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Everything posted by Naraka

  1. Ice Slick and Earth Quake isn't 100% mitigation on targets with no KB protection. There are periods where the foe can get a shot off or move a short distance because the KB chance isn't 100%. Bonfire w/ KB>KD pulses the KD 100% before the targets get up because it's meant to be KB. It also pulses damage which might lean into why you prioritize it over the -ToHit in Earthquake or -def in EQ and Ice Slick. To get off that topic, I honestly don't care that Bonfire can do crazy things. I tend to not slot that IO in the power (for the Blaster version. I don't have a Fire Controller) but that is just personal preference. Back on sleeps, I'd prefer to buff enemies to make sleeps more advantageous but if that isn't possible, changing the sleeps to provide the user greater benefit for using them as sleeps would be my preferred choice but then you still wouldn't be using sleep powers off cooldown.
  2. Sure. That's a very reductionary view of what Plant is capable of but sure. Nothing in that set feels "more" than other control sets besides Bonfire and, personally, I don't like using broken powers. Overall, I'd say don't feel bad when KB>KD IOs in Bonfire get nerfed. As for IOs, Plant is rife with proc opportunities which I find more entertaining in the long run as it doesn't deduct from the control aspect of the set. All in all, I am not a big fan of Plant mainly due to how mainstream it is and how one-note it plays but it is a very powerful set with a lot of offensive potential. Fire is mostly held up by not balancing KB>KD IOs. That all aside, I don't think the presence of sleep is holding any of those sets back. In some cases, it's partially a balancing tool since sleep is a niche control effect. Earth Control doesn't need more control OR debuffs and Mind Control is perfectly serviceable without the sleep and actually benefits a lot from having the sleep as an option. Plant is certainly not held back by having a sleep (or an AoE +regen) and Elec can utilize its sleep patch very proficiently while burning the foes' END.
  3. You answered your own question. You prioritize damage. Fire is NOT the best control set. I'd likely give that to Plant or Earth overall and in damage, I'd give that to Plant over Fire. I'm assuming you didn't pick Plant Control because you already have a plethora of other Plant Control characters? Because if not, you should have made a Plant/Thorn. And for only pure control, I'd probably say Mind. The presence of Sleep for those sets, if anything, is just a toy rather than a primary control tool so you won't really be penalized for not taking it. I'm not familiar with Electric Control so that might be an outlier and even it has an AoE sleep. Personal opinion, I think the only real foundation your argument has to stand on is that Ice Control might not be up to snuff. You might be able to get by adding something to their sleep power but I'd hardly think you could make an argument to buff Plant Control further by adding more effects to its sleep or Mind Control for that matter.
  4. To be honest, I forgot which sets have PBAoE Sleeps. I, for some reason, figured the Blaster Flash Freeze in the epic was just a different power from the Ice control and the Ice/TA controller I play didn't take Flash Freeze because he already has PGA and he's short on power picks. The only control sets with AoE sleeps are Elec, Earth, Ice, Mind and Plant and of those, they are all ranged except Earth. Since part of the complaint about Sleeps is that their utility is rarely needed, I'm still suggesting to fix *that* rather than just make sleeps into another premiere CC/debuff since most controlly ATs already enjoy an abundance of control OR are mostly redundant on any straight forward content.
  5. Powersets always have had "bread-n-butter" powers that tend to get the most attention, the most slotting, carries the bulk of the set's effect/role, etc. I don't think it's realistic to expect to use every power on every spawn without consideration and expect to be rewarded for it. You don't use Seeds of Confusion followed up by Vines followed up by Spore Burst. That's just not how control is supposed to be played. Considering the prospect that players want to revisit control sets and their aspects like the AoE holds that recharge too slowly for their duration, I really don't think *every* power in a control set should have universal use. And if we'd be looking into adding some kind of benefit to sleeps to add to their usefulness, it should be a reward for using said sleeps as they are intended to be used, not for merely spamming it...like if Flash Freeze had a huge but short duration -dmg res debuff on waking the target but only takes effect after a delay of 8sec of them being asleep. Then, you can *create* synergies with your team (because then it relies on timing, prioritization and coordination) rather than expecting synergies to just be inherent.
