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Everything posted by Redletter

  1. Depends. Mass Effect (the good ones) make you choose between being a biotic god, and being a soldier boi. Biotics come in a variety of flavors, three specifically. Adept, Sentinel (heh), and Vanguard(heh heh). Adept: Gravity Control/Force Field Controller - A Grav/FF controller is literally the build I uased for my Liara expy, it's good stuff. No powerset is as versatile as biotics are, but Grav has just about everything on the usual biotic power list. Throw, lift, stasis... it even has a sort of "combo" with Gravity Distortion in the same vein as biotic combos (sans the biotic explosion). Forcefield is a bit of stretch, but, Mass Effect 2 says biotics can make big biotic bubbles, so, here you go. It also comes with a couple of "biotic" powers of its own. Gravity/Time Controller - This is the same thing, but a generally more active character with combo mechanics (time has this thing where you can apply a status to enemies and allies that enhances your buffs and debuffs on them respectively) Gravity/Dark Miasma Controller - This is like the other two, but focuses on debuffs rather than support. Just ignore the dog summon (if you want, maybe she likes dogs, I wouldn't know, she's your girlfriend not mine yet.) EDIT: Gravity/Radiation Emission Controller - I often forget Radiation Emission exists due to it's focus on toggles? But, in experimenting with VFX and trying to match the mechanics of biotics? It fits REALLY well visually and thematically, since mostly likely, the only time itll see it's maximum usefulness is on small, or especially coordinated teams (or solo). Vanguard (heh heh): Gravity Control/Energy Assault Dominator - If you wanna knock fools around with your space magic, then punch them in the face with your space magician hands, this is what you wanna do. Combine with Combat Teleport for your "biotic charge" and watch as you dunk on the universe. Psi Blast/Energy Manipulation Blaster - For a version with more Ranged DPS and less control, this offers the same thing, but with less control and more mind bullets. As it so happens this is also probably a considerably more powerful character if she cares about such things. You'll want to maybe learn how to B L A P P E R from the B L A P P E R gods, since she's gonna wanna be at range AND in melee. Take combat teleport. Beam Rifle/Energy Manipulation Blaster - As above, but you get a laser gun instead of mind bullets. Combat teleport. Psi Melee/Bio Armor Brute OR Bio Armor/ Psi Melee Tanker - If she liked being a melee beast as a biotic, here's that. The former is more damage focused, the latter is probably one of the best characters in the game (IMO don't bully me metalords im just baby). COOMBAT TELEPOORT Sentinel (heh): Beam Rifle/Dark Miasma Corruptor OR Dark Miasma/Beam Rifle Defender - It's a laser gun, and warp. Tech, and biotics. It's more than the sentinel ever got in Mass Effect. The former does damage, the latter is loved by all for the HUUUUGE debuffs (maybe not the bad guys, they might not love u, but is ok, u have a girlfriend 4 dat) Elec Affinity/Dark Blast Defender OR Dark Blast/Elec Affinity Corruptor - Elec Affinity... KINDA has armor? Kinda? Faraday Cage is real real good, insulating circuit is absorbtion on demand... I 'unno dude. It's overload and warp on one character, I'm trying my best. Pick the defender for the big support numbers, pick Corruptor if you like bigger per hit damage. Beam Rifle OR Duel Pistols/Bio Armor Sentinel - It's a shooty blam blamm person, but, they have weird armor that they summon over their normal clothes! Bio Armor also comes with some powers that could be flavored as biotics... and if you go DP you get ammo changing? And you could flavor standard rounds as Warp Ammo? Kinda? Still, Bio Armor functions quite similarly to tech armor, so there you go I guess. Beam Rifle OR Duel Pistols/Energy Aura - Same as above, but it's literally armor made out of energy.
