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Everything posted by Sirius.Games

  1. Just because I was wrong about a detail (something I was taught during live but hey a over a decade can make details fuzzy) doesn't mean much in the overarching theme. Any balance change is going to be met with pushback. Frankly it makes it difficult to take you seriously when you demonstrate that you clearly don't have full understanding of how game balance and behavioral economics work.
  2. My understanding is AoE is usually dual types ranged/AoE melee/AoE so capping to ranged and melee caps you to all three. Defensive sets would only be harmed with the to hit change not the first two and sets that build for type would have to be changed to accommodate. This would make defensive sets more similar but with IOs are they all that different when your capped to all types vs all positions? The new harder difficulty is a bandaid when people have to actively make the game more challenging the default option always wins. IOs and incarnates aren't going away and the game would benefit from a rebalance around them instead of trying to make everything homogeneous it forces diversity. Incarnate abilities available in non incarnate content was a mistake, how it is dealt with is the question.
  3. The game is easy, let's be honest. You don't need IOs or incarnates for a number of sets. There is a time intensive fix. The approach would be multi pronged: 1. Remove types for defenses Removing types for defense would cause a choice for ATs and playstyles. It would mean that AE farms can't just cap a type, it would mean some ATs would be stronger later. It would also mean that you would have to make a choice on where and how you approach things. It would also make epics such as mace less appealing (lower numbers for a positional defense) 2. Remove dual type defenses AoE becomes its own type exclusively, no more AoE+Melee/range. This means standing in a pile in the middle of enemies becomes more dangerous. It also makes AoE more dangerous as it is the most ignored defense type. Enemies with AoE become much more dangerous. 3. Increase the accuracy floor or the guaranteed hit roll increase This would mean more hits coming in regardless of the above changes. This change would increase the utility of ATs such as Dom's/controllers, bring high damage ATs back down, buff support rolls in general but FF and +def sets more. There will always be best options but this would force choices and bring thought in the game. Immediate reactions and unintentional effects? I have more but my toddler has me on limited sleep.
  4. The downward trend makes sense, things sold faster 18 months ago however it would make sense that because prices have stayed relatively stable supply has tapered. I convert when I need to finance a build but have gotten to the point of having 5 of every IO over 3 million is in my base. I'm nearing saturation and don't have as much desire to put up 100s of converted IOs a day. Supply will lag behind slowing with demand but supply will also ebb, else we will see the market crash and all IOs trend to less than the material cost. The market seems stable with everything around the same prices volume has constricted however but not to a point of IOs not selling within a day. As for how to disrupt the market the target would have to be both limited supply and a niche. The only items that fit that category I'm aware of are HOs. You have to go out of you way to get them and I don't believe there is a ceiling seed. You could only target a single type but it would could make them them more unviable for purchase.
  5. Idk timeline wise but nerfs/buffs has happened to primary and secondary power sets depending on usage and utility. I imagine the epics will get a pass at some point but are lower priority than primary and secondary set defining things more.
  6. There really is an intersection of optimization and feeling useful that feels like it doesn't matter what we do. Some sets are just not as useful once everyone has softcapped def. The only way you really control what happens in a group is if you run it and advertise it a certain way. Don't fill all the slots and crank the difficulty, still to easy split into two groups. Just some thoughts because avoiding the optimized torched earth play is hard when teaming in a lot of things.
  7. My fire/dev mostly ranged build not including gun drone sustains 260 dps in the attack chain. This is without aim or gaussian proc so it's likely higher. I usually look to hit in the 200s with most ATs (debuff included). So I would consider the number to try to hit would be in that range. Some ATs I try to hit above 300. Blappers can get higher with other secondaries than devices while the filler primaries that aren't fire will do less.
  8. Stealth defense doesn't 100% go away but taking maneuvers is usually superior due to the stacking stealth you refer to.
  9. You mean what ncsoft was doing before sunset? I'm still pissed they had micro transaction's then shut the game down. Literally squeezed as much as the could out of the player base then stopped providing access to the purchased items.
  10. One of the reasons mental manipulation works so well is the HUGE Regen it can come with (3x that of other blasters when capped). If you are going for a pure natural blaster hence munitions my primary advice is put artillery into fistful, luck of the gambler as the first slot in all def powers, two slot blessing of the zephyr in all movement powers, then look for other ways to increase your ranged def until you hit the soft cap. Then play around with procs vs sets to maximize damage while keeping recharge high enough you can cycle through your attacks.
