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Everything posted by Sirius.Games

  1. The biggest difference in how I play blasters/Corruptors vs scrappers is I usually don't take super speed, if I do I don't use it in missions. For me it feels more natural and to not overshoot. Number two is to bind target next boss. Get away from the burn everything and move to the burn the biggest thing. Everything else will fall to aoes and cones. Three you won't melt minions as fast but the average spawn will generally fall faster (see trapdoor tests) It really comes down to style and what you want to do in game. If you want to min/max or sacrifice a little (or a lot) when it comes to powers. Then the question is do you want to play fast and quick or slower but harder hitting on each attack. The general consensus is to avoid Regen as a secondary. Design the character concept then fit powers to it to have more fun.
  2. Since enhancements are the primary thing just make SOs free? SOs are too expensive to matter, for DOs and TOs you out level them too quickly. Maybe temp powers you can buy? Travel powers are available at level 4. There are multiple free attack powers. Others are too expensive with 50k. What about the boosts? Run dfb. If someone knows about the ptw vendor they can likely figure out how to make inf. Are the boosts really helpful that early? It's a nice gesture but again in go back to the benefit being so small that any amount of time spent coding it could be better spent on a number of other things. I think that sums up my thoughts the best. I won't be mad if it's added, I just don't see any actual benefit to it.
  3. Not insulted but don't see utility in spending volunteer hours coding it. Even if you start with 50k and no barriers it's slower than AE farming because of load times. My issue isn't the idea, my issue is the utility/benefit for the time required to put it in the game and the arguments about for it seem to surround around players that show signs of lack of engagement. I would bet inf that I could get 50k inf within 5 min of character creation just by asking for it in chat saying I was new. Hell i saw someone give 10mil to someone on a task force because they bought team transport unprompted. The community in game is generally helpful and supports each other and the idea rewards disengagement for new players. To OP maybe creating a master guide to making inf and a new player readme would be useful if you see a need in that area.
  4. Aren't there programs that modify the sonic sounds? Same good be done on the player side for any other with the correct knowledge. Sounds in general shouldnt be changed because you're going to upset some people and make other people happy. New sets are debatable on how sounds are chosen however.
  5. This is the type of thing I'm thinking and I appreciate your filling in the areas of most benefit. We all play the game differently and I agree that there are areas that would very much benefit (red/gold weekend). I don't think nerfs to AE or constant buffs to content is the way to push people. Rather promote brief options for underutilized content. The idea comes from my time on Warframe where double whatever weekends with booster gives 4x so content that isnt "fun" enough becomes profitable enough and popular enough to do.
  6. Coming together for events is one of the best things in mmorpgs. Whether that be ToT or taking down GMs that are seasonal. So what about other things like double recipe drops, double XP/inf, AE weekend where all AE content has the full XP comparable to other mobs, AE dev content could be given double, you could have double spawn weekends. There's so many options some I believe are good and some bad. The goal would be to spike the player base around such events and you could do something for most play styles, event supporting others to do those things more bringing people together and potentially expanding people's interest in areas they usually don't partake.
  7. So there's a fictional person this would help. A)they are relatively new to the game and can't afford TOs B)they found the game without someone else (maybe YouTube/twitch) telling them about it C)they don't look at or search the forums D)they don't ask others in game E)they don't know about the p2w vendor F)they don't know about badges G)they don't know about merits or how to convert them You can see this really only benefits a very VERY small portion of individuals that overlap with low engagement players. Also you have to come to the forums to sign up and download a launcher it's not a CD you put in with your credit card info and get an account to play anymore. This isnt sunset coh where the economy was hyper inflated and you had to play the game in ways that exploited mechanics to make inf. It's not pre AH and IO coh where you had to pool resources before you finished the slog to 50 and rely on SO and drops to outfit your char. With limitless development time a tutorial for the different currencies would be great... That being said their probably is on somewhere that I just repeatel skip or don't read. I stopped reading the tutorials and mechanics stuff in game a long time ago.
  8. This is a nicety that doesn't really do much for the game. Does it have a drawback besides coding time, nope. Inf is easy to come by and the early game isn't hard. For TOs the inf drops and enhancement drops are plenty. If this is a 5 minute thing to add sure but with finite coding time I don't see much value as a whole.
