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Everything posted by Xaddy

  1. Very interesting question! I was vigilante. I almost went to red side to grab badges in Mercy to absorb the debt, but ended up doing the badges in Steel Canyon instead. I'm no longer on that map - but it was only the mobs that were in the long hallway, en route to the large room where I get to "Interrogate" Back Breaker. Once I got into the large room, everything was normal. Certainly not a big deal; but I was able to snag a couple bars of XP risk free.
  2. I thought I might just zip to the end, and ignored the mobs in the hallway en route to the back of the map. I was taking more aggro than I could handle...forgot I was only level 16. Anyway, a lot of chaos and button mashing, and I got defeated. I chose to go to my base for a rez. Upon re-entry to the map, now the mobs are ignoring me. I scorch 'em and use combustion, they just ignore me. So...figured that's gotta be a glitch. No idea if it's reproducible or not.
  3. If it was a snake, I would have been bitten or squeezed and eaten. Thanks!
  4. In the picture, you can see my pet Recluse hit me! I guess one of the Seers confused him and it lasted all the way through the Mr. Yin and Penny Yin cut scene before she loses control of her mind to the angry Awakened.
  5. Please don't sweat the pronouns on my account. Perhaps I'm not very good at communicating this issue. Eiko-chan and Rudra - both trying to be helpful are telling me this information is already in the game. I don't debate the information in the detailed tab. It is plain as day: But - I can only see this AFTER I choose the power. Not before. If I don't choose this power, I cannot see it. Thankfully, there are plenty of free respecs if the power doesn't suit my needs. I am told that if I type the power in brackets, I can get a link in chat to click on that displays it. The problem is - I still don't know if the information is accurate because of the inconsistency. It certainly looks like it's going to dish out more damage than the minimal damage the description mentions. In any event, I took the power and it works quite well with an Overwhelming Force damage/kb to kd.
  6. So, I screwed up, I think. Or I'm on the verge of being a mad scientist. I made a blaster. A combo that I haven't seen myself. Rad/Mental blaster. I think mental is accurate, lol. Drain Psyche is not a toggle like other sustains. The trade off is really sick regen/recovery rates. But only for 30 seconds. After playing a brute for a bit, and then a tank, I'm not as concerned about going into melee as I probably should be. Seems like a natural thing to do for any character, from time to time, running into melee. How else would you use Melee AoE powers if not in melee? A player told me about "jousting", and I've been hit or miss on using Drain Psyche with this method. It will just take me more practice. But my rad primary...I love the looks of it. But there're a few quirks with it. Like the range of these attacks seem exceptional - especially after getting my feet wet with a Sentinel for 25 levels. I think I should have gone ice/mental, for some soft controls like Ice patch, let them bounce, and then drain psyche. Because unless it's a joust (which I'm just not very good at right now) there's a fair chance that I get stunned, or even defeated because it will take some time to get tough, weave and maneuvers running. I can't rely on drain psyche to keep those toggles running, either. The recharge on it just isn't that good yet. Maybe at 50, it will be super, but at 25, I've got to be judicious with it's use. Are there any suggestions as to other primaries that might let me take better advantage of Drain Psyche, other than rad? It's my intent to try them all, but it might be nice to have a few suggestions.
  7. How humiliating. I'm apparently like a dog who returns to eat his own vomit. This has got to be the third time it's been suggested I check City of Data. My suggestion is simply for information from the game be consistent with itself. The idea that a player would reach a new level, then tab out and scope out information from City of Data is just ridiculous. I mean, it is a darn useful tool. No question. But it's still ridiculous. That information should be in the game for players to make an educated decision - at least, that's what I think. As a player base, we cannot continue to refer people to external sites for information. The game needs to have that information for players to see. The only reason it's acceptable at this point is because the game is free. (And thankfully, so are City of Data and HC Wiki!) I get that it's a volunteer staff. But using these sites as a crutch is only okay as a temporary solution, in my opinion.
  8. Telekinetic Thrust, Mental Manipulation Secondary for a blaster. Which is it? Superior Damage, or Minimal damage? I recognize that respecs are easy to get - and that we have access to Brain Storm for a player to figure this stuff out without too much hassle. But...would it be a hassle to edit this power description one way or the other? Deals minimal damage in a superior fashion?
  9. At the bottom, above the Chat category.
  10. So, maybe some of you smarter folks can use this as a teaching moment. I've seen things like this in my own combat log. So, I'm level 21, exemplared to 19. The Wolf Spider Assault in question is level 21. While the OP's intent is specifically about the amount of damage they took - some further explanation of what these kinds of messages actually mean, besides the obvious "they missed". Why does the 16.36 roll hit and the 80.89 roll miss? What do these numbers actually mean?