  6. If I recall, it was suggesting making the mez more persistent so basically a different flavor of Fear. If I were suggesting giving more purpose to the sleep mez, it'd be through buffing enemies with toggle-like defenses that have a low/moderate chance to be dropped with stuff like Holds, Disorient, Knockback, and have a very high/100% chance to be dropped with either Sleep or full END drain. Of course, you'd need to buff enemies to have such powers and sustain first to make toggle-dropping a useful utility and retrofit chance of dropping on other mezzes to balance out their mitigation. Overall, it's hard to make fringe aspects of the game more useful when the meta-aspects of the game directly reduce said usefulness.
  7. Absolutely. Not everything has to align to the meta to be useful or usable. Leave something for the non-meta players to leverage for marginal effectiveness if only so it's not the same herd-n-burn tactic that is played over and over and over and over again. Posters always say, "if you don't like this or that or if you think the game is too easy, then don't use x or nerf yourself with y" but how the heck is someone suppose to be able to play the game in a limited fashion for fun if the game keeps being made easier, more convenient and more gameable at every turn? I can't have my normal Dark Melee back lol but let's pump it up with more AoEs anyway. As for the topic at hand, I would have sworn there was another thread about the Sleep mez very recently...
  8. Honestly, that's probably what they should have done with all the snipes with maybe a few exceptions (AR being one): had it so the slow version did high damage with a strong debuff/control for its opener and then the fast version being a moderate-to-low (depending on the set) damage but with some kind of unique effect like a boost to another attack, a decent control for it's fast activation to stack with other mez in your set, etc...but then it'd require going into each set and reworking them which is outside the purview of any future changes so whatev. It just gets annoying seeing more power stacked ontop of power and more suggestions continuing that trend. No one ever wants to suggest "shifting" power from one thing to another or take away some power to gain something else...unless it's something like immobilize or some other debuff, people will suggest removing that for more power lol
  9. Low levels don't need a QoL either. Beam is already pretty effective and safe due to its KD and stun abilities. As for spreading Disintegrate, didn't they change Lancer Shot to 100% spread the effect?
  10. In which case, I'd prefer sets that have inconveniences or even lackluster capabilities rather than push to enhance powers further because it just opens up more sets to do the same. On the other hand, altering set IOs and procs to better interact with powers would be a somewhat neutral improvement so long as it doesn't push the capabilities of the players when culminated. Also, I don't think providing foes a more stable ability to not be wiped out effortlessly is unsolvable but probably not on topic for this thread.
  11. Unless we're also talking about reducing snipes so they aren't just insta-cast tier 3 blasts but actually something special, I don't see the need to keep pushing for homogenization. I bet no one would be asking for more snipes if they were the live-version, which tells the whole story of what they actually want and eventually, we'll be pushing to cut down on all the cast times to make the game "more responsive" or some other excuse. And what I mean by "something special", the snipes were built to have a unique functionality that had it's pros and cons. But when you removed all the cons, now that just makes any set without a snipe lesser in comparison. So Congratulations, you played yourself.
  12. That sounds like a more interesting problem to tackle, IMO....but you'd probably find out that, high AoE DPS on a set of elite strong targets is probably not going to ever outpace a focused ST set built to take out one target after another. Agreed.
  13. The only contention you might raise is with other players who have Atlanteans but if they're smart, they already have contingencies as to not interfere or be truncated by another possible backstory using Atlantis.
  14. Parallel universes. My main character's dad is actually Atlantean but traveled through time. But the Atlantis from his dimension is purely just an ancient city that had alien-like tech that ended up getting destroyed and had nothing to do with under-water or mermaids or anything like that. Even if you did want to use a kind of underwater theme and want to fit it into the lore, I'm sure there are some that currently exist as the Coralax came from somewhere. But still, you can make your own ancient underwater race/city and name it something else...or Atlantis whatever.
