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Everything posted by arkieboy72472

  1. Thanks to who all helped in this thread. I was looking for any way to make my Beam/Traps Mortar and Shield Drone a bit more rugged. Since I didn't want to yet sacrifice my pimped out build, I went ahead and made a second build. I then went and did the patron power pool arc, then finished that and respec'd. I dropped 2 +res and 1 +def in the patron pet (mistress, because why not!) and now my acid mortar and shield drone have a bit more toughness to them. The extra resistance and defense is there regardless of whether my other pet is out or not. I can have her be the mule for my mortar and drone as they pull quite a bit of aggro when I play. I imagine this also works for the gun drone for devices players, but it recently got a buff because of how fragile it is. It is already a pet, I think. I think traps is the only support set where the powers show up as pets yet can't be slotted as them, so my situation is fairly unique.
  2. I second intuition radial because I love me some range and damage.
  3. The only problem with a global IO, and it is a great idea, is that you have to unslot it to turn it off or change builds. Also, it diminishes the other procs that do the same thing. It is a good idea, though. It does take up a slot, but it gets the job done. I like tSpy's idea. I very very much dislike making it all or nothing. I would never play on sanctuary anyways, though. They can have all that.
  4. This is a very bad and horrible idea. I much prefer the way TSpy does it and here is how I would do it. Make KB to KD be an endurance free all or nothing toggle that has maybe a slight drawback. Maybe a slight damage knock of a few %. There. Problem solved. You now gain all those slots back and can toggle it when you want to. KB is a damage mitigation tool. While it may be horrible in tornado, I like it in Nova and gale. I push dudes away from me on purpose. Horrible idea to make it across the board and unrealistic.
  5. I rolled one of these and have not picked an epic yet. Like you, I am finding leading with AS isn't as good as TF to ET. I tend to focus on resists first but in this build, I am going to want good all around. I don't see myself getting cross punch and dropping barrage and bone smasher yet, but I see why you did. I tend to go ALL IN on a mechanic or play style and my goal was like yours to be well rounded but I will lean more resist than def. I also see high global recharge a big bonus unlike in my other stalker (staff/fire) this one just plays different. Anyhow I am going all in on single target attacks and melee not ranged, but I am feeling most of what you said. The big 3 hit (ET, TF, AS) hit very hard and not leading with AS is going to take some getting used to. I put my chance to recharge build up in barrage for now. I am loving the single target and melee focus too much to grab a snipe and a AoE, but I can see why you did it. I like Mu. I have no idea what epic I will get but likely I will focus on more survivability. Maybe I can get that region and recovery up and lessen the endurance consumption. I made this guy for the sole purpose of being single target only. I got my staff guy if I wanna mix things up.
  6. I like AR/DEV and ICE/FIRE. One allows for lots of ranged play and the other is packed with both AoE and good single target damage. Energy seems to go well with Energy. The main thing is you understand what your sets can and can't do by playing them. Also Character Theme/RP/Fun/Replay Value > anything else. While there are some primary sets that are the best overall or seem OP (ice/fire/water) and some that are not so great (sonic is slow and better suited for defenders who can get more -RES, electric is weak to me because its secondary is -end and should be -recovery also, plus it is just weak IMO). Assault Rifle is bad close range. Psy and dark feel kinda slow to me. As for secondaries, while fire is great at AoE, I don't care for its single target damage, it has no debuffs. The best character is the fun one you keep coming back to that you can get immersed in. Maybe it has a good outfit and backstory. Take all the powers and level them up and see how the creation plays. Altitis is the reason to keep going!
  7. I have done just exactly this and the answer is: AR/Dev Blaster. the set bonuses you want to work in - bombardment x5 (at least 2 slots for 5% range), alpha slot work for T4 right side intuition (I think) for a 20% range, 33% damage, etc, then that one blaster ATO set that gives 10% range when purple. Since most of your attacks are cones, more range = more killing. Now to make sure the bad guys die before they get to you place this at your persons location: caltrops, bonfire (fire epic), trip mine (with +recharge proc for free recharge) and gun drone. You will have your built in damage buff and stealth shield toggles running plus optional stealth IO. Open with full auto, then and all your cones and ranged AoE (grenade w/o KB to KD, flames, buckshot). Use your fast snipe in rotation with everything else to pick off anyone left. If they get to you, ignite at their feet while they flop from bonfire or Baywatch in place via caltrops. Ignite does silly damage. Ignore the desire to slot a KB to KD proc in anything. The KB is your mitigation. You have no melee anything. The mine, drone, fire, trop combo is your guilt free dance floor. Also, have a blast sniping people at almost draw distance (depending on graphics settings). If you want, I can post a picture of my setup. It is stupid fun when you want to put rounds down range without a care. With a high enough global recharge, you can full auto every 15-20 seconds easy. Also, you can cram a few proc in for tons of accidental free damage and debuffs! Note, if you break up the ATO to gain more range (range bonus is 3 slot) you will lose 10-15% or so global recharge.
