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Everything posted by TyrantMikey

  1. I thought this thread was about whether or not Winter effects should be enabled in-game, in Paragon City, where in-universe Winter is still active. Are you saying that is not what we are discussing?
  2. Incorrect. See the PraagonWiki article for Paragon City
  3. But it IS Winter where the game is set (New England, USA).
  4. I could get behind a new energy powerset that lacked knockback, and was adjusted numerically to compensate for it. That way, you don't have to invest in an IO to convert KB to KD, and you can opt-in to KB by making a powerset selection. I dig the energy powerset animations and the concept. I'd just like to see the ability to opt-in to KB from the get-go. But that's my two-cents, and they ain't worth squat.
  5. It depends. Is the Twix right-side up, or up-side down?
  6. Nah. For Will Power, you want something that drains endurance, and drains it hard and irresistibly. Couple that with teleportation. For example, consider my main, Prodigal. He's a WP/SS tank. He can stomp just about anything in the yard. The only time he might get a real challenge going is if you hit him with significant amounts of endurance drain and forced his toggles to drop. Then he's in trouble. Whatever we came up with has to take both primary and secondary abilities we have, but I'm not sure I'd want those abilities auto-selected for us. It'd be too cookie-cutter.
  7. That's interesting. For something that's in the game since launch, I've never heard or read anyone mention it as "strategy" before.
  8. I've observed an interesting phenomena with Vahz, and wonder if anyone else has observed this. Group of Vahz with zombies, and a mortie or reaper. As long as there's a living member in the group, the zombies are active and will attack. I can take out the mortie and/or reaper, then disengage and withdraw, then wait. After a certain amount of time, the zombies go dormant. I can then move back into melee range and they still won't engage. It's as if they need a human to give them orders. Note that this is not true if I am on a tank or toon with an active taunt aura. But it definitely works for blasters and controllers. Has anyone else observed this?
  9. First, it is frustrating. No argument there. Having said that, I'm guilty of not following instructions myself, and I've been around since the game launched. For me, personally, it's due to the fact that I have difficulty dividing my attention between combat and the chat window. It would be super helpful if there was an audio cue when messages came into chat from the team or league, but I'm not aware of any such cue. Then it would be easier to know when to glance down at chat. But for me, personally, it's really difficult to monitor both chat and combat at the same time. YMMV.
  10. I don't remember this mission. That's no indicator of whether or not it was there, mind you. I'm getting old, and a lot of my synapses are failing. But it does remind me of players who somehow hacked the game and made their toons GIGANTIC and modeled them in Atlas on Virtue. That was interesting.
  11. Really! I did not know this. That explains it, then. Thank you!
  12. So I'm a level 50 incarnate. I'm doing radio missions against Council, teaming with my nephew. Difficulty is set to +0/x8. On two separate missions, I encountered a slew of minions and lieutenants that were level 50 and conned blue to me. What on earth would cause that? It's not incarnate content, per se, and I don't think level shifting of any kind would apply here. Can anyone explain this?
  13. Okay, now that one gave me chills. Outstanding!!
  14. I like it, but it needs more bass. It definitely sounds synthesized. Keep working on it! I grant you the TyrantMikey Seal of Approval.
  15. This is a travesty, really. This game needs teleporter beacons to Cimerora, like yesterday.
  16. I'm not a big dreamer. Get an editor to proof-read and fix the typos in the mission text. Some of us actually read it (gosh, the lore is amazing). Spread the seasons to as many zones as possible (and appropriate) over time. Next year, make it overcast in Atlas when it snows. Clear skies and snowfall don't mix. Every now and then, just drop a zone-level appropriate giant monster into the zones to stir up excitement. Have an exemplared Warwalker take a casual stroll through Atlas, Kings Row, Perez Park, or Steel Canyon. Do the same with Jack in Irons, Babbage, and all the rest. Make heroes do more than zip between missions and model their costumes at trainers. Give all the powers the Minimal FX treatment. Oh. Maybe I am a big dreamer. 😃
  17. Good luck. God speed. Please be sure to fill out the requisite forms with HR at Hero Corps. Ms. Liberty is a real stickler for that sort of thing.
  18. Thank you very much. That clears things up quite nicely.
  19. So, if I understand this correctly, the Level Shift Combat Attribute will reflect the higher attribute when a level-shifted Incarnate enters Dark Astoria or an i-Trial. Is that correct?
  20. With all its flaws in that first release, I was there, in a horribly designed costume. The first time I toggled on Hover and moved straight up into the air, I was awestruck. With the cityscape below me, all I could think was, "Oh my god, I'm actually flying." I could forgive a world of sin for that alone.
  21. In the Combat Attributes window, under Base, you can view and track Level Shift. I was helping another hero on the Help channel figure this out the other day. We determined that his Level Shift should be 3: Since the base Level Shift value displayed in the Combat Attributes window is 1, each of his two T4 Incarnate Abilities should have produced a Level Shift value of 3. However, Combat Attributes->Base->Level Shift shows 1. Is this attribute bugged? If so, how do we go about reporting it? Is this a "low-hanging fruit" issue that could be fixed by the devs?
  22. Oh god this brings back memories of crippling indecision. Do I take the combat power that I need because my attack chain is incomplete, or Stamina, because I absolutely MUST have endurance to use any more powers?
  23. It would be great if you could add Marcus Velarius in Cimerora to this, and then flag both him and Meg Mason as ALL MISSIONS ARE TIMED. This would then be ultra-cool.
  24. Meg Mason gets the hairy evil eyeball. All her missions are timed. Not its an issue, but <drama>I just don't need the added pressure!!</drama>
  25. Where do I get Tram Defense? Tram bludgeoning damage is the absolute worst.
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