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Everything posted by Peacemoon

  1. Has this been nerfed or is Mids wrong? For Dominators it lists as -12.98% res and -8.03% def, but in game it is -7.5% for both (tested on my level 19 Dominator). Its a shame because it makes it a lot less useful than I hoped. I'm running mine with an Achilles Heel -res proc, which is pretty much carrying the power! Anyone know anything about this power? I'm guessing all the other ATs have different numbers than on Mids as well?
  2. This is a really good suggestion. Especially as their are advantages to both KB and KD, and sometimes it’s nice to have one or the other. Conceptually the hero could change the way they channel their powers to either fling targets away or curve ball them down onto the ground.
  3. Build for my husband, who likes ot play but not to plan! What do you think? There are purples which are something to work towards at max level.
  4. This is completely true, but at the same time lets not get too hung up on it because as discussed its not a huge advantage, its just a niche benefit. If all we're doing is reducing the recharge to 120 seconds then whether it aggros or not is not really relevant. Confuse already has enough other penalties, such as reducing xp and requiring some player contribution to get rewards, that there is no need to layer any other penalties on top. With the Mind Control for Controllers vs Doms - one of the benefits of simply focusing on [Containment] damage is that it has no impact on Dominator's Mind Control, without even having to get into the ugly territory of potential divergence.
  5. 120 seconds would be a fine recharge for mass confuse, it doesn’t need to be lower. Its much better than a stun also. Plus lets just admit, Seeds is overpowered and in a purely objective world it would be nerfed. But Seeds has been what it is for so long I think it’s best just to ignore it and mark it up as an outlier. Honestly, comparing Mass Confusion to Seeds is rarely helpful other than to ascertain that on the most basic level, Mass Confusion could be buffed a bit.
  6. I had the coercive persuasion proc in mass confuse on live and it was was really good. Probably even better now because the PPM mechanic on a 4 min recharge would guarantee a lot more procs of it. It is really powerful. Its just there is very little reason to not immediately jump in and attack after you use mass confuse. If anything you want to get some damage in quick or you lose too much xp from confuse damage. Containment should really apply to all mezz powers, fear and confuse. I feel like it’s only thematically based on the wording that it doesn’t (because mobs aren’t so... “physically contained”?). But the principle feel, thematically and gameplay is that controllers are more lethal when attacking mobs that are controlled, so I think that absolutely should stretch to fear and confuse as well. Too much emphasis is put on ‘physically contained’ and not enough on ‘mentally contained’ in my view! And for a set like Mind, the distinction is massively important. The less we tweak the better to be honest. You want maximum effect for as little change as possible. If I had a free hand to be super radical I would probably swap TK and Mass Confuse around, giving Mind better control earlier and then using TK to empower other Mind powers for better effects and more damage. Most controller sets see a damage jump at 32, so this could be in line with the power jump experienced by other sets, and being the 32 power would give you more potential to do something dramatic. Of course what you would do with TK, and how it interacts with other powers is a massive question. I just brainstormed some ideas and it got difficult quickly. An AoE hold toggle on a short cooldown would be overpowered. Also levitate turning into an AoE would not be straightforward because of the short cooldown (I think I had it down to like 2 seconds on live!). It would have to be a minor AoE at best, no 15 yard radius 16 mob cap type effect! Other more radical ideas would be to note that psychic blast has ‘Scramble Thoughts’ which is a single target stun. Mind control could easily do that on a larger scale, but it would probably mean sacrificing TK and it’s uniqueness. Which takes me back to where I began, where less is more! I swear this set is mind controlling me sometimes...
  7. Let’s try dial it down a bit in this thread, we’re all on the same side after all (we want Mind buffs!). A few things I would point out after reading all the replies - no aggro on mass confuse is not a big deal, it’s not something huge we should balance around. On mass hypnosis it works better because the mobs are asleep and no one has aggroed them. If the sleep was unnecessary then no harm done. A mind controller ahead of their team can pre-sleep spawns before they’re even engaged, at zero risk. Better at low level for sure, but situational useful at every level. The benefit of no aggro on mass confuse just isn’t the same. The fact the mobs all turn on each other means your team will absolutely want to engage them, as otherwise you don’t get loot or drops. Of course for ‘solo trickery’ it can be very slightly handy, but it is so niche as to not be a factor. No aggro on ST confuse is a better thing, because you can spam it and control it much more effectively. My point? The no aggro on mass confuse is a bit of a gimmick, unlike on mass hypnosis and confuse itself. So it shouldn’t really add much to any discussion on its power. As for lamenting the effectiveness of supports in the current meta, it’s true that control can be unnecessary at times, and that can suck. Melee ATs in particular are so tough sometimes at high levels that they don’t fear unheld mobs, so instantly it nullifies the point of controlling them. But there are other advantages to control, such as keeping stuff in a kill zone. And even when that isn’t needed, controllers can rely more on their buffs/debuffs, which are still very important, and controllers also bring their own damage too. I find in high level trials I’m leaning more on my secondary and my damage then my actual control skills, but I don’t have a problem with that too much. I think it just reassert the importance of controllers being able to provide reasonable damage, buffs and debuffs for when their controls aren’t needed. You just switch to defender mode but with extra options for if it’s needed.
  8. It would require new tech that’s for sure. But if we could have it, it might be a great gift for controllers in the current meta.
