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Apogee last won the day on January 30

Apogee had the most liked content!


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About Apogee

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Looks fine on my screen, just a few shadows. Maybe check your graphics settings?
  2. Back away from the keyboard...breathe...find your happy place
  3. I believe we hit 250 years this June for the Army.
  4. I found a few times where I had forgotten to change the difficulty settings, which made the intermission spawns a bit more interesting
  5. well done! You too must have found the secret open bar
  6. But then there are the Demon Summoners. Those demons sounds are annoying as ... hell. oof
  7. wait...what? *rolls up sleeves* ... a man's gotta eat, Mr Lahey.
  8. There is always next year. Hopefully you will have more time then
  9. Listen to Skyhawke, save yourself! Also, I can't imagine playing the game without it.
  10. I see that, (and raise you) the fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.
  11. That was my exact initial take on the event (I've only done SBB once) and I didn't even run it for the first 10 days or so, but... then I ran the wedding event, solo. As a devout soloist, I found the fight fun on many of my alts, challenging on others. I enjoyed testing my builds and strategies on each different alt. I think my easiest run was with my namesake, a 50 Elec/Elec tank. I prepositioned in the midst of each spawn point and laid waste to them all as they appeared. It was fun.
  12. I lost count after 300 or so runs. 47 complete sets, bunch of merits. Hi, my name is Apogee, and I am an alt-aholic...
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