  9. You could tie it to level 2 and leveling up with Ms Liberty. It's more a convenience thing but the bump in cost of the 1 hour booster from lvl 1 to 2 may make it a wash. This could also be akin to running the tutorial. Since you can basically do this by getting the the inspiration gen from p2w for free and selling the inspirations on ah. Make it something every char has to do but make the time greater than 2 minutes in game. That way it's not a way to bloat inf and adds convenience to the game. That being said I just email myself 1mil inf so I have 3 or 4 stashes for new characters. Rating on priority 1/10 Rating on benefit to the game 2/10 Rating on detriment to game 1/10
  10. I'm for increasing options for people. Right now you can get merits and convert them to something to sell. It's exactly what you're looking for but provides an additional option.
  11. This. The hyperinflation was crazy on live. So crazy I afk farmed pvp while 6 boxing to finance things. An example of this was I dumped 2 bil inf into a SG offshoot like it was nothing because I had more inf than I ever needed but if everyone did that then no one would. The current system better fits a functioning economic system where things have caps and inf is currently in good shape because prices don't drastically change... My hunch however is that the value of inf is stable but the amount is vastly out of control. Because of ceilings for everything in the game there's already more than can be spent and spending it at the auction house is cheaper than buying with merits. My question for OP is what would be your inf sink? Where is all this going and how are reward merits converted? In the end this is an economics question and youtube has a number of videos on game design of financial systems for those who want to better understand the types of systems used and when they do and don't work. I'm just glad inf sellers aren't a thing tbh. No more broadcast spam.
  12. But then your not +1 anymore... By that logic I should lock every character at 49 and only run lvl 50 content so I can play +5 while everyone else plays +3. Difficulty options instead of underpowering is what I'm suggesting.
  13. With the level shift +3 is really what people are playing at. +4/8 is really +3/8 with level shift. With the purple patch scaling is +3 is .65, 4 is 48, 5 is .3. Three ideas come to mind both I'm sure have been suggested before. 1. Incarnate difficulty setting - special units that have def debuff, +acc, and damage patches that are auto hit. - purple enemies that act with the GM type scale so it smooths the +lvl effects or just does lvl 57 -incarnate abilities given to enemies 2. Allow for +5/8 or remove level shift in normal content. - this means +1 can play at +4 if they want 3. Change incarnate t3 to actually level you up to 53 instead of have different shifts, you could also do +2 levels per and make 60 the cap Apart from the last one this would be a in the notoriety difficulty settings. The upside of an incarnate difficulty setting is that it would allow for a change to all content. Doing an incarnate level positron for example. Would this help the game or is hard mode content the better investment of resources for "end game content" in the short term?
  14. As of the page 5 patch yes they don't detoggle each other but you only get the strongest effect. Ie you get the stealth from stealth and the def from fog. Stealth Toggle Exclusivity Removal Player Stealth Toggles, with the exception of temporary powers, are no longer exclusive. Players can now use multiple stealth toggle powers at the same time, however the stealth radius, defense, and threat level of these powers will not stack. Instead, the strongest effect from these powers will be used (much like how travel power stacking currently works). The powers that fall within these stealth toggle rules are listed below. List of Stealth Toggles Arctic Fog Cloak of Darkness Cloaking Device Energy Cloak Field Operative Infiltration Mask Presence Shadow Fall Shinobi Shinobi-Iri Stealth Steamy Mist Super Speed Superior Invisibility
  15. Stealth io can go in sprint iirc. This means you have to have more engagement and choose when you stealth but the secondary effects are now able to stack. it's a nerf for those using SS+another power but otherwise a buff and qol improvement if you employ the IO.
  16. My order is def to where I want it then +dmg... However +Dmg is what I can get DPS in my attack chain. This means that often times it's +rech. This results in one of my highest DPS characters not having hasten. As stated elsewhere procs often times will get you more because 2% dmg buff is a 1-2dps buff where as a proc will get you 10+ in the worst case. It's really relative. I believe the set +dmg buffs are inferior to res, rech, def, recovery, and max end just off the top of my head.
