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Everything posted by Peacemoon

  1. Crimson’s World Wide Red seems like a bit of an outlier to me for only 30 merits. That one took me so long. I did it about a month ago and was expecting 40+ merits!
  2. That does sound like a bug. The whole set should be the same level. It sounds like it was erroneously set to 7 rather than 17 for the attuned version of the enhancement. Since it’s a straight +End Mod and not any dual bonus, then there isn’t really any extra benefit it would give over a standard end mod, other than leveling up with you from 7 without needing to reslot. Nice find! 😊
  3. I imagine you’re boosting the enhancement effect rather than the global/proc bonus? LotG +Rechcarge also does +Def for instance.
  4. I love the Mighty AoE lift. It’s sort of like an AoE levitate ultimate!
  5. I tested Numina’s this morning after reading this, which I have in Rad’s heal, and the effect persisted after the power had activated. So it looks like that is working fine. Have you done a thorough check of the combat attributes? If you switch it on for a second and immediately switch it off it disappears instantly? Also what AT are the you playing, what level are you and what level is the enhancement? I don’t have any experience of Kismet in any powers unfortunately.
  6. You don’t need to be a stalker to wiz to the end. You could easily speed through with super speed (literally!), as that provides stealth as well, even if stationary which can feel odd. You can also slot celerity-stealth into sprint and toggle that on for even more stealth. Otherwise you just want a character than can kill at a reasonably pace with little downtime. A blaster, corrupter, sentinel or scrapper or yes, stalker would be perfect. It really comes down to style. But really almost any AT would work for this, but some are a bit more solo friendly. Just for fun I’d personally make some sort of ‘solo agent/infiltrator’ type character, who purposefully keeps combat to a minimum unless necessary. As for merit diminishing returns. I think the story arcs can be ran once per day for full merits, but not entirely sure how it works.
  7. There’s quite a few ATs that can solo AVs/GMs, do you have any preference or just performance? If we’re talking missions and Ouro arcs, there aren’t that many AVs/GMs found within them. And the one you find could easily be made into an EB, especially if your aim is speed runs for merits. Just a thought. So whatever you’re farming with could probably do this as well?
  8. Could be worse, I have T4 demons and just realised how bad they comaparitively! 😆
  9. I'm not sure if it would work, but it woudl be something like /macro RAD powexec_name radiation infection$$enervating field$$lingering radiation Not sure if it works, but would be something along those lines if it did I think? Otherwise you could create a series of bind files which load up the next power in a cycle. However in the real world this might be a lot more cumbersome than just casting them manually, as it will cycle through the 3 powers rigidly. Best practical advice I can offer is to expand your range of keybinds, so that you can have more powers at your fingertips. Personally I use keybinds 1-5 as normal and then convert 6-10 on my power bars to q-t. (or alt+q-t, ctrl+q-t, etc.). plus with /bind you can bind any button on your keyboard and mouse, so take full advantage of that. In the long run that will work better. Rad doesn't have a lot of clickie powers so you shouldn't have an issue really.
  10. Just to say I fixed this - I was missing the quotation marks! /bind enter "afl typing...$$startchat" They are listed in the original post but for some reason my brain filtered them out. Thanks,
  11. The best sort of ‘fix’ would be to have custom rules for TFs that restrict super powers like incarnate judgements, and give some beneficial extra reward for doing so. Like no incarnates and +50% merit rewards. would still be more time effective to run with incarnates, but gives people the option of playing without. Like others I find 45+ is pretty boring because of it. Incarnates aren’t the only problem but they’re a big part of it. TBH there’s not much I can’t solo at 50 and it’s more challenging/fun to try do it by myself. I’m a logical player and I like strategising - nuking everything on repeat loses my interest fast. Lower levels I definitely enjoy teams though.
  12. My Rad Defender is only 28 but I am the same, I swap between AM and Victory Rush and it helps a lot. The fact victory rush also reduces end costs makes it super powerful for end management. Even a lieutenant is a good bonus. I did some testing however and it doesn’t look like end mods work in victory rush - my initial suspicion was correct that it gives the same end recovery with or without enhancements. I’ve created a post on the bug forum.
  13. Radiation needs a big mention, it was the original and best -regen. Like already mentioned lingering radiation is easy to make perms and -500% regen. its ultimate EMP is also -1000% regen I believe. Coupled with almost every other type of debuff type available, including -hit, -def, -res, -dmg, -slow... it is hard to beat Radiation debuffing. Also if you are fortunate to have an ally die you can cast Fallout for the biggest debuffing numbers ive seen ingame. Like -50% res. Works great with vengeance (and personally I skipped mutation, lol).
  14. The best I can think of is slow snipe is prone to interruptions by movement (especially if you’re flying) and if you don’t want the hassle of that... best I can come up with. Because if you don’t open with snipe you don’t have to deal with that anyway. I have been able to get a slow snipe in by starting combat with enervating field (rad -res debuff) and queuing the snipe to begin straight after. As long as the mob doesn’t immediately interrupt me, (and it does happen), then I get a snipe shot with the -res debuff already applied for EXTRA bonus damage! It’s sneaky but not without risks, as if you do get interrupted you’ve wasted a lot of end.
  15. Reading this thread I have a desire to play energy blast and slot for +knockback!
  16. Tested on a level 25 Defender Victory Rush without enhancements gives 0.50%/sec (0.50 end/sec) from a Lieutenant 1.00%/sec (1.0 end/sec) from a Boss Slotted with level 25 endurance modification IO (+32%) and these values are the same. Noticeably on the enhancement screen the base value of the endurance buff is blank, and just showing the +32%. I know the power is powered by l pseudo-pets, but doesn’t seem to pull through enhancement values, at a guess?