  8. I say defender UNLESS you ever go ice blast, in which I would go Corruptor because scourge damage will help when you go triple rain patch sleet, blizzard, snow storm. all three of those power boosted will take out a lot of doods. rain patch powers do better with scourge.
  9. no no no no.....the best answer is /TIME. You get options for +def, -tohit, another single target hold that will stack with the one you already have, heals and more heals, and slows. Plus, you get a floor patch power to slide under your area immobs. If you want to be a true controllery controller (not one that does damage, but actual control) Time is the answer.
  10. If you have a team full of people with damage auras, having one person being the Designated driver mitigates any alpha the bad guy may have. This is how Fire/Rad controller teams used to beat STF prior to IOs and alpha slots. Same for if you got multiple rads in your group, they can all do a "body nuke" before they rez the person and get some good damage in. Used to you could stack vengence, and we would all pop that, and TT into the 4 AVs. Now a days you have incandescence which does about the same thing.
  11. To me, if they buff it 80% across the board, that is good enough. It is damn sure better than it was. Seeing how it is a gun drone, I can see it being weak to fire and stronger to psionic. If they wanna do a flat unbuffable amount across the board that is fine with me. Maybe we can add some defense to it? I won't be mad if they cap it at 80-82.
  12. About half the IO sets are garbage and never used. A few, like slow and imobilize, have crap set bonuses not worth it. The cool thing about trick arrow now is that half the powers are good out of the box with minimal slotting. The bad is that only a couple powers can actually be improved in a meaningful matter.
  13. Truth. If it is autohit, you are correct. Same for the proc info. Good Looking out.
  14. My 2 cents on slotting: So, given the powers stay how they are, what is effecting slotting? Well, until procs are nerfed (unless they already are) one of the great things about TA is that powers in it either require minimal slotting to be successful or allow for tons of customization and proc slotting. I am not trying to insult anyones intelligence. I am just listing what I have been using for slotting, giving trick arrow more tricks: T1) Entangle - Since immob set bonuses are not that good, and this accepts a slow, you can fit the 1 slow damage proc, 1 immob damage proc, and maybe one Acc or Acc/immob from one of the sets. 3 slots max T2) Flash - I feel that a 4 slot from Accurate tohit debuff for that 6.25% recharge is probably the best course here. Take the proc also for extra occasional damage. T3) Glue - A couple of generic slows or one with a slow/range, and a generic recharge. 3 slots max. Slow sets have crappy set bonuses unless you 6 slot it and this doesn't need that. Save your slots for your secondary. No need for a proc here, although slow does have a damage proc. T4) Ice - While a 4 slot of basiliks for 7.5% recharge sounds good, you can 5 slot this with damage procs and usually hit for 250 on up. This is what I did. Between holds and slows you get access to 5 different procs. If you want the 7.5% recharge I can see that also. Note that this is a non-damage power, which becomes a heavy hitter with procs. T5) Poison - slotting this for sleep is a waste. The only good proc is one for a self heal. Not much can be done to improve this. 1 single slot and the proc or enhancement of your choice. Note: you can stick a placate proc in here to Obi Wan hand wave whoever it hits. Sleep has a few decent set bonuses. T6) Acid - This is an easy 6 slot power. It takes 2 damage procs from defense debuff and accurate def debuff. It takes the -res debuff, AND it takes 3 damage procs and another -res debuff from TAoE. If you want oil slick lit, this power does that for you now. 6 procs, plus the added effected area of it make it and oil slick the gems of the set. T7) Disruption - again, not much you can do. The duration is long enough. I don't think it can stack. 1 slot only End Dedux. recharge slotting is ok also, but not needed at all. T8) Oil Slick - SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!!! Definite 6 slot. Here is what I do. 1 Acc. Heel for -res before it is lit, 1 Decimation -res Afterwards, 3 Defender ATO for that 10% recharge (once purple) picking the 3 with the most damage and recharge, and 1 ragnaroc dam/rech. The idea is that you want this up as much as possible and with as much damage as possible. You can full it full of procs (and it takes a lot!) but you will miss out of so much. When the -res hits, it is noticeable. You can easily go from single digit to double digit damage tics. Nuke level for sure. Note that by splitting the DEF ATO set, you can put the other 3 on your T1 blast for another 10% recharge (snap shot - and it gets the crappy proc also) T9) EMP - While endurance and hold has tons of nice set bonuses, and you will have lots of slots, this power may or may not be worth enhancing the end portion of it. While it is good as is, the hold is mediocre at best. You can cram 4 basilics in it for more recharge, or do like I did at first and jam in some hold procs. This powers slotting is kinda uncertain. You can even make it a heal power by shoving a chance for heal in it. The final state of this power will decide whether you throw procs in it or not and which ones. The +2 mag hold proc in it makes sense since the powers hold can't be trusted anymore. The power is good as is and any buffs it gives are great as is. No need in doing much to it unless you chase a specific set bonus, likely recharge or ranged defense. 5 slots at the most but you have lots of leeway room with this. You can go for set bonuses here or use your saved slots to really slot up your blast set. I would aim for about 100% global recharge before hasten. In my build I also look for ranged defense anywhere I can. All of those procs won't fire all of the time, but when they do, the damage adds up. Every power is worthwhile now. If you add extra IO's, consider end redux and Acc if needed. All of these extra slots also allow you to really slot up your blasts and stuff like tough, weave, and temp invulnerable. You can really maximize your blast set, add procs to it also, or load up on as much damage resistance and defense as you can find.
