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Everything posted by A.I.D.A.

  1. Honestly, maybe best done for most melee weapons as an alternate animation for Vorpal Judgment, to give each silhouette a weapon. It probably couldn't detect your powerset or weapon model customization very easily, but there could be alternate animations for Longsword, War Mace, Battle Axe, Katana, Titan Weapon, Claws, Psi-Melee, Arachnos Widow, (and any I am forgetting). Having a 'basic' weapon of the right general type would be in line with the Vorpal Judgment silhouettes being bald green (recolourable) holograms of default (on-selection) body shape for your current costume's body type. But I am right with you there on a blade-beam / vacuum cut judgment option! Make it a melee cone with a wider arc (like 120-degrees) to ensure it's actually usable easily. The Core version should have the standard chance of extra damage, and the Radial version should have a -RES debuff (the idea being that the blade beam damages the enemy's armour). Give it the heavy, momentum-driven spinning cut animation from that one Titan Weapon power, where you step forward into a roundhouse blow with the weapon, and have it fire an appropriate projectile. Use this animation even if the player is using some other melee set, and have an alternate option at the tailor, to have it extend dual psi-blades and use the Psi-Blade Sweep animation instead. Let the power's two colour channels in this alternate animation colour each psi-blade independently, instead of one for the core and the other for the corona.
  2. Stuns are functionally equal to holds. They both prevent enemies from attacking, neither of them break on damage. The only difference is that stunned enemies wander around slowly in a small radius around where they got stunned -- never far enough to cause them to wander out of an AoE, or anything like that. Definitely bring the Standard Ammo version's damage up to the same as the Incendiary & Cryo Ammo versions, though. That seems like such an oversight.
  3. If it helps, there is also a keyboard shortcut for selling the currently-rightclicked stack, in the context menu. So you can rightclick -> E, rightclick -> E, to repeatedly sell whole stacks quickly.
  4. That redirects to a malware extension.
  5. Titan Icon was the precursor to today's SCORE-based servers, and it worked there. It had costume creation, running around, and chatting, but no gameplay elements -- it was functionally a proximity chat room in Paragon and Etoile maps. I've run around with it on Resurgence (the old 'secret' server before the bubble break), albeit while transformed by a Resurgence GM into Belladonna Vetrano, so no additional cape or wings. The hairstyle was never made available there in the tailor, but as I was able to use my powers while transformed, that was primarily an example to illustrate that animations, including very mobile animations with lots of spinning, like Lotus Drops and Ninja Run, didn't break its physics or cause any more clipping than our existing capes already do. But you're basically guaranteed never to get it working with any other cape slot piece -- whether that's because the game can't process two physics objects for one character, or because it can, but people with potato PCs would experience slowdown, I'm not sure. Wings might be less of an issue, as they are strictly animated and not physics objects, but would clip more. I don't hate clipping in an old game like this, especially for something like hair, that is supposed to represent many strands. My brain rationalizes most hair clipping as the hair flowing around the thing it's clipping through. I only notice blatant examples like, say, some of our existing longer hair styles clipping through the back of a high-collar cape, and even then, I don't care much. Apparently this game is played (and developed) by many people who see a single pixel of clipping and instantly vomit in disgust, though. So . . . don't know what to tell you.
  6. Better than no-one able to use it at all.
  7. I think they mean actual weapon sets with weapon costume models, not elemental sets that happen to form an elemental weapon for a few powers. It would be neat to have something like 'Sword & Pistol Assault,' with some katana attacks and some pistol attacks. Especially after the recent page's redraw changes.
  8. Boggle is great. It doesn't aggro. You can use it from stealth to safely (and slowly) thin out large enemy groups, or get the rest of the group to turn on the one problem target you don't like dealing with. Or slow the Confuse purple proc in it, and use it from stealth until the Contagious Confusion activates (making it AoE), and then go in. It might not see use on teams, but as a solo player, it's super useful. So, as unironically awesome as having Aurora Pena's psychic whip would be, I'd rather have it be an alternate animation choice for the existing single-target Psi-Melee attacks.
