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About MyriVerse

  • Birthday 09/23/1965

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  1. They're all good. It depends on the character concept. The Flash and The Hulk don't fly. TBH, I think I can make do with just Sprint and Ninja Run.
  2. Well, I don't play Blasters or MMs. All of the others keep me playing.
  3. asdw and arrow keys
  4. I just always assume they don't wake up. Problem solved. 😄
  5. Well, I mean... Wasn't a big fan of the comics. This is better because the Skrulls feel like actual people. Plus, infiltrating governments is way bigger than just duplicating superheroes. There just seems to be a lot more on the line for this series.
  6. No, but States was affected by Mustard Gas in WWI and was quite ill before getting superpowers from the Well of Furies.
  7. What's really weird is the font on your costume sections.
  8. In my experience, they seem dumber than usual, as if they're indecisive, and they get stuck on things more.
  9. Nerd and Dork, yes. I'm no Geek. I don't perform sideshow.
  10. Saw it. Enjoyed it. Even the Ezra bits (even if he is a pale Barry Allen). It just makes the Ezra reality such a bigger tragedy. But I agree with the separating art from artist. Tons of artists are really disgusting bastards-- Elvis, Chuck Berry, Picasso, and the list is an endless douchebag, but even The Cosby Show is still great entertainment. Not giving them your money is probably a sound idea. Buy tix for another movie and sneak in, maybe. 😜
  11. Most of the Imperial Guard are not genetic Shi'ar. They're Shi'ar like the people of North Africa were Romans under the empire. The Shi'ar Empire has about 100,000 different races in it. But we've seen mutants of Shi'ar, Skrulls, Brood, Centaurians (Yondu's race), very few Kree (and then some Kree evolved into the Ruul), many others too. And they consider Warlock the Technarch (not Adam Warlock) a mutant because he's not into eating his kids or something.
  12. I was in the Paragon Chat crowd and knew immediately. I remember the s-show about there being a secret server and how Homecoming spawned from that.
  13. Moving around helps my hit percentage.
  14. Cool. I'm no altoholic. 80+ characters all but one below 20. But each has about 50 badges. *scratch* *scratch* *twitch* *twitch*
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