  15. I would take a 50% or better chance for an extra +1 mag at this point.
  16. I see you are new here lol. Yea, about 12 pages ago I said the same thing. I am at the stage called “acceptance.” Just think of it as another asset for a gravity controller. Now, we get two if we want. Don’t hold your breath on a buff to wormhole (or perhaps, making cage powers a toggle). Pro tips: if you slot the hell out of time juncture with -tohit and have a high enough melee def. you can survive the alpha until you lock them down. Learn to cast the targeted slow patch on your own location. Also, if you hover a bit, they will fall and drop nicely into your slow patch you have directly below you. If they are picking themselves back up, they can’t attack. Unlike dark, our lockdowns are not cones. You will come around 🙂
  17. Yea, I tried the same play style and for a number of reasons, it aint happening. I am not going to test every primary. I saw enough to know that devices and fold space isnt for me. I will, however, spec my traps corr into it and my gravity/time controller as well.
  18. Remember, if you run devices, you better have fold qued if you want to use it right after time bomb or it aint happening.
  19. Tried fold space on an AR/DEV blaster. Yea, that sucked. Due to unforeseen differences in the way powers work, plus the way sheer damage doesn't outdo debuffs and DoT. See, the blaster Time Bomb goes off much sooner and the animation is faster. If fold space isn't qued right after time bomb, it will blow up prior. Even then, it is tricky. While trip mine activation is much faster and less interruptible, the damage is crap compared to Corruptors, probably because of all of the debuffs. Also, caltrops does a lot of more damage, but seems to last not as long. All in All, I believe Fold Space is just better on a traps player than devices particularly corr over defender. I play my AR/Dev blaster as a "master of cones" where I have almost maxed out range (as much as possible). I only care about range defense on her, so folding people into her is counter intuitive. Bad guys just die before they get to me. My play-testing tonight showed that. Where as my corr never died if i took my time, my pimped out blaster was fresh meat often with the same play style and slotting. Maybe with a different player or different slotting or primary things would be different, but i doubt it (Maybe used with Ice Blast...). I will say that Bonfire 6 slotted with ragnarok + KB to KD improves survival with caltrops also. Still, corr scourge plus debuffs just picks off more bad guys than I realized. Now, you all go back to bitching about a needless power no one ever used! Thanks.
  20. Can someone please look at Time Bomb for Devices Blasters versus Time Bomb for Traps Corruptors. One starts the countdown as soon as it is activated, maybe after a second, and one has a 6-7 second interruptible wait, a graphics glitch during laying, and both have a timer that starts before the animation is done. I am testing fold space on both and it is currently next to impossible to fold a group with a blaster, where as with a Corruptor you at least get 2-3 seconds. On both ATs, you MUST have fold space que'd to even get a chance at it hitting. The animations, damage, and countdown are different for both, but i imagine damage is on purpose. Still, they should at least act close to the same.
