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A test build I'd like thoughts on test build - Tanker (Invulnerability - Super Strength).mbd
Oooh, thanks for the info! I knew about how Resist and Defense worked which is why I went and focused on Resist entirely, as the point was that the character easily gets hit, it just does nothing to them. However you bring up points I wasn't aware of and the information (and build) you've given help immensely, thank you!
Which sets do you mean? I thought I had done fairly well given I've achieved capped Lethal/Smash Resist, max health and good Mez Protection/Resistance. I've looked at a few Icesphere builds yea, a few of JJDraken's builds as well, I thought I had done fairly well and achieved the goals I was shooting for decently well. Only issue is that I don't fully know what I'm looking at for them and it helps me familiarize easier and learn better when I make it myself and see what works and what doesn't, while getting opinions from others on what I have made.
So I normally get help on my builds but I wanted to try and make my own, see how it goes. My goals for this build was to go more all in on Resistances and Health with a more minor focus on damage. The goal was to make a sort-of Starfire Expy in the form of "Alien Princess", which is why she also has Energy Mastery (as conserve power and physical perfection are useful, and laser beam eyes + energy torrent give her a form of "ranged attacks she can use, but she does so rarely.") It's not meant to be optimal, but I'd still like it to be good. I want her to be able to take damage with it barely affecting her and deal out decent amounts back! Yoro'Kala - Tanker (Invulnerability - Super Strength).mbd
Yea I've been loving it, I used to play Overwatch back when it first came out but as time went on it just turned into OverSlop so I dropped it. This has been refreshing and it's characters that I actually know and care about, along with them having abilities that match up to who they are. Sure sometimes some characters feel like mix-n-matched versions of OverSlop characters (Like Star-Lord feeling a bit like Tracer, Reaper and Soldier 76 all in one) but that's inevitable given the characters and what they can do.
I've been playing it regularly since it came out and immensely enjoying it, so ask away! So far it's more comparable to Overwatch then Fortnite, as you don't build nor is it a battle royale. It's a hero shooter like Overwatch and plays like Overwatch, but with Marvel characters and abilities.
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
To reiterate my point, the purpose of a detuner wasn't so that I could get attuned IO's early, reach 50, then detune them to level 50 IO's. That part of the suggestion was purely because set IO's, both attuned and non-attuned of any level, get put into a pool in the AH. I can't think of a scenario in which the game tracks every single set IO in the AH for what level it was when it got Attuned, so that when you Detune them it's the same level as when it was attuned. So my thought to simplify that part of the process was just that when you Detune something, it's the same level as you are. The purpose wasn't "easy lvl 50" IO's, it was to simplify how the game decides what level the IO would be once detuned. It's worth noting that, it was after reaching 50 and doing some Incarnate content (after getting my Alpha, Judgement and Interface started) with my Attuned setup that it's fine to do so with just attuned ones. While I'd like to be able to detune them to 50s (or whatever level it'd be depending on how it'd potentially be implimented) to boost them to +5's it's fine if a Detuner just isn't a viable option for doing so (I was unaware of the "devs will not allow Attuned to Boosted 50's and vice versa" part). And as mentioned, these were both just QoL suggestions, not demands or things that are needed entirely, there's ways around doing it sure. This was just what I thought of during a slotting session and thinking "Man it'd be nice if the convert menu got a touch up and if we could detune IO's rather then have to sell then buy something I already, technically, own." -
City of Heroes Contact/Story Arc Flowchart project
TheMultiVitamin replied to Mathew322's topic in Guides
Immensely looking forward to this once it's completed! You're doing great work! -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Yea I agree on the usage of Catalysts for Detuning, if it ever becomes a reality. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Well the 2nd part of the ask was actually just me trying to figure how it'd decide what level the IO would be after de-attuning it. Purely cause when IO's are put into the AH you can buy them as unattuned or attuned, it's a shared pool (at least that's how it was explained to me). I also didn't say "it makes the IO 50 after unattuning it" I said "It's the level that you are when you unattune it". So doing it at level 40 would get you a level 40 IO, at level 37 you get a level 37, etc. -
You ever finish that Praetorian Arcs/ITrials timeline? I'd like to see what that looks like to make my own (I love doing things sequentially).
