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Everything posted by Jitsurei

  1. Whew, that’s a lot of assumptions! Since this is directed at me specifically, I should clarify that time to build is not the issue. Time for all the people I like to play with to line up and play together is. As a matter of fact, I don’t play CoH solo any more. Kind of over it. But you ignored the previous point, that it’s not realistic to expect my team to always be balanced the way you suggest. It turns out, you can’t control who is on every team or what their build is. However, the idea that my builds are struggling to survive, help my teammates, or deal damage on a team is an assumption. None of those are an issue.
  2. People have lives, jobs, and responsibilities. Not everyone can expect to always be on a team with the same people. Basically what you’re saying is “if everyone plays how I play, this doesn’t matter in the slightest”. Great! It’s wonderful that it doesn’t affect you! However, other people are allowed to think and say things too. And it isn’t always about flat math, but community perception as well. Many people don’t play corrs because they’re villains, or because they have defender nostalgia, or because the buff/debuff numbers are higher on defenders. If the damage numbers are even anywhere close, defenders can quickly become more appealing. You’re right that it’s not enough to call for a proc rebalance on its own. But PPM was an unfinished system that would almost certainly not have made it to the live servers in this state for many reasons stated elsewhere in the thread. Anyway, this has really diverged from the stated point here, so I’m out and sorry to the OP.
  3. Most of the time one of those on their own isn’t enough. Further, not all of the support sets grant survivability. But really, who hasn’t joined a team to see 4 brutes and a bunch of scrappers and blasters? They’re everywhere 😀
  4. No one said procs should be balanced around just defenders or solo defenders. It’s one example out of the concerns that others brought up. The situation you’re talking about isn’t particularly niche, though. Building for def isn’t optimal damage, sure, but it does contribute to team flexibility, one of the strong points of CoH. I’d be surprised if every random team just happens to have the correct composition to give the entire team a suitable level of survivability. Doesn’t seem realistic.
  5. The same reason people do anything in a game- fun! Further, when I play a defender I am often doing so to help other players, and I don’t expect them to be the ones keeping me alive. Difference of playstyle.
  6. I never claimed it was the only way. You’re suggesting that every member of every team takes maneuvers? And that everyone that solos, runs inspirations. Don’t think I’ll take my chances with those odds, nor would I presume to change how people play.
  7. No, I have no interest in doing pylon tests and I never said a word about 5% resistance. The difference I am referring to is when a defender and a corruptor build for similar survival stats and the defender reaches their goals many slots earlier than the corruptor. It creates a ton of free slots for procs that a corruptor might want for set bonuses. Since this is apparently a misunderstanding, no one is claiming defenders do higher damage than a corruptor with the exact same build, slot for slot! They do not have the same stats and shouldn’t be built the same.
  8. The access to one single proc of a different set simply does not add up to the buff/debuff values between defenders and corruptors nor does it change the fact that the disparity of values means defenders have more slots to use on procs in total. The blast sets that truly excel with procs have a lot available anyway and many damage procs are not uniques, unlike AT procs. I do like the idea of AT scaled damage procs, I’ve seen it thrown around a few times. You’d probably still end up with more damage than regular enhancements if that were implemented, but it wouldn’t be as drastic of a damage boost so variability in builds would increase as it became a more interesting and nuanced trade off for set bonuses again.
  9. “Min/maxing discords” and players “at the highest end” are not an accurate representation of the general player base. Sure, maybe 30 is true for the exact niche you refer to.
  10. This is generalizing a lot about how other people play, when in reality there’s just not a way for you to know who is making which builds and how they’re playing them. Not one proc build I’ve ever made has needed to rely on inspirations, and if there was no impact on the player base we probably wouldn’t be going over this every [insert increasingly frequent period of time here].
  11. I find soloing AVs to be sort of a drag due to how long it takes compared to playing as a team, but when I do it, I do it just to see how capable my build is. So for me, temporary powers aren’t part of the equation. I did solo the master of ITF badge on my favorite defender (+1 enemies, nothing crazy), so I’m satisfied.
  12. I’m neither looking for an argument nor insulting you. But I can’t prevent you from taking it that way, apparently. My only point this entire time has been that there are parts of this community with differing play styles and expectations. I’m not looking for a response here, just clarifying where I was coming from in case it got drowned in there.
  13. “My way or the highway” hm.
  14. They are not. And insulting large swaths of the community, not to mention individual players, is not upbuilding for the community.
  15. I did not insult you in any way. My point was only ever that what you perceive as “bad behavior” is your personal opinion. The community is not a homogenous mass with one set of expectations. You aren’t seeing a flood of excelsior players because that was never the point of this thread. It was referring to one single incident, not some vilification of the entire server. As you mentioned, not everyone uses the forums anyways.
  16. Lol, having a character you enjoy doesn’t make you jaded. In fact I choose my power sets specifically because they’re good for helping people with most content at all level ranges. I enjoy playing with a wide variety of people from those who are making their first character on as far as speed runners. Team etiquette in CoH isn’t global, it’s based on the team you’re in. These are some very unkind assumptions you’re making about someone you don’t know at all 🙂
  17. I’ve been on excelsior since the day it launched and I think it’s safe to say this is just your personal experience. I’ve never seen 6 happen without a good reason (task force enemy levels, for example). Further, grats means very little when it’s your 100+ veteran level and running in alone on a whim is pretty standard if you are on a self sufficient character, hell some teams even prefer splitting up for efficiency. Sounds like you just don’t like how some people choose to play.
  18. Criticism is not super effective when directed to the internet at large as opposed to the entity you take issue with.
  19. There’s a massive surplus of places to level, to the point where most people rarely experience 1/3 of it. Having an entire 1-50 zone seems like a good way to ensure they check out even less of the other content. What we do have a shortage of is challenging high level content. *high end doesn’t necessarily mean level 50
  20. Having a half decent build doesn’t mean you won’t get mezzed, it just means they hit less often, and when they do hit it’s like spending hundreds of millions on power armor just to get taken out by one guy with a taser.
  21. I’m one of the ones whose water blast and savage melee have both set themselves to red. Another issue I’ve been having is that on all of my characters with mystic flight, the pop up tray keeps re-enabling itself even though I’ve turned it off at Null on each character.
  22. Not feeling powerful isn’t even close to being an issue in CoH. Also I very much doubt most people are making defenders to play solo, it’s a highly team oriented AT. Most, if not all, of the sets can never be used to their full potential without a team.
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