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GM Manga

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  1. That's a permissions issue. First make sure the user you're installing with is an administrator. Also make sure the Applications folder is set to "admin Read & Write" (use Get Info, that setting is at the bottom). Then remove the "coh" folder run LaunchCat again.
  2. If it helps any of you, LaunchCat and Island Rum are frozen on the Wine 9.0 version currently, and it’s working fine.
  3. This is why I test and freeze the version of Wine that LaunchCat and Island Rum use. I've run into rogue Wine versions before that don't work.
  4. Try rebooting first. If that fails, sometimes renaming the CoH folder in Applications and installing LaunchCat from scratch fixes that.
  5. There are TWO ways to install City of Heroes Homecoming on your Mac: 1. The preferred way is to download the LaunchCat (which uses the Homecoming Launcher) here: https://launchcat.powermadsoftware.com/launchcat.zip. 2. An alternate way is to download Island Rum for Mac, here: https://launchcat.powermadsoftware.com/islandrum-mac.zip. Both packages automatically install everything you need!
  6. Try the above, and also check through your laptop's proprietary settings (they might be BIOS or EFI settings you have to access at boot) and make sure the laptop does not use any kind of energy saving mode for graphics, and uses the nVidia processor full time. Otherwise it might use it only on-demand to save energy, which means the game might not detect it.
  7. Turn off any VPN's and make sure you're either not using any "nanny firewall" (whitelist firewall) in your wifi router or cable/fiber modem, or whitelist powermad.net in those.
  8. I can't even duplicate that, my only guess is you have a VPN that's filtering it or a network firewall blocking it.
  9. Are you able to load this URL in a web browser? https://telstar.powermad.net/update.xml
  10. Awesome! The new things are: It adds separation of https statements so they can't time out and run into each other, and it will now attempt to forcibly correct the permissions of the coh folder on launch if they are not correct.
  11. @Shadow Kitty I posted a new LaunchCat today: https://launchcat.powermadsoftware.com/launchcat.zip It incorporates a lot of different fixes and a few new tricks based on what I learned yesterday, hopefully it helps.
  12. The only thing I can think of is you have LaunchCat set for very restrictive behavior in the Security & Privacy settings panel, or you have a antivirus/firewall installed that doesn't recognize it.
  13. Now we're getting somewhere! The first error means it's unable to fetch https://launchcat.powermadsoftware.com/update.xml within 30 seconds. Either it's being blocked, or massively delayed for some reason. So then it decides to skip it and move on. Second error means LaunchCat does not have permission to write files to /Application/coh - which can happen if it's either very restrictive, or you're using a limited account.
  14. Hmm that shouldn't even be possible, since the update manifest isn't stored in the same variable as any of the other file URL's. I'm going to have to try an experiment and make sure the previous URL request is blasted out of the queue before a new one is fetched. EDIT: I made a small change that should force a lower timeout, and purge old URL fetch requests before starting a new one.
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