  15. I always figured "Utility Belt" was more of a preparation tactic moreso than just "non-meta human" pool. My past suggestion for the Utility Belt pool was adding a feature linked somewhat to the alt-build system where you can take a temp power and create an alternate version to be stored in a "slot" on your utility belt with the limitation that you need to go to an NPC to change that particular slotted power to make it less gamable but offer flexibility to be usable for a variety of situations. Imagine the craziness you could accomplish if you had a lesser version of any temp power outside of nukes in that slot? I think another cool stipulation is it'd have to be a temp power you already possess or have possessed. It'd be somewhat like a "blue magic" type of mechanic but for temp powers and if you wanted to double up on that effect, have the temp power + the utility belt power.
  16. While I could see this as a means of "fixing" certain issues with team invites and participation in TF/SF, I think that would end up being pretty boring. To amend your suggestion, I would like more content for all alignments sprinkled through every zone. So you'd actually have villain contacts in Paragon and hero contacts in RI but the same would be for Rogues and Vigilantes with more of the type of mission context to reflect the setting.
  17. Like I said, I think the overal unique mechanics and visuals would be more important than being concerned with the set being tech-oriented or magic-oriented, etc. But yes, I also do a lot of leg work with concepts. If this new tech-armor set used some of the PPD light shield visuals or something might be cool for a variety of concepts. That has to be an obnoxious amount of mode-switching. I suppose non-Stalker Staff/Bio would be a similar situation. On the mechanics of mode-swapping, I think it we could use a mode-swapping support set and control set. I have quite a few characters practicing odd origin blends. I have created lore for a character of mine who was given the opportunity to look over Tin Mage's schematics from the time capsule and tried to steal them. She might not have uncovered its secrets before being forced to escape jail time by fleeing to the Rogue Isles, but a spark lit up in her and she makes her own versions of what she could remember, so she has an entire gallery of magic "automotons" that are their own characters with unique properties and blend science, mutation and magic. Of course, she doesn't have much control of her creations which is why someone like her isn't a particularly infamous individual herself but her automotons like Iron Mage, Silver Mage, Quartz Mage and so on end up building their own reputations.
  18. Also, tweeking the animation times could also indirectly increase the amount of -res stacking, making it possible to stack more than 4 effects (I think that's the best sonic attacks can stack, if I'm not mistaken). Overall, I think that consecutive buffing of your sonic blasts was kind of the first "new age" combo mechanic before they tried to make actual combo mechanics in other sets. The whole prospect was stacking as much -res so you can put out a big punch with your highest damage attack for the greatest effect. Of course, I think that might have been repo'ed since players started paying more attention to DPS calculations rather than real-time battle circumstances. so maybe it was deemed less effective...but back to the prospect of adjusting down the -res, that sort of flies in the face of the initial purpose of the set to cumulate debuffs to combo with your best damage attack.
  19. While it's an interesting prospect, it'd be wholly unnecessary to alter the set just so it plays more similar to other sets. It might be somewhat of an opinion but powersets aren't supposed to be costume decoration. Powersets are supposed to be unique playstyles while the ATs are meant to be the role. Just because Blaster has the role of AoE/ranged/melee DPS doesn't mean everything in their sets should be completely altered to conform to only doing that. Blaster already has amazing stats to perform the DPS role (thanks to their damage mods) and all of their attacks are modified by its inherent, defiant, allowing it a stacking +dmg buff on its attacks as well as the ability to use the tier 1 and 2 attacks while mezzed. All of that completely aligns to accomplish what you want. But again, Sonic Blast is supposed to be a kind of "team boon + utility" set. You increase your team's damage by reducing the foes' resistance and keep yourself protected teamed and solo using its mez which gives the option for a DPS oriented AT the option to load out on team support to assist overall kill speed. Now you might say, "If I want to support a team with Sonic, I'd play Defender/Corruptor" and you're not wrong, but not everyone is concerned with specializing. Some like to generalize or pick 2 specializations and nerfing that just to get more dEEps seems kind of selfish. To further expand on multi-specialization or generalization, that's how you have support ATs like Defender or Controller slotting out their attacks to increase their DPS or building them to tank lots of foes using their support. Same with Tankers/Brutes that pick up and slot out control powers and/or pick sets that facilitate such a style. Or slotting out a Blaster to debuff regen, etc etc. Everything doesn't have to fall under a meta. You can still accomplish great damage with a Sonic/ blaster to fulfill the DPS role. If you want higher damage, there are sets focused on entirely damage. That being said, I could see improving the set in certain ways, like adding -res to Shockwave and decreasing some activation times, but Blaster doesn't need every set to be (further) altered to make it a DPS-only set.
