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Everything posted by ZeeHero

  1. And without the right mobility options, your fist will very often never be close enough to the enemy's face when you want it to be. No one has provided even a remotely decent argument for how it would hurt anyone to have a gap closer or heck just make jump attack need only 1 power in jumping to take or something. It's really not rocket science and it isn't going to ruin anyone's fun to improve the fun of many others. Unless of course your idea of fun is others not having fun. You can laugh and vote me down til you're blue in the face but the ones who look silly are the ones who still cannot provide a rational argument to support their point while nearly every game's design other than this one will support my position. I don't care if you replace confront or just make things like leap attack need less investment in a pool. either or. We need more universal gap closer options, there is no reason to oppose that. No one has to take your precious taunt. People here just enjoy bullying those who they disagree with, that has been clear forever. hillarious since none of them has produced a relevant argument as to why gap closers = bad. Also I don't know if the code will allow a change like this but has anyone considered if it's possible to allow for a choice between 2 powers in certain power pools at certain levels? So you could keep your confront or replace it with a more useful gap closer.
  2. You don't know who you really are until you ride your trusty battle ostrich to war.
  3. The first shots fired happened many posts ago and was not me. there are certain.... "people" who take it upon themselves to make others suffer becuase they take twisted pleasure in trolling. I'm not angry at them, would I be angry at a spambot? would I be angry at a robocaller bot on the phone? no point. given the ability they have to evaluate a rational argument, its clear the amount of caring I should have as to what they troll about.
  4. Anything a tanker can do a brute can do. sometimes better, sometimes a little worse.
  5. Becuase it's a "Real decision" whether or not to have something that is essential to a playstyle. Oh please. Sure is sad how incredibly stubborn people are at defending NOT objectively improving the game in a way that hurts nothing and only helps people.
  6. Allow me to easily explain why every melee powerset should have a baked in gap closer regardless of workarounds. They are melee sets and need one. Just becuase it's easy to take a pool power like combat teleport does not mean every hero can teleport at will, for one example. melee sets have no excuse NOT to have gap closers built in. Really not hard to understand and hurts nothing to fix it.
  7. Explain how having a gap closer for melee- something expected from any melee- is a "Workaround" to some limitation that serves any purpose?
  8. Yeah but that's besides the point. Explain how a change like the OP suggests would hurt the game?
  9. Maybe COH doesn't like trying to use more than one monitor?
  10. And the OP never asked for that. so.... how is that relevant? all he wanted was for the skills to close distance to a target if within a certain range for the attack. and that was never too much to ask for. Of course we'll never get truly modern combat on the ancient COH engine. I'm totally ok with that and so is everyone here. not an excuse for not trying to make any small change that COULD be done that would help.
  11. You must say his name. ALEX LOOOOIIUUS ARMSTROOOOONG!
  12. lolol no one is asking for extreme speed. but yes every single melee job in FFXIV has at least one method of closing distance. Warrior has a lunge with 3 charges AND during its berserk window gets a spinning axe smash lunge.
  13. Hey someone isn't completely ignorant and complacent when it comes to game design! THANK YOU! the downvoters should be ashamed of themselves. Cmon guys this isn't difficult to understand. nothing even remotely contraversial is being asked for here. it would be objectively an improvement to the game so why are people so against it? "COH is objectively perfect and holds up to modern standards perfectly and any change for the better would ruin it even if it is possible" am I right? yes. Grond save us all.
  14. I too have a new PC with a similar build at least my graphics card is the same model, I have had no such issue. It's likely not the card at fault.
  15. While it is true that the incarnate system was the best thing to happen to the game and just made everything else more viable and fun, if something sucks without it, that's still a problem with the set being underpowered. Incarnates just make it not suck forever, but the problem still exists.
  16. Resist works, but yes defense is more popular when resist caps are lower.
  17. Shield is very fun and has its own aoe attack, only downside is if a defense focused build isn't what you want, that's kinda shield's thing.
  18. Magic is a difficult one becuase it depends on how the character's magic works. is it a strict hard magic system? something akin to alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist where it's a science with hard rules? Far less likely to make issues. As far as the more powerful a character is the shorter lifespan in plots... entirely depends on a couple things. firstly, the stories and plots they are in, secondly the nature and versatility of their powers, thirdly, how fast their power grows, number of setbacks on the way. This kind of thing has no one answer as its always dependent on so much. But one constant is how dedicated those involved in the RP are to making it work out and how like minded they are in how things should work.
  19. Doesn't he mean specifically for MM because MM pets die so easily without support? Kinetics offers less in terms of defensive support than other sets in exchange for damage- buffs I don't even think pets fully benefit from..
  20. its not a party until you can use your friends as juggling pins.
  21. It may depend on browser but in chrome the link will appear by the bottom left of the window.
  22. If you mouseover her link you can see a URL, it's not a suspicious one. I started making one way back when.. I created an enemy group of red lightning magic red cows.. the Mu Cows! Slight exaggeration not THAT awful. but I wont make a list for you because on average people have been morons and refused to even bother listening so not going to waste so much effort on them, but I will elaborate a bit. The UI in general has some major issues in being counter intuitive, and needs an update. aside from needing the shown numbers correspond to keybinds, the menus could use work, as well as features to lock certain UI elements in place so we dont keep accidentally moving them. Aside from that there are a ton of gameplay related issues but as far as that goes, I dont know what's actually able to be improved so I won't list. engine IS ancient and so is the code after all. not everything is possible.
  23. yeah kinda weird they didn't choose a better name.
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