  2. Well, they do, technically. We got the Gold Bricker stuff in... what? Page 4? Along with the aeon gauntlets,and a few other bits and pieces. But, why they don't have more EXOTIC pieces, is probs because I think there's like... one maybe TWO devs working on costume stuff, and it's easier to nab things that exist in game already, or edit textures (such as in creating new paterns) than it is to say, make arm wings. I've also heard it said the devs would rather NOT give players more unique costume pieces (back alley brawlers gauntlets, for example) as those items make the character to whom they belong special. I disagree with this notion, but respect it. SWEET MOTHER HEN! IM IN LOVE!
  3. Well you see, it's really your fault. You used knockback. EVERYONE knows that knockback is bad, has no purpose, and is only used by jerk hacker trolls to RUIN normal people's gaming experience. Tactical Enemy Repositioning DOES NOT exist, you see, and you really should have known better. The GMs have been alerted. You're done for. I feel like the End drain is too much. Like, either LESS freaks should have it, or, the AMOUNT of End drained needs to be adjusted. Because they can literally hit you with one S U C C and turn off every toggle you have, and stop you from using powers -- there's very few powersets that get and End drain, and MOST of those sets inthemselves have protection from end drain to begin with? So it's like... Play elec armor or suck I guess? I dunno. I don't like that every Yin I play, i end up needing to pick up an Insp.Dish full of blues just so I don't have to worry about an SR toon dying outright. Furthermore, while i do love elec affinity in all it's forms, it kinda sucks that it's like... the only powerset able to restore endurance? If not, it seems to be the most efficient at it. Whatever the case, it's a great powerset overall so it's not uncommon to see and the community seems to see the annoyances with end drain so much, to the point where I've not a single Yin TF that did not have an elec defender or controll tagging along. I'm halfway convinced there's a cabal of elec afinity users who, like real super heroes, exist to help in times of need for endurance. Like those people who set up on a marathon route with water and granola bars. I don't mind the self rez, i think that's cool, and it's a chance for double EXP so, hey, that's neat I'm honestly shocked (ha) that Vaz folk don't have similar powers. But what ISNT neat is kill all freak missions, where you'll move on, freaks will rez because it takes a few seconds for them to decide if theyre gonna do it or not, then you have to backtrack through and find the ones who stood back up, but DIDNT stay aggro'd on you and went back to roaming the map idly. I think it'd be nice if we just set some kind of parameter that a freak at like... 70% health has an aggro range of elventy bajillion miles, because freaks at 70% health are freaks that are either currently being engaged, or, freaks that are getting back up. I dunno. I know it's an enormous annoyance to what already feels like annoying busy work. I know a while back I suggested that Illusion Control get a single target phase shift. Giving the set that has many powers in common with carnies, the utility to FIGHT carnies would make a lot of sense to me. I'm not entirely sure HOW phase shift works, in that like, I don't know if you HAD the phase shift power, if you could then hit a phase shifted carnie. I'm not sure how "meta" it feels, but i do know what you mean. Everytime I go for a double build upped Level 3 Combo Crushing Uppercut, seems to be PRECISELY when they wanna bug out. MY main problem with them is that their phase shift lasts for what feels like several minutes. It feels more like one of those "im unhittable now" armor powers that Paragon Protectors tend to have. It just breaks the flow of play really hard. I could understand like, an AV having such a long phase shift ability, especially since carnies are squishy enough that this would be a great way to make a carnie AV 'tankier' than they should be, but like... pretty much all their casters get it, and it takes eons to clear. I wouldn't mind if I knew there was something I could do about it. Like, if i knew the Phase Shift power, or that one power gravity control gets creates a dome of phase shift, would let me hurt them. But I have never gotten confirmation if this is true or not. I hate any enemy that utterly invalidates an entire playstyle. Comets, Beholders, and these various other sniper/assassin-y types with literally 90 lorillion vision makes stalkers, as a class, entirely meaningless. I appreciate the sniper duels we can get into, but, not so much that i would argue there should be enemies that just by existing make an entire class gimmick meaningless.
