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Posts posted by ImpousVileTerror

  1. I believe this request has cropped up a few times, and while the Devs (to the best of my knowledge) haven't addressed it directly, there were some players and OuroDev folks who poked and prodded at it.  It's apparently not a simple thing, but doable with some serious potential breakage.

    It also fundamentally alters a basic component of the gameplay, and that's something which the Homecoming Team has officially stated is not their intent.  Doesn't guarantee it won't happen, of course.  Just . . . I recommend tempering your expectations on this one.


    And for the record, I'm not against it . . . there are a few Sets that it would actually open up for me (Martial Combat and Savage Assault, in particular).


    Follow up to @Apparition:
    I must have missed that.  Do you have some linkage?


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  2. I think the way it could be programmed is by the player defining how long the Recharge is in the macro itself.

    So, for example:
    /Macro_Image_Recharge "EnergyManipulation_ConservePower" "240" "Stim" "powerexecname Recovery Serum$$e self-medicates."

    That would create a Macro with the name "Stim" and an icon of Converse Power, and it would activate the P2W Temp Power of Recovery Serum while sending an Emote, and would display a cooldown of 4 minutes (240 seconds).


    The player would need to maintain their own Macro Cooldown numbers, though, since I very much doubt that such a command could dynamically adjust its Cooldown based on Recharge Time Buffs, let alone Recharge Time Slotting in the Powers that the Macro calls on, especially since a Macro may call on multiple Powers.

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  3. There are always -plans- to add more Costume content, but the Homecoming Team has previously stated that until they have a certain level of quality, they will not be releasing proliferated costume materials.

    So, very regretfully, it looks like we may be waiting a very long time before we see the lack of parity fully addressed, as much as I'd appreciate being proven wrong on that estimate.

    • Like 3
  4. Well crap!

    I just reviewed this thread, and unless I'm blind, I didn't bother posting a link of my own?

    How silly of me!





    Note:  Previously mentioned "Diabolical Plan" is still on the horizon.  The project had to take a back seat while I was busy helping someone start up a Dark Heresy tabletop campaign.


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  5. It's likely going to be some time before anything gets moving again after the pandemic is well and truly taken care of.  And that's assuming nothing else happens to severely hamper the free time of the volunteer devs, or that they can get a workload delegation project going.


    Even then, goodies, costume items, and Henchpet customization are all so monumentally large that you would see hype for DAYS before they get released, because they would be tested thoroughly in the Beta Shards, giving the community ample time to sense their approach.

  6. We -really- need to get https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/17732-community-project-cleaning-up-the-suggestions-and-feedback-board/ off the ground one of these days . . . 


    ANYWAY!   On topic:   The Devs know.   They're looking in to it.  They have not made any announcements of plans, though, since it's a complex bundle of snakes that could explode and kill us all with even a little provocation.


     . . . or something to that effect, anyway.

    • Like 2
  7. It would be nice if the Homecoming Team could let us know what might help their bargaining position.  

    Not directly, obviously.  I mean, the regulation about streaming was almost certainly related to the negotiations, but to my knowledge, Homecoming made a -point- about -not- discussing that; even replying to every other portion of a player post, except for the portion which mentioned ncsoft.


    So . . . yeah . . . if an imaginary pixie suddenly fluttered in to my lap and told me that the Homecoming Team could really use X, Y, or Z from the community to strengthen their position, I'd start believing in faeries.

  8. It's been strongly implied that ncsoft is the primary hindrance toward that kind of open style of development, but at the same time the Homecoming Team hasn't expressly stated what their ideal development cycle or even what their philosophy will be.  At best, we're given hints that the Homecoming Team appreciates it when players take initiative to do detailed work . . . but not which work they'd prefer we focus on.

    I personally think such delegation of tasks would be fantastic!   BUT it would require a set of very firm parameters for player contributors to work within.  Since the Homecoming Team most certainly can't reveal anything which is protected by ncsoft copyright, trademark, et cetera . . . the most they can do is remind us players that there have been various leaks of other code bases (-possibly- even the I25 code base), but that I26.x is entirely internal and can not be leaked, lest such seriously jeopardize their negotiations and put them in the way of legal retribution.


    Where I get hung up is on the design philosophy not being expressly stated.  I've been privy to about a dozen major NDAs over the past twenty'ish years.  Generally, there wouldn't really be much of a reason (in my professional experience) for the Homecoming Team not to deliver a clear set of parameters for their philosophy from a strictly legal standpoint.  Doesn't mean there isn't one I'm not aware of, of course.  

    It's probably more likely that it's an internal decision of some kind.  Which is why I try to encourage the Team to (re)consider publishing a detailed version of the current model of their design philosophy.  Even if they can't tell us -what- to work on specifically, I'd certainly appreciate knowing -how- they'd like us to work independently to improve the odds of our work actually mattering.  


    But, yeah . . . world pandemic has certainly put a wrinkle in a lot of plans for folks.  Whatever internal efforts there may have been to do something of that nature are most certainly going to be delayed.   I do hope those delays also provide some additional impetus to encourage wide-scale delegation in the near future, though.  Essentially:  "Get all hydra up in here."  The more bodies working in tandem with clear leadership and goals, the more disaster-proof the venture can become.

    The other issue, of course, is that based solely on the résumés put up on these forums; there was a sizeable initial pulse of interested persons, but volunteerism has dwindled.  I personally think part of the issue there is a lack of promotion and encouragement, but it's also potentially quite telling that maybe there's just not that many people interested or willing to volunteer any more.



    All that can be summed up, though, like this:

     . . . being patient sucks, especially when there's no guarantee it will pay off.  But there's really no other choice for us right now.

    Not unless you're secretly a multi-billionaire who just wants to stride up in to ncsoft HQ and slap your entire net worth on the table and declare "it's yours, for the no-string-attached complete ownership of City of Heroes and all associated properties being handed over immediately to Homecoming."

    But given cultural differences . . . even that might backfire as being woefully offensive in its abruptness.

  9. Unverified, since I have Hasten on only one character, and I'm not in-game as that character right now, but it'll be something like the following, @Adagio_InDminor.


    /bind W "+forward$$powexecname Hasten"

    /bind A "+left$$powexecname Hasten"

    /bind S "+backward$$powexecname Hasten"

    /bind D "+right$$powexecname Hasten"

  10. I think an "Improvised Weapons" Set would be great.  Probably make a Melee, an Assault, and a Blast Set from similar assets.

    Then, the "gimmick" of the Set is that you get a drop down list of potential 3D assets to use as weapons, and you can toggle them on or off for each Power.

    So, what to use a broken bottle?   Sure!   Or instead would rather use a dead fish?  Just flip the toggle.


    Hundreds of character concepts could be serviced by such a (series of) Set(s).

  11. Oh, @Bopper . . . you tease!

    But then, I suppose I'm one too . . . 


    Tell you what.  I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!


    (But seriously:  Don't.  As curious as I am to know if it was the same potential exploit, or something entirely different, it's not worth the risk.  I just hope that the Devs consider announcing the exploits when they're closed, so I can compare notes.)


    Also, importantly:  Anyone who is reporting a bug which results in a potential serious exploit, please direct your bug report to a Homecoming Team member in private!  Posting them to the Bugs forum just gives other users the chance to see it before it can be tackled.

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