  11. So, the test didn't take long. It's quite clear to me that vulnerability definitely works, and works well. At least against Wyvern. 3 shots vs 2 shots. Now, obviously, it could be that Wyvern don't have any kind of defense or resist, but I'm thinking that's unlikely. So, yeah, it's not useless - at least not when solo. I think there are just a fair number of harder targets where it's hard to tell if these kinds of debuffs do much.
  12. I thought it was my alt, Wafer Thin Mint. Thanks for your gift of inf! I bought a crafting table with it and implemented a number of your tips and am a billionaire now!
  13. So, I can't say it's worthless. (Level 20 now, by the way. Finally got out of praetoria, and suddenly I had to alt out for a noob friendly 1*lgtf and I've left that poor Sentinel idle since! But, back with him at the moment, and candidly, haven't fought anything tough enough to know if using it is actually doing anything. This is just my perception, but powers like this (and Interface) - I'm sure they do something, but without combat log checking, I'd never know it. The only characters I've played that I've ever noticed a debuff actually doing anything was the slow from Heat loss, sleet, ice storm and blizzard - (I tend to use all 4 if they're up, so could be just one doing it, or the combination.) And, an ill/rad controller handling a GM in PI solo. Cuz my pets just aren't going to do much without the debuffs running. Unless using power analyzer, that temp from start vendor - yes, the AV may seem like they're melting quickly, but it's tough to know if it's just some proc'd to the gills water blaster or some scrapper's getting some tasty crits in, or the debuffs allowing for the extra dps. It's odd. It's probably something you can't notice until you don't have it anymore. So, what I'll do is try not using it for a mission when solo and see if it makes a difference that I can see, assuming I can latch onto a story arc that will have me facing the same foes to make a fair comparison.
  14. So, I recently made Mr. Creosote, arch-nemesis of Wafer Thin Mint. Started him off in Praetoria. And..I tend to like super speed, but I couldn't see him zipping around like that with his extra bulk. But...I couldn't see him flying or jumping around either. What I really needed was a motorized wheelchair, but don't have that option, so I left him without a travel power for 5 levels. Then a mission came up on the other side of the map. I just couldn't see me doing this for another 45 levels. So, I got SS and use prestige power slide, and imagine he's on a scooter.
  15. Nice collection of information. I am curious about this "Master Brawler" in Super Reflexes in the Sentinel secondary. I looked at the formula on City of Data, and it seems to give some percentage of Absorb - the smaller the fraction of endurance/hitpoints, the better the absorb. But that's it? It doesn't protect against holds or anything like practiced brawler? It doesn't seem to boost those attributes when used, but my hp was close to 80% and my end close to 100%, maybe I've got to be closer to defeat for it to do something. No idea so far. I think it's possible based on the wording that it boosts the status protections that Focused Fighting and Focused Senses provide, but it doesn't boost those protections at all. 4.6 points of hold protection from Focused Senses. Since I can no longer take practiced brawler, I can't see what that does without going to brainstorm or doing a respec. I did notice maybe 60 pts of an absorb, and I'm sure that would improve once I get more hitpoints - as the formula uses the hitpoints and endurance in the formula to calculate how much absorb to give. But this seems like a power I should respec into later, and use practiced brawler in the early levels. Or am I missing something?
  16. The same HC wiki that supposedly is cast in stone until they upgrade hardware? I read something about that. Don't get me wrong, the HC wiki is a fantastic tool, but there are at least a few blank pages there waiting for myself and others to fill them in with detailed information. Still, it's only my opinion, but the game shouldn't be relying on external sources of information to fill in the blanks. A player new or returning or seasoned veteran should be able to click H and find the topic they need help with. Again, just my opinion. But thanks for the link!
  17. So, I see Okie broadcasting for a hami raid while I'm on a Praetorian. As you might imagine, hami raids are fairly popular. Since I have to alt out, I know it's going to be about 45 seconds before I can get back on and make my way to the Abyss. But, if there's already 40 folks in the Abyss, I know I don't need to bother. It will be full before I get there most likely. So, I do a search on my new gold-sider. This is what I see: I know some folks immerse themselves into this world and would be oblivious of Hami-Os, and reward merits and such. But...I'm still a person who controls (or likes to think they do) multiple characters. Just not all at the same time. It would be useful if a gold-sider can see what's going on in RWZ as an MSR is recruited for, the Abyss or the Hive as the calls go out for those as well. I know it's a simple thing to switch out, and then switch back in if there's no room, but it would be great if I could just check without alting. Thanks.
  18. Xaddy


    Slowly figuring it out, thanks. I have made the suggestion that this info be in the game as there are more than a few folks who have started to play after the patch notes where this was added.