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It's possible given how long ago it was, my memory isn't the best, but I do distinctively remember being told that not having 50+5 IO's makes Incarnate content much harder to do specifically because as my characters leveled my thoughts went right to that info and lamenting having to do the switch once I hit 50. Yea there's certainly been a bit of that as well when I've asked around. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Admittedly I don't spend too much on the forums myself and getting assistance in game has been plentiful but also sometimes kind of iffy. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
That's a good tip on the common IO's, I didn't know that, thanks! My typical way of doing it is just, slotting attuned IO sets for slots as I get them every 2-4 levels, doing a bit of converter roulette to get the funds needed to do so as I go. So it's good to know I can slot common IO's at 25 and have that be fine up to 50 for the respec switch. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I mean, I never said it'd have no cost, that was BioStem's stance, not mine. I'm aware that it'd have cost to it in some form. Thanks for the tips! And is that true about the 50+ Content? I was talking to some people about Post 50 content and doing it and the consensus I got from them was that if I didn't switch my attuned IO's to 50s and boost them, then that 50+ content would be much more difficult for me to do otherwise. It's the entire reason I was trying the switch before I foregoed it to keep to Attuned ones, so that I can play with my lower level friends and have my IO's still matter. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
On the aspect of lack of funds despite having attuned versions. That's because as I leveled up I would do Converter Roulette to grab the attuned versions as I got the slots for them, not all at once. The unslotters came from from Reward Merits that I had just sitting around as I finish TF/SF's, and I don't have any boosters because of the whole "unslotting my attuned and selling them, getting less back then what I bought them for, meaning doing my whole setup would result in being impossible due to not have enough funds" problem meaning I just haven't used Inf. or Merits to get them, cause I'm just staying attuned. For reference, I did try doing this initially before making the suggestion of being able to unattune enhancements. I had about 150 inf. sitting around as a result of just getting attuned IO's as I leveled. About halfway through unslotting and selling my attuned and buying level 50 versions, I was down to about 4mil inf. and wouldn't have been able to continue going. Eventually decided to spend a few hours doing converter roulette to get my funds back up and just switch them back to attuned purely due to wanting to be able to play with my lower level friend and still be effective. Keeping in mind, all of this is coming from a relatively new player that, despite being around since 2021, was only actually able to start fully playing and dedicating more then 10 minutes to the game in the last month or so (thus resulting in my recent uptick in threads). So I've never had a pool of funds and IO's to draw from, all of this is from the ground up. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Well, the cost could just be using Catalysts as suggested by a previous poster. That's something you can just farm reward merits for or buy on the AH if impatient. To explain my thought process behind the detuning suggestion a bit more. As I level I prefer to use Attuned enhancements so that I don't have to constantly replace my enhancements as I level up. I'll do some converter roulette every now and again as I go to get enough to buy the attuned enhancements for my new slots. However I play both high level content and low level content regularly for the same initial character. Meaning I'll do ITrials and the like, but I'll also regularly do Posi's. One of the common things I do is just playing with my friends while they go through the story and game, generally on a much lower level, as both me and my friends don't power level or farm, which means leveling to 50 can take us weeks to a month to achieve. Attuned enhancements make this a non-issue because, well, they're attuned. However for certain characters once I hit 50 I do want to switch them out to non-attuned IO's. Doing so however involves me unslotting and selling my attuned ones. The reason I don't just put my attuned ones into storage and buy new unattuned IO's is because I don't have much funds in the first place to do so, and I'd really rather not do converter roulette to get the funds for enhancements that, by my logic, I already own but are just attuned. Alongside that, selling my attuned ones to buy non-attuned ones generally isn't a 1-to-1 process so I'll lose tons of Inf. in the process and have to do converter roulette as a result anyway for stuff that I technically already own. For now I just don't bother with getting 50's and stick to attuned because it's way too much of a pain to do the switch. But detuners or being able to use catalysts to un-attune enhancements would make the process much less painful and fund intensive. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