  9. I've already said that problem would be solved by locking out selections. You're asking about a non-issue.
  10. That's nice. It's still not true. Ghost Widow's hairstyle functions and the clipping is no worse than the clipping our existing capes already have. I don't play on other servers either these days. But it's been functional in Titan Icon, and when I used to play on Resurgence before it all went public, I spent a good whole day transformed by one of Resurgence's GMs into Belladonna Vetrano's model, which has the same hairstyle. During gameplay, using ninja run and its backflip and frontflip jump animations, different attack animations, and everything, and it looked fine. There was an acceptable amount of clipping -- it occasionally clipped through an arm or whatever, just like our existing capes already do with some fast-moving animations, but it largely respected the solidity of the model's core.
  11. I have used Stealth before. Any character who is intending to stealth missions has enough stealth radius not to get seen even when bumping hitboxes with AVs -- it's extremely simple. Even the stealth powers with the lowest radii can combine with a stealth IO to reach this. Out-of-combat defense is _explicitly_ a non-benefit.
  12. No issues that our existing capes don't already have. This is a 20-year-old game, some clipping is expected. Even pieces without physics have some clipping. There are no actual, real issues with Ghost Widow's hairstyle, only assumptions. The only possible real issue would be characters with two capes to process physics for making the game hang for people with potato PCs, but that can be solved by causing it to lock out other options that use the cape slot, like some jackets already do.
  13. I am well aware of that. My point is that Stealth _is_ worse than Energy Cloak. It's worse as a defense power by about 50%, in all ways that really matter. Out-of-combat defense is a non-benefit. Whatever stupid edge-cases some people in this thread might brain-twist themselves into thinking are relevant. This whole thread is a pointless suggestion predicated on a false premise.
  14. Huh, interesting. But still the absolute tiniest possible benefit that can exist in this game, seeing as it's not hard for any archetype with Energy Aura to softcap defenses in combat. And even if you couldn't, it's of extremely questionable value to dodge the one shot that enemies will throw at you while you fly by. If you're going to fight, it is irrelevant -- if you aren't going to fight, it's still irrelevant because you've zoomed past after one shot.
  15. . . . Out-of-combat defense is a non-benefit. If you're out of combat, you're not being targeted with any attacks to defend against, and the moment something targets you, whether it hits or misses, you become flagged as in-combat.
  16. That's patently false though. It's worked fine in Titan Icon since forever, and works fine on SCORE-based servers that allow it. XD
  17. Always +1 for more costume pieces. Ghost Widow hairstyle when?
  18. Super Reflex with a sword and a pistol sounds like Dual Pistol / Super Reflex Sentinel, with Ninja Tool Mastery. Though I guess maybe Spark Blade only has one pistol? I've never seen the trailer in question.
  19. Replace it with Mass Levitation from Psi-Melee. 🙂
  20. Link in the first post seems dead, and my existing installation of City Mod Installer won't run. Probably tries to connect to your site and can't.
  21. Dual Pistols does suffer in the DPS department from lacking it, though less so than some other sets -- Swap Ammo is not a sufficient replacement, it only covers for a part of what's missing. Assault Rifle suffers so much from missing Aim that it's up for a massive buff rework in the upcoming page. Ninja Training has only a damage buff on the single, opening power you use in a given fight, and yes, it suffers too. It may "play perfectly fine" in an overall sense, doing other things, but its damage is lacking. Same with Martial Combat and its weird proccing replacement -- but it does other things, with a lot of knockdown and mobility. But skipping Aim / Build Up on sets that can take it, and were thus meant to use it? That is objectively a bad choice. No amount of 'play however you want' platitudes will change that reality. You're obviously allowed to make bad choices. Most content in this game might even be doable with a certain amount of bad choices! But you will be less effective than you could have been if you'd taken Aim / Build Up, and in content like 4-star TFs, that will matter.
  22. I'm not presuming anything. You can play however you want, but you are lacking in damage output if you skip Aim / Build Up. Whatever you might think. Don't draw false equivalencies between "that's a bad choice" and "you're not allowed to make bad choices."
  23. If you say so. You're only hurting yourself by skipping them. XD
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