  19. I do appreciate the info from the patch notes, and both of your efforts to be helpful. But here is what I see/saw: You see where it says recharge time: 5.00s? That is not the recharge time of this power. This power recharges apparently when you fill the opportunity bar. I'm still just level 7, having had to leave the game for a bit and have returned. So I don't yet know if it's a couple of attacks, or getting hit or what it is that builds opportunity. Fortunately for me, I know there's an entire section in these forums for Sentinels and the help channel (which had no replies when I asked the question about Vulnerability before I came here) which typically has a ton of helpful comments. I do wonder why the range for this is 100 feet when the closest my attacks will get me is 60 feet (so far). But, at least it's not 40 feet, lol. So, again, I appreciate the helpful replies - but I still think the game should have this information for future players. And, since it is auto-hit, the accuracy field should probably just say 100% or be removed entirely. And yeah, the Rage cost made me laugh a bit. It made me think of Jessica Jones "I'm still angry". So, far as I can tell, once I build up opportunity bar, I use vulnerability, and it cuts in half, so I can use it 2x once I built it up. More than fair. I'm just been using it on everything and wondering why it wouldn't "recharge" as it says it's supposed to. But I guess, it will recharge in 5 seconds after use if the opportunity bar is still full. This beyond the scope of suggestion/feedback now, so I'll stop now. Thanks, all.
  20. So, I'm level 7 on a Sentinel. Praetoria. I've never played a Sentinel before. I find out I sent in a support ticket because there was nothing in the Vulnerability info tab that mentioned word one about "Opportunity". The bar itself, kind of like a brute fury bar, nestled snugly between Endurance and XP. My feedback is to actually have this kind of information in the detailed tab. A player shouldn't have to visit the forums while playing to learn these types of things. I still find myself having to go through patch notes to learn what builds "opportunity". I can appreciate the effort into boosting Sentinels, but the information should be part of that effort. And, oh joy, I got defeated while tabbed out looking to find out what was going on with this power.
  21. Xaddy


    Oh..I never even saw a bar. Didn't know it existed, never played a Sentinel before. Seems like that info should have been in the detailed tab or even the generic info part...something somewhere. Thanks. Now I just have to figure out how this "opportunity" builds up.
  22. The detailed info suggests this recharges after 5 seconds. But sometimes, despite not being debuffed in any fashion at all, after a couple of uses, it won't recharge until 20-30 seconds - and then I see this red circle around it. Is it just a limiter because the debuff is very good? What's going on here?
  23. I think I've just decided to respec my elec/shield brute to focus on recharge instead of anything else.
  24. A fine post - but Eden is indeed one of your options for your SG base, as well as your long range teleport, provided you have the beacon installed in your base, (which you might not see if you're full villain) and have it unlocked on your LRTP by getting at least one badge there, assuming you already have the lrtp unlocked. Hopefully, this tidbit makes it easier for some folks to get there (early/on time).
  25. I am not quite certain yet, but I think I'm into badges. I checked, and suddenly I have over 1000! I was really just going exploring for merits mostly, and being curious about trying things I hadn't done before, or in a long time. I wish I were faster, but I do like zippy runs. I have one primary character and a few alts. I recently joined an SG after being invited from someone whose name I didn't recognize. I figured it couldn't hurt. The SG base was put together very nicely. I liked it! They had a discord, which seemed to be used quite a bit. I read through it. Seemed to be some discontent about forcing folks to use it for specific events. That makes sense to encourage folks to use it, particularly for challenging content. But they were gigantic! And I felt quite alone in that crowd. And, one of their officers (I guess - as he was on the calendar for leading lots of things that interested me) well, I don't like the way he treats players when they fail to measure up. I was teamed with him as a new player, and this other player died on a Master run. To be fair, the other player could have done better, but still, I've no time for whining/griping in the aftermath of a mistake. So, I chose to leave that SG and made my own. I would love to find a smaller SG that's big enough to run iTrials and master runs from time to time. Since I have over half the badges, seems like it would be fun to aim to get the rest. I don't think anyone gets them all being solo. As for Discord, I'd rather not, but I can if it's useful. (I think it is for some stuff) The primary reason I'd rather not is my headphones are not great. They're just not comfortable to wear. I have my own base, but it's a functional type place so I didn't have to run to rwz or steel to craft. I am enjoying playing the market so I can make newer characters without worrying about how to get the influence to slot them. I never play on Saturday nights. But I am usually on most every other day, although it's usually just a TF or a story arc. I don't want to be blindly invited. I'd rather have an organic invite - team with some group, crack a few jokes, and then because they like my play or my comments, they invite me. Does that ever happen? Oh, I usually play on Excelsior, but can easily transfer for the right fit.
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