  20. It's merely a phase shift power that works on foes and allies. Any targets that are phased can attack each other like normal but any of the opposite effect (phased vs unphased) have 0 effect. So while it had no effect on you being able to attack other foes within range of the Dimension Shift effect, any foes *outside* of the Dimension Shift effect cannot harm you nor you them.
  21. And if you wanted more animosity and mostly meta-pandering changes so the game becomes even more of a herd and burn affair, that would be the exact change you'd make. Beyond Whirlpool, I don't see any reason to go adding more Draw-in effects to the game. They already increased a lot of AoEs' ranges, some have target cap buffs and more sets are having more AoEs added in.
  22. Well, I tend to have a brash persona when it comes to forum posting (which will likely end up being my banning, but I don't honestly care), I frankly didn't have much to say about the suggested set because it felt mostly bland. It took me a while to finally come up with something that hasn't already been said or is at least mildly engaging (mostly to myself). If the set, as is, was introduced, I don't think it would be bad. Mechanically, I don't think it would seem very different either. The disintegrate/time crawl mechanic was experimental and I actually like it in Beam Rifle but in any of the time sets, it's mostly ignored. Being hit-or-miss, I'm unsure about this iteration mostly because, with Beam Rifle, Disintegrate is just an overall good effect you want to spread but with time, it's mostly just "nice if it's there". I feel the initial powers (the sleep and immobilize) are mostly just fluff to improve although I suppose later on, being able to two-shot sleep some foes would have its uses, the only *real* benefit to the set's mechanic is Blinding Halo and possibly the effects that just add damage (although we'd need numbers to truly decide how much benefit). If the premiere power is going to be Blinding Halo, why not have more powers built to propagate the illuminate mechanic? Another experimental possibility might be to have alternate "pulse" effects on some of the perpetuated AoEs like Luminous Distortion that only affect illuminated foes. So foes that are inside Luminous Distortion have a chance to be confused while illuminated foes will see the light and move inward (pull). What I'm saying is, a 2% increase to confuse (without some kidn of duration increase) is crap. Lastly, if a text pop-up would be implemented, I think "Sees the light!" (15 char) feels more impactful than "Illuminated!" (12 char). One is only 3 characters longer but also isn't just one word so more distinguishable from other pop ups. Also also, I just don't like ||| so yeah. If you didn't know, I'm adequate at stretching out text somewhat due to uni and overall, I am mostly indifferent to the suggestion. It doesn't push any boundaries and is overall simple for implementation. I think any new set should be experimental, moreso than what is presented here.
  23. @GraspingVileTerror, the overall point I was making was that yeah, the story of villains does fall pretty flat (some might even say it's a complete failure) but the same goes for heroes. It's really emphasized as I caught up to on My Hero Academia since a lot of it focuses on the aspects of being a hero, from how you treat people, your overall image and how it affects citizens and other heroes alike, valuing saving lives over all, limiting collateral damage, etc. These are ALL things you have to keep in mind when just rescuing a person having their belongings stolen. While some of that is set aside when its time to throw down with the big-bad, that doesn't happen (throwing down with the big bad) so often than we get a pass to overlook everything else a superhero should be doing. Overall, it fails at being a hero simulator because clicking a glowie to stop it from exploding doesn't cut it and obliterating a spawn of baddies with AoEs to rescue a civilian (who's standing next to the foes you blew up with a grenade, a fireball, etc) is pure fail. I understand the intricacies of making a villain protag but the side of heroes SHOULD feel restricted because they are trying to preserve, not destroy while villains should feel the opposite. That's a part of the "ludonarrative" (I know it's an actual term, but I still scoff at it's use. Just express what you want to affect because complex terminology is what some would call "jargon" which usually has the opposite effect on people outside of its typical use) that likely affects things as a whole, or at least mechanically. Just making missions heroside failable if you indiscriminately toss around AoEs when trying to rescue hostages would help but I guarantee there would be pushback. Well, I did add in a catch-all lol My main point is that it often feels like players lack reverence. The lore exists to give some framework and while you don't have to worship these heroes or villains, there are some who play characters that do and at worse, every player should feel some kind of gravity bearing emotion toward these pillars of the lore. Fear, inspiration, adoration, rivalry, envy/jealousy, something. If your character feels irritation/annoyance, pity, mentorship, superiority or some such, then you need to treat your character as a "special case".
