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Everything posted by JonnieNeutron

  1. I'm just quoting your first one, because I'm lazy and also my head hurts a little You can solo Rom just fine without the extras if you understand the mechanic and break line of sight before he resurrects, also you can pull him off the platform to eliminate the ambushes, as far as Maria arc, Nightstar and AntiMatter are the only ones that are problematic on my scrapper when I solo them, not so problematic on my kiting fire/plant w/ capped ranged defense Also, I've seen Rom tanked on stone tanks without Granite many times, it's all in the numbers and the support you have. Oh, I do use incarnate powers, but all of those AV's were being solo'd by all sorts of builds before incarnates were in the game
  2. Champion? Is that you? This all seems vaguely familiar
  3. I'm so in favor of this, just need a good name for it, like Lucky 7's
  4. Guild Wars 2 holds my interest being that it's primarily story driven and you get xp for everything (I mean everything) and some SWTOR and Rift (mostly for log in rewards) and some DCUO now and again when I get the itch, oh and Hearthstone....maybe I game too much
  5. 20...ok 25 minutes on normal runs
  6. Maybe soloing, but your highest ST attack really should be T8 or 9, FS would help mitigation on lowe level TF's
  7. What about the weird fire armor reaction making foes run away? Or is that the punchvoke fix?
  8. I would recommend making "bank toons" to hold influence, the email system has always been sketch
  9. Bring what? What are we dong? I need more information
  10. oy veh I saw that in our Discord Buds, check your email
  11. Are we really still talking about this?
  12. Thanks for the update!
  13. I don't mind it, although I'm not a fan of some of the animations
  14. I'm they'll be up eventually, there isn't a whole team of admins working on the servers like in the past and I'm sure they don't have a designated person to post updates, just relax, eat some cereal and play in mids, it will be up eventually
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