  4. That's how they control you. I'm not sick, I'm sober! (mostly) It's called RIGHTOUS VINDICATION! (and lack of sleep mostly, i really should get into a healthier sleep cycle, you'd be remarkably surprised how strongly sleep affects your mental health! Don't be like me, get 8-10hrs of sleep, you deserve to have a happy brain) Then why was it just SITTING at the BOTTOM of the SEA?! Nice try, kid, you can't fool me! Why do you think Jokers Wild closed down? Do you REALLY think it closed down? NO! The COWARD DEVS took it to have their OWN funny date auctions. They even use their TWISTED powers to let you date GIANT MONSTERS! (Not Seed of Hamidon though, despite the fact it looks like a giant flying dildo) YES! That's EXACTLY what he's talking about! Devs, please explain why you're withholding Seagull MM from us? Wait a second... do you see that? Look closer... Closer.... ENHANCE! Almost there... ACTIVATE THE ALL SEEING EYE! We're doomed...
  5. They alllllllll said I was CRAZY! They all said I was an UNHINGED, ENTITLED, PSYCHOPATH! Ohhhhhh but who's laughing noooow huh? Who's laughing maniacally NOOOOOoooooowowwwwwwww!? IT'S ME! I'M THE ONE. THE ONE WHO IS LAUGHING. IS ME! SEAGULL IS A MODE CHANGE. WE COULD ALL BE SEAGULL! CITY. OF. SEAGULLS! But the COWARD DEVS are too busy doing moronic things like "balance changes" and "developing new story and gameplay content" and "bug fixes" and "making quality of life enhancements"... OR SO THEY CLAIM! But I know what theyre REALLY doing. They're HOARDING this power for themselves! Juuuuust like they do with eeeeeeeverythging ellllllse. You wonder where the triple XP went? THEY took it for THEMSELVES! How about fire farms? Wonder where they all went? The devs TOOK them from you, gave YOU all the CRAPPY fire farms that ONLY get you 4billion inf in an hour, as opposed to the 80 gajillion inf you deserve! Mastermind Pets that ARENT hard locked to one level below their master? An impossibility? WRONG! The DEVS have them, locked up in their seeeeecret little developer hole... it's where they keep all kiiiiinds of things! Like BUTT CAPES and GHOST WIDOW HAIR PHYSICS and, most importantly of all, S E A G U L L M O D E happy halloween, i had a lot of fun, thanks spooky community
  6. Ya know, I never noticed that, but you're right. I guess like... they have a DFB? And there's the Graves stuff to hold you over too, I feel like the idea was like "yeah ok, they dont need a baby SF, theyre supposed to be establishing a name for themselves in the isles during this level bracket anyway, nobodyll notice". I'd be down for a follow up with the snake stuff. Like, that's the first thing Kalinda reall has you focus on, it's a thing Burke as you look into, it feels like it's a major plot that slowly just disappears once you're properly beyond Mercy Island.
  7. You joke, but a run back through the sewers, with each faction getting proper archvillain treatment would be pretty cool. Tinder gets girl-friend's from hell to help him out. The Vaz doctor gets a couple HUGE eidolon bodyguards, a HORDE of embalmed minions, and one of those machines from the Matt Hushaby arc that made that one guy unkillable until you smash it? For bonus points, have her badge have the same conditions, so if you want it, you need to mez the embalmed minions without killing them, smash her immortality machine, and then beat her before anybody else. You could even replace her with Dr. Vazilok proper. Maybe he has praetorian ghouls instead of standard zombies? I dunno, there's a lot to do. Meanwhile the lost can get Rikti allies to help them out, replace all those lesser lost guys with the super psychics, take the party to Mez hell.