  9. Your exchange reminds me of an ignore story from a different game, many many moons ago. i was running a PUG raid, half with guildies and half with randoms. Loot drops and we roll to see who wins. Usual stuff. Only unbeknownst to me one of the people on the raid, who someone else must have invited, had ended up on my ignore list from some previous encounter. So when it came to rolling for loot, I didn’t see her loot rolls. Two of the same ring dropped, she won the roll, and I announced the winners were two other people and... chaos! I couldn’t see her rolls so didn’t realise she had won a ring. Much hilarity in the guild chat! Eventually I sorted it out, and the honourable thing to do was pass her one of the rings, even though she presumably had annoyed me previously. Of course this upset one of my guild members who would have otherwise won the ring, and they had a proper sulk - but you can’t please everyone, and it felt like the proper response. I didn’t want to be one of those guild leaders who gave all the loot to my guildies and treated others unfairly! But they felt if she was on my ignore list (and I don’t ignore people often), then she obviously didn’t deserve that fair treatment! A bit of a morality choice! Anyway that was years ago, and these days I’m usually far too zen whilst playing to put people on ignore. They would have to be extremely persistent in their rudeness or trolling for me to bother. Otherwise I tolerate all sorts! 😃 - I was playing in the hollows A few weeks ago and on the team was a scrapper who just wouldn’t stop talking. Like constantly talking like this about every little thing and standing in the middle of spawns doing nothing whilst typing messages. Everyone just happily carried on with slaying our way to Frostfire, but after they left, they was an audible sigh of relief! 🤣
  10. If you mouse over the power in the enhancement window, it will tell you what sets it allows 🙂 Also, Mids Reborn is a great desktop app for planning your enhancement builds and trying things out. I really recommend it.
  11. Melee cones count as PBAoE sets, so One Thousand Cuts would take Armageddon not Hecatomb enhancements. You can use enhancement converters to convert it into another random epic set, until you get an Armageddon one.
  12. These numbers are interesting. The most interesting one is how many Masterminds don't go all the way to 50. Maybe once you get all the pets and upgrades it lacks stuff to aim towards. Maybe if their APPs were more personalised it would be better?
  13. I think we might be talking cross purposes. I got into Outbreak as part of the flashback story arc introducing you to Ouroboros. I don't remember Flower Knight being there at all?
  14. Each character is unique. Sometimes I will use the same power set more than once, but I actively try not to. Who here has tried to recreate their old Live characters, or gone for something new? My old main was Mind Control, and I played it to death and got almost every badge, both Hero and Villain side. I really struggled to remake him on HC, feeling like in some ways, it ought to be a new beginning rather than a repeat...
  15. Now that's the TK I love and remember!
  16. Haha I did think about that, and it would turn into an arms race of players vs the devs, which is exactly why we shouldn’t go down that road. I mean, it would be a shame if there was a 7 day delay on inf transfers through email... 😆
  17. Yeah I meant more that with Plant that one power overshadows the rest of the set, and makes for less interesting choices, and a less fun experience, at least for me. Basically any situation you find yourself in as Plant you just throw seeds at them and job done! So a lot of stuff then becomes redundant in comparison. Plant is definitely a very good set, but if you’re too used to seeds it will be hard to find anything else quite as good
  18. If you wanted to be really evil then costume changes would cost a % of current influence rather than a standard fee, and start introducing more of that sort of charge to things, for example AH costs.
  19. Exactly, there’s no good way for the HC devs to get rid of hoarded influence. You just have to turn the tap off (or down) and wait for most of it to balance itself out. The main thing is to have a level playing field, which this bug was not allowing. Either that, or we tax players or a certain level of wealth. If you have more than 200 million on your character/account all inf is earned is taxed - but this is not a road we want to go down. Basically, who cares if someone has billions of influence. It’s not like they can buy a mansion, sports car, and live a life of luxury. They only have access to the same enhancements the rest of us do.
  20. I do remember the old TK. I remember a mind controller pinning a horde of mobs to a wall in a Boomtown office mission, and we were a bit in awe, but then happily cut them down! I was a lowly Grav Controller with just an aoe root and dimension shift to show for myself 😂
  21. You’re right, it did get hit hard by all those nerfs you listed. And then just to add insult to injury the original devs porter Mind Control’s most unique power, Mass Confusion, to Plant Control and made it superior! 😆 Its a shame for Plant Control really, because what would have been an interesting set is now largely dominated by confusion spores.. As for Controller vs Dom Mind Control, I would argue against divergence purely because that’s never happened before, I don’t see a particular need, and it’s less confusing for players than having 2 versions of the same set. It would be nice to see some clever changes to Mind which improves it where it needs to be, but without losing its sense of identity. Example I really like not having a pet on Mind Control, and that should definitely stay for an alternative play style.
  22. I think it is a minority sport. Especially since IO enhancements are optional to begin with, and then trying to fully deck out your character on top of that. Maybe like Lines said, people are used to power leveling to 50, dumping 1billion on a character, getting bored, and doing the same again. They’re almost a victim of their own actions.. I wouldn’t care, but arguably if people can create that much influence in such a short period of time than it negatively effects everyone else when prices go up. And you have to buy yourself into wealth by selling stuff on the AH to get the sort or levels of inf you need to then buy what you need. I think farming is profitable enough as it is without any sly ways to double/quadruple income. So all in all, a good change by HC devs. So.. why have we taken 45 pages to come to this conclusion? 🤔 Lol
  23. What do people spend their influence on that they need to be able to make so much in a short period of time? This is a serious question. My main is veteran level 20 something and just about to get the last epic I need to finish his build. I’m a bit worried I will lose interest in him once it’s finished. But even those epics are only worth 20mill each. So... why do you need hundreds of millions of inf? Just to be clear farming is still really profitable, and a lot of us didn’t even know there were ways of doubling or quadrupling it, which was a bit unfair on the rest of us, no? No wonder things cost so much influence?
  24. Absolutely with you on this Lines. Crey's Folly is one of my favourite zones. I think I said in the other thread that is has a great theme of rogue corporation experiments, toxic waste and alien presence. The Zig is such an imposing struture. I think it would be an amazing setting for a TF, or maybe even better, a Trial!
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