborate "Heads I win, Tails you lose"?
  11. Your idea for Gravity Pulse was my thought for Gravitic Collapse. But your idea for GC sounds way more fun for a Tier 9, so I'm gonna have to agree with this recommendation. And as you said, positioning control like that would be amazing. Imagine having most of a spawn pretty close to defeated and then teleporting the whole group into the next one. Or moving them all into a corner for others to use KB on. Yes, KU please. How short is short lived? Not too short I hope. Also, I see a lot of "moderate" damage for a purely smashing set. If the idea is to have lots of control ability, then that makes sense. But if so, the immobilize effect should definitely last long enough to justify it. Then again, even Stone Melee has a fair share of High, Superior and Extreme for all its KU effects. Also, since your set sounds fun to play, can I offer up some icons for your powers? PM me if you'd like to discuss how to make them look.
  12. It's certainly a better idea than removing the aggro cap since that becomes an all or nothing change. Imagine non-IO'd players trying to avoid too much aggro in dense spawn maps. Believe it or not, but there are plenty who don't bother with making super builds. At least difficulty setting changes keep it to player choice.
  13. Are you slotting EndRdx in your toggles or in your attacks? Your attacks spend more endurance than you toggles ever could, and you should focus EndRdx there. Heck, I've slotted 1-2 EndRdx in attacks and none in shields and had plenty of endurance once I'm able to slot generic lvl 30 IOs. And once you pick up Power Sink, you should be pretty much set.
  14. Part of the issue is that this topic has come up repeatedly already. OP could have at least done a search before making yet another thread on the subject. And had OP read through those threads, they would have seen all the extensive reasons against the suggestion (and the few, poorly reasoned ones for it). The problem is, even when there wasn't an aggro cap, things weren't harder. Whole maps would be cleared quickly by gathering them up. If the complaint is that OP doesn't find enough challenge, the suggestion wouldn't address the problem. If challenge is the desire (though, OP just made it sound like they wanted to relive the "Glory Days"), a better suggestion would be having higher difficulty settings. Wether that's being able to set it to +8, or spawning only bosses, or adding an AV to every mission (these are all on-the-fly ideas, mind you).
  15. I might dust off the EM/Ice brute I made (as a tribute to my old Ice/EM Tanker). It's been sitting in the early 30s for a while.
  16. Please no. Let TItan Weapons keep it's uniqueness in momentum building. ET was a fast, swift set before and that's what people liked about it. That's what allowed it to shine in its own way before it was changed. If other mechanics are added, that's fine, but keeping it arbitrarily slowed for no real reason is what ruined it in the first place.
  17. *talking to self* Breathe, Rylas. Breathe. Long slow breaths, just like your therapist said to do when you get too excited. It's just a WIP, it doesn't mean anything just yet. Just don't get too worked up. No. NO. NO! Stop bouncing up and down in your seat! STOP IT! You're going to get sedated again!!
  18. Not sure how happy I am with these. Matching the border bevel and starburst with any kind of accuracy was tricky AF. I may revisit these again later, when I'm done with creating the power icon templates.
  19. Uhm, asking for a friend... if you were gonna make a role play character based on Oprah, what power sets would you use?
  20. I was unaware of this even being a thing. Now I want to unleash bees upon people!
  21. All the previously mentioned desirables in a secondary are also in /Energy Aura.
  22. Unless, of course, you're playing Energy Melee. 😞
  23. You know who's a team leader that's always trying to be in control of the team? Cyclops. And everyone considers him to be a colossal dick. Wolverine always did better doing things his way while also contributing to the team. Teams work better when people are allowed to use their powers how they see fit. If a group can't jive as a team, then they're probably better off not being a team. There's plenty of people playing to find one you mesh with or you like the way they do things. It doesn't require controlling people's play styles.
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