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Kismet Cowboy

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Everything posted by Kismet Cowboy

  1. Also never done a TinPex. There's probably quite a few TFs I've never done. Never done a Mothership or Hami raid. Don't think I've ever been in the Shadow Shard for more than like 10 mins, max, if that. Never got a dominator or controller past 15, despite trying many times. Maybe they're just late bloomers, maybe the control-style playstyle just isn't for me, but I find them so boring. I only just took part in my first costume contest a few days ago!
  2. More underground pls; the Tunnels offer some of the best atmosphere in the game imo. The first time I had a mission in one, and was met with utter silence, broken only by the maddening buzz of the lights? chef's kiss Extra underground zones would be a great way to do a little extra goldside plot, pre or post nuking. There's Praetorian DE, could maybe do something more with Metronome, the Awakened, or any number of messed up stuff that came out of Arclight and Bettermousetrap. If it was post-war, they'd be a good place to have pockets of survivors, which could lead to some great stories, because who doesn't love some apocalyptic trauma?
  3. Was going to make my own thread, but will ressurect this one instead. I have zero idea how feasible it would be, but I would LOVE some alternate FX options for the various teleports, and there's already plenty of good options in game that various NPCs have access too that could hopefully be ported as options to PCs. Off the top of my head there's: -The 'fizzle' is the best way I can describe it. Lots of NPCs (Nocturne and Dr. Aeon being the two recent examples I've seen that come to mind), use this FX when teleporting away after being defeated. -Maelstrom's unique FX, which he uses when teleporting away. -The Ouroboros warp. I'm not sure how many NPCs have it, but I know Laura Lockhart has a unqiue effect when she teleports during the events of her arc while pursuing the Guardian of Forever version of it. All these effects are really neat, and it'd be great to be able to shake up the old effect we've had for so long.
  4. I hope this isn't a really dumb question or I'm not missing something obvious, but I'm wanting to swap some power sounds around and I don't seem to have a piggs directory from which to actually extract the sounds I need? I can find a few piggs files if I go digging in "assets" but they contain a limited number of sounds and not the player powers catalog. The install folder contains accounts, architect, assets, bin, cache, costimes, data, logs, powercust, screenshots, and settings. Does the HC Launcher install them somewhere seperately or hide them or something like that? For reference I'm on a machine running windows 7, if that makes any difference.
  5. God this is an amazing thread. Kudos to @TwoDee and @huang3721 for the deep dives, they're really great and are deffo gonna help with characters going forward. Going Rogue is what really got me into the game and Praetorian content has always been my favourite, but piecing together the full picture of goldside lore has always been difficult. I honestly think its a shame they quite literally nuked it.
  6. This is what has always put me off the set. Thematically I love it, the sfx I think is great, and even the sound design works for me, but the animation looks very stiff, unnatural, and unfinished. Would work great for a robot/cyborg character though, where the stiffness might actually compliment the concept.
  7. I sure hope so, but I haven't been able to find anything 😭 If you do see anything, please let me know, and thank you so much!
  8. Hey all, hope this hasn't been asked before, but is there any way to disable the visual numbers floating off a character's head when recieving healing/absorption? I've been playing around with powers and IOs that provide constant tics of healing/absorb and honestly the constant visual is super annoying. Not such an issue in teams where everything is popping off, but when I'm soloing its really noticeable. I've had a look through options and can't find (or understand) anything to make them stop. Is there a way, or are you just sort of stuck with them? Thanks!
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