  11. The problem with ELEC on a blaster vs corruptor is ELEC wants to start in the middle of everything and more importantly with shocked ball lightning just comes in line with fireball. I use the concept on an elec/kin corruptor using the drain for survivability. The primary benefit of shocked comes from taking down bosses and leuts because you get the damage boost. Because it's more lacking in single target you will have to make up for it in the secondary. Ranking in effectiveness in clearing mobs it's behind fire, ice, and water but likely in that secondary teir. Worse than dark for survival but better in damage. You nailed the secondaries that it likes.
  12. TLDW? It's 30 minutes. With global ignore it's not like you can harass somebody effectively. Don't like the changes? That's any game you don't own or run. PG is very clickbait and it's like I'm leaving. Take your ball and go home it's all good.
  13. Depends on if you are the aoe lead or the boss killer. If you are cleaning up the last spawn it's hard to use it. If you jump in and plant it as the frontline fodder jumps in and follow up with another aoe most minions are dead. Recharge let's you do it every spawn with a ball aoe you do quite a chunk of damage. Even more with your ult. Couple that with soft capped range defense and you usually don't even need the fodder.
  14. This sums up the situation. That being said you can swap nrg for any primary and fire will win out when it comes to damage (thanks blaze). The question you have to answer is what do you want to play and what your hero does. Do you want to min max from the creation tool or after? I usually end back on fire however I usually don't care about damage mitigation and IO out the hero immediately to softcap range def. If I want to mitigate damage I play my dominator or corruptor.
  15. Only way I see CoX coming back in a commercial way is through a remaster. That being said the cost of a remaster is likely not going to make financial sense. The concept of cox isnt flawed the many different avenues they attemped (looking at you arena) and dividing the player base through freedom is the problem. CoX only viable future is through crowd sourced projects. The game has too many things that seperated the player base into different camps and doomed the game financially.
  16. This, people will avoid them still. More importantly a lot of people will continue to take the path of least resistance, whatever that may be. If the data shows that overall an enemy is chosen more often then another enemy. Then the chosen enemy should be buffed not the other way around.
  17. We don't want to nerf enemies, they've largely been ignored as heroes have seen constant buffs (after radical balance nerfs early on during live. I will take each suggestion you made though. 1. Make more challenging enemies have an XP boost percentage. It would be cool to have a weekly chosen enemy that gives a boost instead however.... However XP really isn't an issue in game so if this is time intensive there are a lot more priorities on my list. 2. Pets are summoned, it's not a fixed spell like an offensive toggle so they should persist for continuity sake. 3. Illusionist should be able to use their abilities. I would rather other factions see buffs honestly instead of making more "challenging" content easier.
  18. It has its own forum with stickied posts on how to get it. It's as close to being endorsed by homecoming without actually being apart of it.
  19. This is a good rule to start. You may or may not start seeing patterns on when to continue rolling. I look at the cost of the ingredients. Example: the price of the components is 300k, each converter is 75k you need at least 2 of not 3 to get to 1.5M. Best case is 450k to make 1.5M not a bad return but let's go further. Say we have a miracle set piece after spending 450k and we want to know what it costs to try to get the proc. We could sell the set piece for 1M or roll with a 1/6 chance to get 3M money. That means each time we roll in set it costs 225k and there is a 80% chance to not get to the proc... This means if we roll in set 8 times trying to get the proc there is a 32% (0.8^5) chance we break even. So is rolling in set worth it? Every single set and situation is different but the market usually favors rolling over the long run for the difference lending to the fact that people sell too early on average and buy higher because they want it now without doing it themselves (like every business ever). That being said if you start with a small amount of inf you absolutely could end up with less after some bad RNG. There's so many ways to play the market because its a mostly stable system which is nice because playing the game allows you to get sets and strong builds without abusing mechanics (like afk farming pvp on live).
  20. So I finally got to making my favorite melee character... Im of two minds with the build both get to 45% def in all positions and maximize hp. 1. Push procs/damage and ignore the psi hole 2. Push psi resist (haven't even thought about trying to get psi def up) and 6 slot for def bonuses. More damage output vs psi safety... Remembering how much the clowns hurt is real.
  21. I saw this happening and just set my buy orders and did something else. I wonder what the life is on those orders. Like did you buy from people who haven't logged in recently and the inf will just sit waiting to be picked up... I'm amazed at how stable the market is although because of the number of players it's easy enough to manipulate.
  22. I've been trying a few myself (fire and electric for damage reasons) I would throw water in the mix for it's lower cooldown and ground target ult. Archery I have thought about but my understanding is RoA spawns a pseudopet and doesn't scourge with the DOTs. I try get 3 of the same position aoe/cone. That being said water and assault rifle would be my suggestions to try.
  23. The point is it's not a bug if it is a purposeful documented change. Are there productive suggestions to be made, sure, but bug reports isn't the place for that.
  24. It has a taunt aura, sounds like it's taunting aggro like it should.
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