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Everything posted by A.I.D.A.

  1. If you open the costume file in notepad, you can type in any RGB values for any piece. And when you load that costume file, it will even appear that way in the tailor window. But when you try to lock it in, anything other than the swatches will give you an error message about not being allowed to pick that colour, unless a given server has specifically made changes to the list of colours that are accepted for certain pieces. I think the intent was to disallow skin tones from tights.
  2. Knockback is free mitigation. People just need to learn to be more mobile instead of falling into the 'stand still and AoE' mentality trap that this game has become. Power targeting snapshots when the button is pressed. Even if an enemy is knocked away mid-animation, they are still a target for the power. If your first instinct is to cry when enemies get knocked away from you, rather than to close the gap and keep fighting, are you really a hero? Don't cry over it and ostracize your teammates. Never do that. Only villains do that. Remember, heroes: a villain who is on his ass, is a villain who is not kicking yours.
  3. Next time you get your ass handed to you by a recurring AV in a mission arc, make them your nemesis 🙂 Have your hero blame themself for not being strong enough, and angst over the people they failed to save, etc. Basically, mark that arc off as 'failed' in terms of roleplay / character story. That's the best you're likely to get for a 'nemesis system,' since CoH was not designed with that idea in mind. Also, I actually hated the nemesis system in my brief experiences with Champions Online. I only wanted to create my character, I wanted the world to organically give me villains to fight. Being expected to create my own nemesis felt cheap, unrewarding, and like an added burden placed on me before I could finish character creation. Of course, we're all forgetting that Lord Nemesis is the best nemesis.
  4. Yep, if you're gonna put two placed slots in Stamina, then 2-slot Performance Shifter and the heal proc from Power Transfer is kinda the way to go.
  5. Swift already has a fly speed component, and can take basic fly speed IOs.
  6. Most people don't wear them because they have to be chosen instead of a cape. It's in the Backpacks section, and there are two versions -- one with a plate thing, and one without.
  7. For me, the trick is that regen is fine and fun and doesn't need power creep.
  8. Thank you! And yes, the chest armour piece is a chest detail. I forget whether it was PPD or Imperial Defense or something else, but it's front-only, and I use the cyber-spine in the back! The boots are Rocket Boots -- the costume piece animates with blue thruster jets when a flight power is active (flight, hover, mystic flight, etc) I have a version of her that is a claws / energy aura scrapper, with the gundam plasma katar model, and another that is a beam rifle / energy aura sentinel.
  9. Even if you're facing 200 incoming DPS with 175/s regen, you can still kill them faster than they kill you. It's not as simple as "regen more than incoming DPS or die guaranteed." Your outgoing DPS is also a factor. That's what I was trying to say.
  10. I regularly fund new characters' builds entirely on the merits they earn while levelling via mission arcs. If you use an XP booster, or do the ever-popular DFB-to-20 train, you're missing out on merits while jumping up in level, setting yourself behind. If you're the type of person to turn XP off until you've exhausted all the contacts in a level range, and then street-sweep up to the next range (I am not this kind of person), then you'll be vastly _ahead_ of your level in merits. I never once slot most characters with a single SO. I solo using the five prestige enhancements we all get for free from T4V, and all my powers are basically empty until I can placehold them with plain IOs at Lv. 22, or 27, or something. I do just fine. I just buy enhancement boosters and converters with my merits, and sell them to get the necessary globals and cheaper IO sets as I level. Attuned, of course, so they level with me and last forever.
  11. You can already make these with a good techy bodysuit, some gauntlets/shoulders/chest detail, and the right colour scheme. Add the cyber-spine back item and the ascension belt for good measure and a nice energy glow. For example, here is my alien! Her boots even have cyan blue jet thrusters when she uses a flight power.
  12. I have a Psi-Melee / Regen and I've had tons of fun with her. She never once felt terrible or squishy, and I'm normally a very Super Reflex kinda girl. ^ I realize this one is not the OP, but this quoted point is logically unsound. If incoming damage is greater than your regen, you are still mitigating your regen worth of incoming DPS and that helps you empty the enemy lifebar before the enemy empties yours. Regen has plenty of clicks for these situations, both in terms of max HP buffs and click-heals. Regen only feels bad to people who want it to play like a more typical secondary. If that's what you want, have you considered playing Willpower instead?
  13. Not if you want it to look nice. Would you rather your character hold an empty left hand out in the Empty Clips animation with no pistol it it? Or would you rather the single-pistol animation only have one recoil pop and then a cone of bullets originating from two places, neither of which is there the character is actually holding the gun? How about actually choosing a pistol model for the power? Last I checked, the single-pistol animation comes from the Revolver temporary power, which can't be customized, it's always the old, low-res revolver from 2008.
  14. Wanna make a single-pistol animation for a rapid-fire cone?
  15. I like the idea of a set of synergy attacks for this, but we probably don't need to make it a direct port of Fighting, unless it becomes mutually-exclusive with Fighting in the same way that origin pools are mutually-exclusive with each other (as in, once you have Experimentation, you can no longer take Sorcery, Willpower, etc.). Actually, that would probably be my preferred method, now that I think about it. Just a direct port of Fighting, mutually-exclusive with Fighting so you can't have both pools on the same character, and instead of Boxing / Kick / Cross-Punch, it could have Pistols / Dual Wield / Empty Clips, scaled down for the pool power tax. Might have to consider some weirdness on AT's with Shield Defense, locking it out like it locks out two-handed primaries already, and leaving Shield Defense characters with only Fighting, and not Small Arms, as an option. That would be a way to enable the thematic, without contributing to power creep.
  16. Why are you slotting Stamina with three plain EndMods, and no Performance Shifter? It's not that hard to get a Performance Shifter global by the time you're at the beginning of its level range.
  17. ALT+LBUTTON, SHIFT+LBUTTON . . . If your build has more than three ground-clicks, I'd say that's a you problem. They're not a very common type of power targeting scheme. No-one likes a contrarian without a valid point. Or a strawman for that matter.
  18. Feeling embarrassed to ask for help is a societal problem, not a game dev problem.
  19. You mean people don't just bind ground-clicks like teleport to CTRL+LBUTTON so you can teleport, drop your blizzard, or whatever, right into the game world without pressing a hotbar button first? XD
  20. I think it's more important that they fix the bow-legged posture on Parkour Stance before looking at variant ninja stances.
  21. It doesn't do anything that tagging a mob with a ranged attack and standing around a corner doesn't already do. XD
  22. Eh? No, just the ability to choose whether a power that's already a cone works like: A.) Vorpal Judgment style: cone fires the way the character is facing, does not require a target to activate or B.) All Other Cones In the Game Style: needs a target to activate, fires in the direction of the targeted enemy Not to select powers' arcs and radii or absence thereof, that would be ridiculous, and break the damage formula in every conceivable way.
  23. Bold of you to assume we get any new players, and not just returning players from live.
  24. Don't see why not. As it stands, anything that makes melee cones less shitty picks for more people is probably good. They kinda suffer from the shape without very wide arcs as-is. Better yet, give me a variable option per-power -- I would love for the vast majority of my cones to fire in the character's current facing direction, but extremely narrow cones like Dual Pistols' Piercing Shot needs to fire at a target, at least in my preferred control scheme, as it's conceptually treated as a single-target attack with a chance to get one or two more if positioning is exceptional. Could be best implemented as a pair of /commands, honestly, for macro use, say, for example /powexec_conetarget "Power Name" : activates named power aimed at your target (and targeting a valid target if auto-targeting options are enabled and you have no target) /powexec_coneforward "Power Name" : activates named power without a target, in the direction of the character's facing
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