  8. So, I feel like a lot of complaints about task force comes from the "early" blueside task forces that have avoided a revamp. Penny Yin (formerly Sister Psyche), Miss Liberty (formerly statesmen), Lady Grey, and the NEW Posi 1 & 2 are fine, as are most of the red side TFs. It's really the TFS like Synapse, Citadel, and Numina, these TFs that focus more on sleep inducing minutia that amounts to nothing beyond a terrible inconvenience for everyone involved -- especially for people who DON'T have the routine committed to memory. All these TFs that boil down to escalating volumes of street sweeping, punctuated by schitzophrenic sojourns across the game world, just to partake in kill alls, that then, lead back to the street sweeping. It's partially why I try to get the strike force badges by doing the red side equivalents, since theyre marginally better designed and it's generally easier to get around the isles simply due to the nature of the ferry transit system. I haven't played the Aeon strike force, but I've heard good things about it. I have played Market Crash, and Market Crash is wonderfully focused and mercifully brief. Honestly? In an ideal world, the devs would make 'revamped' versions of the problematic TFs, and we can just access them through the Wharf same as Market Crash, if actually REPLACING the tfs is a problem, just make a NEW tf, and let it award the badge the old tf awarded (and maybe NEW rewards! Like a random enhancement from the titular character's same-named enhancement set...) This way people CAN play the old TF for posterity's sake without needing to run through Oro, and, we give Kalisti Wharf more purpose. Make it an epicenter for reimagined content. There's even like, a HUGE "Hall of Justice"-esque building that the Phalanx crew could be positioned in to hand out these new TFs! It won't happen, but, I can dream.
  9. I mean, it was a joke. Based on a thread that was also a joke, that proposed the division between a hypothetical "Them" and "Us". I linked the Focused Feedback thread, because it is direct evidence to the contrary that the devs don't listen, which was the core of the joke to begin with, because there's a plethora of threads one can look up off hand that bring up problems, that have been addressed by the devs through the patches (the Sentinel rework being the biggest one I can think of? I know a lot of people weren't satisfied with it mechanically) or some such. I'm keenly aware they listen, because I popped off in a couple of focused feedback threads (which seem like "weekly discussion" threads but with tighter focus on elements being implemented presently). I had considered making that more explicitly clear, but, just as funny to me as the thread I was referencing (not the thread I linked in my first post, totally different thread, ill link it below), is the fact that (so far) there are 5 people who don't GET the joke, and think I'm being serious, or something. I'm glad you made some choice suggestions and that they got implimented. I know I pratically live in the fashion threads, requesting NPC fashion bits, and every update seems to bring more and more of them to the game, so somebody there is listening. I would say the weekly suggestion threads just became different things, to maintain the focus of the suggestions. Anyway, my joke was a reference to this thread. I figured a Gm would find this thread (the one we're in now) and be able to more completely and accurately answer Troo, so making a joke was all I could really contribute, as my rapoire with Troo through our limited interractions seems to be a mutual understanding, and appreciation of, eachother's sense of humor, so while his question is a serious one and I respect that, I also had a very good sensation someone who could answer him explictly would come along to do so, and baseless speculation based on personal grievances wouldnt help. But it would be funny to PRETEND to have them...
  10. I mean... that's kinda just th beta server, isnt it? Functionally speaking?
  11. They realized that We knew that They weren't listening to Us anyhow, so They dropped the pretense and stopped asking Us for feedback... Duh,
  12. That happens after a page and half of actual discussion on the topic at hand, usually spearheaded by people who have no proof of their claims in either direction, who have no inclination to agree with their "opponents" because, sincerely, they don't have to. This carries on until most of what's been said, has been said multiple times by mulitple people, representing arguments from any side that could be taken in any argument. Then we shitpost, because at that point there's already over 500 words on the actual topic to read through about the topic, and people can formulate opinions for themselves. The topic has all but reached its natural conclusion. So there's no point in repeating eachother, lest we end up with another page and a half of actual discussion on the topic at hand, usually spearheaded by people who have no proof of their claims in either direction, who have no inclination to agree with their "opponents" because, sincerely, they don't have to. This carries on until most of what's been said, has been said multiple times by mulitple people, representing arguments from any side that could be taken in any argument. Then we shitpost, because at that point there's already over 500 words on the actual topic to read through about the topic, and people can formulate opinions for themselves. The topic has all but reached its natural conclusion. So there's no point in repeating eachother, lest we end up with another page and a half of actual discussion on the topic at hand, usually spearheaded by people who have no proof of their claims in either direction, who have no inclination to agree with their "opponents" because, sincerely, they don't have to. This carries on until most of what's been said, has been said multiple times by mulitple people, representing arguments from any side that could be taken in any argument. Then we shitpost, because at that point there's already over 500 words on the actual topic to read through about the topic, and people can formulate opinions for themselves. The topic has all but reached its natural conclusion. So there's no point in repeating eachother, lest we end up with another page and a half of actual discussion on the topic at hand, usually spearheaded by people who have no proof of their claims in either direction, who have no inclination to agree with their "opponents" because, sincerely, they don't have to. This carries on until most of what's been said, has been said multiple times by mulitple people, representing arguments from any side that could be taken in any argument.