  21. More practice in Cimeroa, which is as good as spot as any to practice: Brought out my pimped out corr Beam/Traps ala Bounty Hunter. Spec'd into fold space so I chose to drop Aim, Super Speed, and Burnout. If you are like me, this new power allows you to play at your own pace optimally, especially solo. It makes even Time Bomb good again, with a caveat. My normal routine was to drop Caltrops, acid mortar, Poison gas, trip mine, then time bomb. If you do time bomb before fold space, you have 2 maybe 3 seconds to fold them in as a window. The time bomb animation is wonky and time starts before you are done. While you can toe-bomb bad guys stealthy with trip mine, time bomb takes to long to allow this. Anyways, i was solo +2/8 in cim and just trip and time bombs alone were enough to almost finish off everything (a normal +2 group). I would have a red con prefectice (big dudes whatever they were called...)with a bit of health. For any Traps player, I highly suggest getting stealth in your travel power like CJ, SS, or Hover (along with that LotG proc). The distance required to effectively fold people into your area isnt or is barely far enough to avoid being seen. SS really helps as it drops "threat level." Also, i recommend for the sake of survival that on a non-tank or brute, have your def be about 30% or something good for positional/non-positional. Anyhow, I have found all fold space needs is a ACC or two and a RECH. When I didn't have time bomb up, I would just trip mine, lay down all my debufs, and fold them in. My incarnate void judgement OR Beam nuke plus time bomb would kill all minions and LT's. If you play +3 or +4, you may have to adjust as having everything laid out and ready won't be enough, but at +2 it will (for solo that is). What really helps is having acid mortar, caltrops, and poison gas with procs. Caltops and poison are your mitigation. A running or vomiting target doesn't attack. The beam rifle can handle the rest. Time bomb is great again!, but needs a tiny tweak maybe to adjust the animation / countdown. Have fold in que once you start, or you miss the window. The 5 second countdown starts before you can do anything about it. Forget time bombs while in combat or on a team just about. Bad idea. Also, i know some of you love the Force Feedback +recharge proc in trip mine for that big 5 second buff of 100% that is almost guaranteed to go off, but you may wanna consider a KB to KD proc. I don't have one, since KB is mitigation also, BUT this knocks them out of your kill zone you made. So, if they survive you lose out. Time bomb is even worse about KB it seems. I HIGHLY recommend the Overwhelming KB to KD proc in it for extra damage. I have both powers with a 5 slot of Obliteration. Again, if time bomb is down, you can trip mine plus your 'trops/acid/poison combo and finish off stragglers with beam or judgement nuke. Pulling into your set up still works, but folding is more convenient and in some cases better. Again, it helps to have stealth....which leads me to another point or two. Turning on stealth may kill some of those damage and taunt auras now. Judging the distance needed is hard but can be done with practice and takes time. You want fold to hit and pull. You DON'T want the mortar tagging people accidentally. You DON'T want to be seen. I will say pulling it all off is very, very rewarding...then doing it all again. Big Damn Explosions. It is totally some snails pace plodding and killing, as it was before. You knell a lot. It is slow. People will not want to allow you to do this in a team. It is a warm and cuddly grind you have to embrace. Learn to love procs. Fold Space is a quality of life asset now. In some instances i didn't need to target anyone for fold and it will sometimes grab either extras you didn't expect or not enough to count....Especially in caves. Especially if the accuracy misses. Just wait and try again, right? At least in Devices, you get a buffed gun drone and stealth built in. You miss the debuffs and crappy +regen power, but you gain stealth and a pet or two. As a tank or brute, who cares if they see you. Once the aura and taunts take hold, just wreck face. As a controller, you better find ways to mitigate the alpha. It isn't a game breaking power but with creativity it can be a quality of life one. Hoping into a group and folding in a second one is a farmers dream.
  22. I think this is a nerf in the sense that for flying enemies, you can no longer target them. It makes sense either way as a power, but my concern is 1) again, flying enemies (and there isnt a lot, but still) and 2) as a TA/Arch, that makes like 5 powers that are all location based. It is nice on Emp Arrow, and makes sense on the -res arrow, and again makes sense on Oil Slick.....but for glue, if this happens, nothing in the set can deal with flyers except the t1. Granted i like the T1. It is just that if you do this to this power, the -fly no longer makes sense. More times than not, being able to place my arrows is great, but this would be the outlier. I guess if the majority of people want this than so be it. I will admit it is a pain to tab through bad guys to find just the right one to glue stick.
  23. If you are outside of range or no targets are applicable, nothing happens.
  24. I have been screwing around in cimeroa on my Grav/Time controller. I have found that if I hover just high enough that a drop is involved and then drop the slow patch from time directly below me, more times than not the bad guys, when I use Fold Space, fall in the same pattern that Wormhole does. The fall sets up mitigation and a properly timed Mass Immobilize sets them up nice and neat. If I drop the intangeable bubble on myself right after then come in, they can no longer move, setting them up nicely for any melee team mate. With slow patches and timed mass immobs and holds, fold space can become just as good as wormhole. For any sets with a mass stun like earth, you can mitigate any drawbacks. For funsies, you can fold groups while you hover over water to make them take a bath. A power like tar patch or quick sand allows room for error with a hover fold space. they drop quite nicely.
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