  17. I don’t want to sound annoyingly pedantic, but I genuinely have never seen the lack of KB protection on Grav’s immobilise referred to as a bug. Annoying? Maybe. But its been that way for gravity since the beginning of the game and never changed, I know because one of my first characters was a Gravity Controller. Granted Gravity got messed up a bit at the beginning and was never fixed for a long time (for example, Lift damage was nerfed heavily for fear they’d have too much damage, and never restored until they gave Grav a second look at like, issue 20!). Also the visual effects for the immobilise and hold got reversed, and appear to have got reversed again since I last played. But in all that time they never added KB protection to the immobilise, so calling it a bug that needs fixing feels a bit silly. Also, knockback protection on immobilise isn’t a universal thing, so don’t use the terminology of ‘bug that needs fixing’ when what you’re seeking is a change to make Grav work like the other sets. It’s not the same thing. I’m sure there are people who appreciate the Grav immobilise not blocking knockbacks. These days knockback protection still allows for knockdown, but that wasn’t always the case.
  18. Yeah I found this thread via google because I wasn’t sure if this power was getting affected by enhancements properly 🙈 With a level 25 end mod enhancement it was giving such a rounded number on a boss and lieutenant I suspected it wasn’t being enhanced at all! I’ll have to test it further...
  19. One thing I’d say about victory rush and vengeance, victory rush you can use it every 5 minutes without fail. Even on a boss it is a significant buff for the whole team, especially with the end reduction factored in. Vengeance is great of course, but someone has to die. Arguably it’s really good when you need it most, but you can run many TFs and not have a single casualty. I took both, but if you’re short on power slots and don’t need recharge, I’d probably go victory rush since it just speeds up most teams really well.
  20. Grav immobilise has never stopped knockback. It has always been the holds that prevent knockback for Grav. This could get changed, but there is nothing to fix.
  21. I have no idea why, but I can't get the first bind to work. /bind enter afk typing...$$startchat It does the afk part, but not the startchat part. Confused as to why. I've tried binding it to different keys but it never wants to fire the startchat part. Any ideas why?
  22. I think you're right, a lot of it is based on morale and the spirits of the team and having a joke and being good humoured about stuff. Unfortunately in our TF this one person really spoilt the atmosphere. Its a shame that people can't see the negative impact they're having on the mood of the team. I guess it takes a special kind of quality? In a funny way reading your story about the Positron TF, it strikes me at how much harder the Positron TF is compared to later ones, because of the way it was 'revamped'. An outdoor map with 4-5 ambushes can be pretty rough at any level, but especially at 15! I'm thinking how amazing it would be if Countess Crey had a bunch of Paragon Protector elite bosses surrounding her, and they all had our powers like the Dopplegangers Posi 1. In the late 30s that might actually be a decent challenge..!
  23. Awesome advice, thank you!
  24. I actually ran Mind/Storm as my main on live as wel. It’s a fun combo! You've skipped the confuses, any particular reason why? Mass Confuse is a great power, and with contagious confusion even better. The epic confuse set also gives +5% ranged defence and +10% recharge, so it’s win win win. Also I always found thunderclap a good power, with Mind/ lacking containment it was a handy way to build up containment on minions to sweep them aside with AoE. It’s a bit unconventional but it worked well. Especially with the huge radius of thunderclap (20 yards I think? Maybe even 25?) Also a decent mule for the epic stun set. I don’t think arcane bolt is necessary unless you really want it. Dominate/Levitate/Mesmerise can all be slotted as attacks and because they all do straight damage and not DoTs, like other sets, can be really effective. I usually slot Dominate with the epic smashing and negative damage procs from the hole and ranged damage set, to give it even more umph! Freezing Rain you don’t need to slot the defence debuff unless you want the set bonuses. The baseline value is enough to help everyone’s accuracy. I had an Achilles heel -res proc in it in live which worked well, but not sure how effective it is now with PPM? Not tested. Otherwise 2x standard recharge is enough. Hope that’s a good start. I will have try look into it in more detail later ☺️
  25. I just ran a Posi 1 TF with someone who was so annoying, and felt the need to comment on everything, that even my husband (who isn’t a gamer and incidentally was doing his first ever TF) commented that they were annoying without any prompting. Needless to say we both put them on ignore. I think it was a lot of “...” in team chat, complaining they’d died, moaning about being forced to use an awaken to rezz (even though there was no no actual rezzer in the team), despite me and my husband running over to them and giving them said awaken. Talk about ungrateful. But previously complaining that the difficulty was too low and wouldn’t be worth enough xp. Leaving the first mission as soon as it was completed even though everyone else stayed to mop up. Not arriving for the 4th mission of the TF until the fight with the elite boss. Someone clicked the door on the final map and triggered the ambush which caused us to get surrounded and wipe by CoT rather than killing them at the door. Said person deciding to use that to blame the TF leader for only inviting one support (my /Time controller husband, who was doing a good job). And then the final straw, we go back into the map with all the ambushes triggered, so I use mesmerise to snipe-sleep some ruin mages heading towards us to make it more doable so we’re not overwhelmed, like the experienced Mind Dom I am. I tell the team this, and said person proceeds, whilst we’re trying to fight the ambushes, to lecture me on how sleeps are useless controls WHILST oblivious to the 3-4 mobs I have slept 70 odd yards away from us. At this point I snapped and told them to use their brain. Then because the ambushes were so scattered, 1 mob was lost and it took us a while to hunt it down before we could proceed - but guess who quit the TF whilst that was happening? I have had to reassure my husband that this is the first time I’ve ran in a group on HC and had to deal with someone like this. We both put this person on ignore because I’d be quite happy not to play with them ever again. And wasn’t expecting to see them in the forums as well so will have to find how to ignore on the forums too 🤔
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