  13. Ok but what about Pamvires? Have you considered that he's become a skeleton and therefore, can not legally use twitter due to twitters dogmatic bias against the mortality impaired?
  14. See, this is where I *would* put "Mercs" but, the devs have nerfed my ability to make Mercs MM jokes by buffing mercs! How fucking DARE they...
  15. So, just for the sake of not retreading old ground, let me ask; Are you looking to play a support, or, are you looking to play a tank? Because youre asking about a good buff class, *OR* a power set with an ability similar to the WoW warrior, who is a tank in that game, who gets a charge because getting a tank to where they need to be is top priority. I ask, because City of Heroes is structured in such a way that you can get a "charge" in many different ways. Melee focused classes have access to Elec Melee, Savage Melee, and Shield Defense. These power sets offer an attack that lets you click on a location, and "charge" to that spot (it's functionally a teleport for the most part). Brutes, Tankers, Scrappers, and Stalkers all have access to these things, and you can take both if you want to "charge" more than once between cooldowns. However, there's several powers ANY character can take. Teleport, Combat Teleport, Jaunt, and Spring Attack come from teriary powersets available to you at level 4 (Spring Attack will take longer to get, but you get access to its tree at level 4). All of these offer the same utility OF the shield charge, it gets you from where you are, to where you want to be (namely, directly on someone you wanna punch). This would mean, if all you're looking for is a "Charge", you could be a buff focused support, who has the ability to "charge" wherever they please. Likewise, if youre looking for a buff 'class' you have a lot of options. Do you want your buff numbers to be the biggest? Do you want to double as a ranged DPS? Crowd Control more to your taste? Or, do you want to employ a cadre of minions to do your bidding alongside your buffs? Do you want melee abilities to go along with your buffs? What kind of buffs do you want to focus on, defensive, offensive, utility? Have you considered Debuffs instead? These are all questions I'd ask you to think of, because, City of Heroes' "classes" dictate passive abilities, general role, and the numbers your powers have. So, for instance. If you want to build a buffer, you have a LOT of options. Defenders, Controllers, Masterminds, and Corruptors have the "support" powers. Defenders get the biggest numbers on their buffs and debuffs, but the lowest in their offensive abilities. Corruptors are the theological opposite of that, with fairly potent offensive powers, but their support powers arent as strong as defender's. Controllers are one of only two crowd control classes, and theyre the only one of those two that get support powers. Masterminds trade a conventional primary powerset for minions, effectively making them "Summoners" of a type. They all have support power sets, several of which focus on buffs. But, the Arachnos Widow (and the Soldier of Arachnos) options come with buffs built into them. They very strange, but very functional, and the only way to make a potent melee character who also buffs the team (these two are somewhat jacks of all trades). Meanwhile, on the melee front, the reason why I ask if you want to be a "tank" is because of the 4 dedicated melee classes only 3 get taunts built into their kit, and of those three only 2 draw aggro on hit, and of those 2 one is definitively better than the other. What you LIKE about being a WoW Warrior is important to identify, because if it's something like "I never die" than you may be surprised to find that every class in Homecoming can reach of point of nigh immortality. which the differences between classes dictating how quickly and how easily this state of god-like vigor is reached. So, here's my suggestions just based on my superficial understanding of what you're looking for: Melee (according to your desires) Savage Melee/Bio Armor Brute - This gives you a LOT of AoE