  24. Teaming has, for the most part, become a herd and burn affair so tactics tend to be limited. When I play my Grav/Energy Dom, most of the time (on decent teams), it's not all that necessary to keep everything locked down or chase DPS benchmarks. So long as you stack the mobs and the team has AoEs, that's the typical framework of "teamwork". In such cases, I don't even bother "following" the group. Typically, I have my stealth on and I am 1 or 2 spawns ahead of the team and I'm, more or less, dumping spawns into other spawns. Sure, I'll end up throwing out a control or two while Wormhole is recharging, toss in some Whirling Hands and what not, but it's typically me (without my pet) maneuvering to feed mobs into the team woodchipper. Dimension Shift, like most defensive measures on teams, isn't really necessary but I'd be lying if I said I don't often use it. Beyond being a "don't touch me" barrier or an "Alamo dome" for teams who actually need mitigation against many oncoming foes, it's also a "trap" to group enemies together so they can be wormholed and dumped into the woodchipper. If a spawn happens to be spread out, you could just ignore it and port what's in range or you can attempt to group them. Pop it on a chokepoint, pull them in, lock-em down and port them over. To use unorthodox tools, you might have to pick up unorthodox play styles. Following a tank around probably isn't the best circumstances for it but most of the time, a tank doesn't need you to lock things down. If you were any other control set besides Plant, you're kind of up a creek in that situation, but with Grav, you have other options. Pick up Stealth, btw. EDIT: Another point is, since I'm anticipating where the tank is going to move the rest of the team, it's sometimes possible I'll make a mistake and the team ends up going in a different direction. Now when you're a squishy AT that doesn't have a lot of def/res, out in the thick of it, having a 20sec placable nullifying/"don't touch me" field can be very helpful (I also have Personal Force Field if it's that level range). Another side-effect of my strategy is some unexpected ambushes on the team (targeted on me and manufactured by me) to spice up missions. Much more entertaining.
  25. What? I don't get a shoutout? But the point quoted is also one of the major sticking points that continuously boggles my brain when I hear people criticize the villain-side story. It's often about how you're treated as a lackey or you don't have your own plans or you don't have agency and blah blah blah but the same criticism is absent for blue. Another thing I hear is "Statesman or [insert famous hero] doesn't treat you like a sidekick" which makes me chuckle. WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO BE STATESMAN'S SIDEKICK!? I'm currently catching up on My Hero Academia and imagine All Might asking you to be his sidekick. Most heroes will FIGHT to be his right hand! But regardless, "treating" you is rather beside the point since it's not supposed to be negative treatment. They're supposed to be heroes after all, not taskmasters (which is what they *actually* are in the game). As for villains, why is everyone trying to be Doctor Doom? I know he's awesome but get some creativity. Like, imagine a game with the actual Doctor Doom as one of the top bosses in an area and some shlub expecting to just clean his clock because he's better. You don't prove your villain is bad-A, you prove that now Doctor Doom is trash. Now tell that to any Marvel fan and see if they think its a swell idea. As for people treating you like garbage in CoX, I see it no worse than the game balance toward enemy mobs. The only teeth NPCs have is through dialog now but I digress...I'm not against adding more dialog but you have to set your prima donna aspirations aside because the game is limited. Just like you're not going to make executive decisions on how to fix the situation heroside, you're likely not going to be concocting the villainous plans yourself (mostly hijack others' plans because "early 2000s game engine").
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