This could also work just fine, saves the trouble of making a whole new salvage item too. -
A Couple QoL Suggestions
TheMultiVitamin replied to TheMultiVitamin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The Detuner's context is that I level with Attuned IO's up to 50, but once I hit 50 in order to turn the Attuned IO's into 50s so I can boost 'em I have to sell my attuned ones and buy new, lvl 50 non attuned ones. Because I generally buy at instant prices (which admittedly isn't smart but I'm impatient) this means the Attuned IO's don't sell for as much as I bought them, and the non-attuned IO's I'm buying for more then I'm selling, resulting in me losing a ton of Inf that I now have to farm/converter roulette for. Of course, this can be avoided if I just put them at more standard prices for both buying and selling and just waiting, but as mentioned I'm a very impatient person. On the conversion window, yea the options aren't sticky as well which can get annoying when I have to repeatedly click to change it from Rarity to Category. So those being sticky too would also be a large time saver. -
Just a few that I believe would make life a little easier. 1. A new Special type of Salvage (could be called Detuners) that turn Attuned IO's back to their Non-attuned form, typically at the level of the character. So if I'm level 30, use a detuner on an attuned enhancement, then it'd just turn the attuned one into it's level 30 normal IO form instead. I imagine like other special salvage it'd take some Reward Merits to acquire. 2. When converting, make it so that it doesn't automatically put the newly converted enhancement back into the tray, so that way you can just keep clicking Convert instead of having to click and drag repeatedly.
Got annoyed with making Mastermind Macro's every time I made one and using numpad keybinds to control my pets all the time, so I made a small and simple popmenu that creates some simple Mastermind Macros (with icons for flare) without me having to type them out all the time. I normally have it set in my Custom Window so I recommend having it put there. Figured I'd share it for any interested. petcommands.mnu // Menu "petcommands" { Title "PetCommands" Option "Bodyguard Mode" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_SelfDefenseBuff Bodyguard_Mode petcom_all Follow Defensive" Option "Aggressive Follow" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_ConeDoT Pets/Summons_Aggressive_Follow petcom_all Follow Aggressive" Option "Pets/Summons Attack" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_RangedAoEModerateDmg Defensive_Attack petcom_all Attack Defensive" Option "Dismiss Pets/Summons" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_MegaBuff Dismiss_Summons/Pets petcom_all dismiss" Option "Pet/Summons Go To Location" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_TargetedRangedHighDmg Pets/Summons_Go_To_Point petcom_all goto Passive" Option "Attack Target Area" "macro_image Arachnos_Patron_SelfToHitBuff Pets/Summons_Attack_Target_Area petcom_all goto Aggressive" }
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Eco-Friendly Powerset Recycling!
TheMultiVitamin replied to Alchemystic's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Dangit now I want Alcoholic Blast/Drunken Fist! It causes a lot of confuse, has Fire Spray from the mouth except colored a light brown to reflect alcohol that does a cone of confuse! Can ignite it with fire for big damage like Oil Slick!- 784 replies
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- powerset suggestion
- powerset
(and 5 more)
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Post your best costume designs here!
TheMultiVitamin replied to ChanelNo2's topic in Art & Multimedia
Despite how simple it is, this design has so far been my favorite thing I've made in a very long time! She's a Rad/Dark Miasma Corruptor (part of a set of 4 characters I regard as The Family (not connected to the mafia as this family is legit just the 4 seasons embodied). Say hello to Withering Daughter (embodiment of Fall, Decay and Rot) Each of "The Family" will have an alt costume of them embodying their nature fully and hers is gonna have a lot of zombie parts as a result for Rot and Decay. -
Eco-Friendly Powerset Recycling!
TheMultiVitamin replied to Alchemystic's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Oh absolutely, a decent amount of Knockdowns, Confuse, maybe a stun or held (they comically accidentally hit themselves and the realization of doing that stunned 'em for a second).- 784 replies
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- powerset suggestion
- powerset
(and 5 more)
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Eco-Friendly Powerset Recycling!
TheMultiVitamin replied to Alchemystic's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Came up with the idea of Luck Control/Assault/Melee/Defense but really all I could think of was debuffs to accuracy, buffs to Defense, and attacks wise using Propel or some effects from Sound powersets that do a lot of knockdown.- 784 replies
- powerset suggestion
- powerset
(and 5 more)
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