damage, a lot of survivability, and a lot of versatility. It also gives you your charge. Shield Defense/Super Strength Tanker - This is, what I would call, the quintessential "super hero power fantasy" powerset combo. Tankers are as big and tough as they come, Super Strength is very functional, offers a very popular damage buff, and shield defense also offers a damage buff, as well as your desired charge. Titan Weapon/Bio Armor Scrapper (ft. Spring Attack) - This is... a bit of a meme? Not like a "haha funny" meme, more like a "haha big numbee" meme. Titan Weapons give you AoE to envy, Bio Armor gives you a big damage buff for a set that already does a lot of damage, and through leveling you'll be taking Combat Teleport early on, and later, Spring Attack to let you quickly engage enemies as you go along. Elec Melee/Shield Defense Stalker (ft. Spring Attack) - This is the "haha funny" meme. Stalker's are the opposite of tanks, they deal LOTS of damage, but they don't feel comfy taking damage. They avoid having to take lots of damage with a few abilities that help them manipulate aggro, the most essential of which is their first level power in their secondary tree, "Hide". The thing about hide is that it breaks when you execute an attack... *HOWEVER* there's some exceptions. It seems, any power that uses a target location, doesnt break stealth. So, Elec Melee has a teleport attack, so does Shield Defense, and then there's Spring Attack... you'll basically be insivisble, as you explode into groups of enemies and they just stand there, getting knocked around, taking heaps of damage, unable to understand how or why, It's silly, but silly is fun (objectively fun, if you disagree, you're violating the ToS? Betchu didn't read the part where the devs said you have to agree to silly being fun. But I did. That's how I know). Buff Boi (according to buffs being buffs) Kinetics/Dark Blast Defender - This is a very basic class. Kinetics are a very powerful (arguably the MOST powerful) buff set that just about everyone loves to see and very easy to use, and Dark Blast comes with a lot of useful powers, and imposes a malus to hit on your enemies when you hit them (effecitvely buffing your teams survivability by making enemies less accurate). Plant Control/Kinetics - Plants are a very easy, very strong primary control powerset, Kinetics are still powerful. It's not the most powerful combo on earth, but, it's a good place to start for beginers. Beam Rifle/Kinetics Corruptor - Corruptor's passive is called "Scourge" and it offers a damage bonus the lower your enemies health gets, Beam Rifle offers DoTs that help edge enemies into range for more consistent dps. Kinetics, remains, very good. You'll not want for much, if anything. Robots/Kinetics Mastermind - Robots (prior to the recent rework) have the highest AoE DPS of any mastermind class, and they're beefy as it is. Kinetics make them beefier, and DPSeeer. It just works.
  16. what a fantastic macro! I think I'll take it...
  17. Castle has been banished to the phantom zone because the devs want to flaunt a butt cape that players absolutely should be able to wear, but can't, because the COWARD DEVS won't give that tech to the players...
  18. That's exactly what They want you to think...
  19. So it's multiboxing, but, the server is the box!
  20. Well, this may seem a little out there but... Have you considered bringing a friend, and/or turning down the difficulty? Less powerful enemies means less EXP rewards for defeating them. I'm not sure if the praetorian mission EXP is enough to level you out of a contact's range purely on it's own (if so, that seems really wack). Then there's how EXP is shared among teams, to my knowledge a small team of two or three sees less returns than a solo player, and I *think* you can set the team size lower too and have it apply so you dont get more mobs? So that's even LESS exp? I don't know the math on this, im not a nerd, but that'd be my solution if you're like me and you REALLY fucking like the DING.
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