  17. I think the best option is to post the feedback rules at the top instead of linking them. Like the rules basically spell out not to respond to others. To test them on the beta server before responding. Basically the thread is. An amalgamation of violation of what is being asked. If there's a way to make all responses invisible it may better provide what is being asked since people are having issue because they aren't following the forum rules for FF and in may ways circumventing the forum rules by posting things like unfocused feedback. We're all able to beta test and like every beta test there are rules to follow. Feedback can't be wrong, but you can disagree with suggestions.
  18. Some discussion here: If S/L/E def is your goal it's pretty straight forward from a build perspective. The debate is can you get energy def with minimal sacrifice out of going Scorpion shield vs Ice armor. IMO s/l without one of them sacrifices elsewhere in blaster builds. The later allows dips into more survivability. You'll want envenomed dagger prestige power for AVs. As far as temporal I don't have mids in front of me so I'm unable to comment on powers. For fire: blaze, blazing bolt, aim, and inferno are musts but everything else is extra for your purpose.
  19. This buff is in context of buffing all characters by allowing earlier power picks which was the onus of OP. If you get your T9 at 26 why shouldn't the enemy? It has nothing to do with high end builds. My point is that enemies should be buffed in tandem instead of nerfing something on a PC.
  20. Nostalgia is a big thing. Galaxy City was destroyed because it was a mistake to design two starting zones. The next mistake was for BAB to not go with it. Ms Liberty won and winners don't have to sacrifice because someone else lost. BAB does need a better place to live but AP isn't the answer. A new task force sure but I think we can do better than musical chairs.
  21. Nukes were designed to be strong but with the cost of all the enemies focusing you (played a lot of blasters i4 on). With soft capped defense this breaks it but mostly in the exempting situation when a billion inf buys you the survival to come come out without a scratch. The elephant in the room is that blasters no longer have the crash after. Every other crash remains and /mental on blasters was busted on love because you could recover through the crash and not detoggle. I understand why the crash was removed but not having a crash made blasters that much stronger. Along with the recovery abilities blasters have gotten much stronger. I still think buffing enemies is the better way to go than nerfing around the byproduct of updates from 3 games and 20+ major patches.
  22. My view on the "problem" is that the player side has been buffed and buffed while ignoring the enemy. On live the buffs were to add a play/time barrier hence the xp curve and resulting in incarnates. It is now far easier to level, far easier to become superman, and the mobs have mostly been left behind. The solution IMO is buffs>nerfs. If someone's is exempted down it would be better to have unique enemies show up, or code ambushes in. For the power selection creep maybe give new powers to the enemies in the 20-30 range or bring the higher level enemies down when they extend to the 40s already. Theres a balance for sure but an I win button limits the journey as it were and you can do that on the beta server, if that's what people wanted then we would see people migrating there.
  23. Cool I'm glad my understanding was incorrect. I thought I had to be 50 to slot purple sets or the minimum level available for the enhancement to slot it. Thanks for the correction. I'll purchase the attuned purple and archtype enhancements since my suggestion is actually already live.
  24. This is a pretty civil discussion with reasons provided I don't believe anyone showed intent to attack you. If you took the "use your imagination" advice personal it didn't seem like the intent in the posts just a reason a new armor set is not a good solution. It seems like you want different names for the powers because you mention using assets already in game to create this new set. So an alternate suggestion that may meet your desire is to be able to rename the powers. Then regeneration becomes nanite armor repair. Then what the set provides is the only thing that matters
  25. Question Why do purple and archtype enhancement sets have levels? It's a driving question for the benefit of racing to 50 then exempting vs leveling and slotting as things come. Suggestion: Remove the level requirement for level adapting sets. Question: Why do some sets cap at a certain level Set bonuses are usually inferior as is the capped bonuses. Suggestion Change the level cap for all enhancements Or Change set bonuses for underused sets Possible benefits: Remove a race to 50 carrot Encourage build diversification Smooth out the power spike of hitting 50 through the leveling process Allows non 50s to have more comparable impact on their level of missions when teaming.
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