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  • Birthday October 7

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  1. Story-wise, Primal Earth is mostly black and white, either hero or villain, until the introduction of our Praetorian characters coming over. That's why swapping to Vigilante or Rogue was something you couldn't do till level 20 and also why Praetorian characters come to Primal Earth at level 20. Within the greater story of the game, that is when our characters might start to question the grey areas. For Praetorian characters, they don't have the same concept of 'Heroes are good' and 'Villains are bad' on their Earth. They have Resistance and Loyalists, two much more ambiguous "alignments" that each have a spectrum of good and bad people. They choose Hero or Villain when they come to Primal Earth because they believe one or the other better aligns with their morals and/or methods. They don't really understand the reality of that choice until they come to Primal Earth and find out, and from there they are then free to pursue Vigilante or Rogue alignments. You can of course decide that your character isn't like that at all and would know that they're going to go be a Vigilante when they first step foot in to Paragon City, but the story wasn't designed that way and you'll have to use a work around like Null the Gull to 'roleplay' around that.
  2. Neither does Smoke Canister or Synaptic Overload. Seeds of Confusion is the only one that does.
  3. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=redirects.assault_rifle.smoke_confusion&at=controller "Activate Period" on the left is how frequently a toggle or auto power 'tics' or reapplies it's effects. So for Smoke Canister it's every 1 second.
  4. Smoke Canister is a patch that lasts 30 seconds, reapplying it's confuse every 1 second, so it's disingenuous to say Mass Confusion lasts 10x longer. Smoke Canister's Confuse can last up to over 30 seconds (though to be fair that's pretty much the extent of how long it can last, even with slotting). And yes, Mass Confusion is longer than Synaptic Overload, but even basic slotting will have Synaptic Overload recharged long before it ends. No amount of slotting can get Mass Confusion there. Not to mention that Mass Confusion comes with a whopping -20% base Accuracy. A penalty no other AoE Confuse suffers from, not even the most comparable power in the game: Fortunatas' Aura of Confusion (although that is the only benefit that power has over Mass Confusion, honestly). Mass Confusion isn't a bad power; it's still very potent as crowd control. But it's a tier 9 power designed for Issue 0 and it shows. p.s. i am a thousand years old and have no intention to turn this in to a back and forth argument so if you respond and then i don't, it's because i don't have the energy or i died.
  5. Well, they're not TAoE, but Elec Control has a Chain AoE Confuse: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=controller_control.electric_control.synaptic_overload&at=controller And Arsenal Control has a Location AoE Confuse: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=controller_control.arsenal_control.smoke_canister&at=controller They all work a little too different from each other to make comparing them easy, but I think most people would agree that Mass Confusion on a 240s timer, when the others are between 60-90s, is a bit excessive. Nothing else in the set is really out of line recharge-wise, though.
  6. The issue that makes Poison/Poison Trap so much worse than Traps/Poison Trap is that the lingering cloud created by Poison's version is not autohit, so every effect has to make two separate rolls in order to take affect. Basically, they both have that initial hold that occurs when they're tripped by an enemy. But the cloud that stays behind and debuffs in the Traps version is autohit, but with most of the effects having only 2% chances to occur every 1 second, so they only have to make that 2% roll to take effect. But the Poison version is not autohit, which means every second, every affect has to succeed at a ToHit roll (subject to level differences and accuracy slotting) and if that succeeds, then it has to make another roll for the 1.5/2% chance for the effects to occur. It's terrible and the only reason it's like this is because the power does like 1 point of damage every second and the devs of old had a zero tolerance policy when it came to powers that do damage being autohit. The simplest way to improve the power is to make that cloud autohit and then individually flag the damage to need a successful tohit roll to be applied, similar to how other powers have been changed (most notably, Consume from Fiery Aura).
  7. The "slowly" in the description was a reference to it's original animation which had a long wind-up (it was the fists in the air, staring at your hands animation used by Bitter Freeze Ray, before that one was also sped up, think it was originally 3.67s). You'd fire a dark blast at your target which would debuff them, then a second blast would return from them to you and then the heal would happen. The animation was long, the delay for the heal to happen was long, thus "slowly".
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by "max limit resistance of each class"? Every debuff has it's own minimum and maximum cap; there is no global debuff resistance attribute. There are ArchVillain_Res modifiers, but again these are only used on some Elite Bosses and enemies of higher rank, and it only exists to scale their resistances up from 60% to 87% as they go up in level. You will almost never encounter a boss or below with blanket 85% Resistance to any debuff unless you're fighting +6s or higher, in which case the purple patch will reduce your effectiveness down to 15%. Time's Juncture, 3 slotted for ToHit Debuff Strength against most +3 minions, lieuts or bosses is going to be debuffing ToHit by about -15.8%, not ~3%.
  9. Maybe I'm reading your chart wrong, but bosses, lieutenants and minions do not have ~85% resistance to debuffs. That is unique to Archvillains, Heroes, Monsters, Giant Monsters, and (only some) Elite Bosses. It's pretty uncommon to encounter a minion, boss or lieut that even has ANY resistance to debuffs (besides the inherent resistance to -Resistance and -Damage provided by having +Resistance).
  10. Hey! For the most part, I completely agree: Empathy is a set in need of attention. I would never call it bad; Empathy is a perfectly functional set that is still good at what it does, it has just been left behind by the meta. I agree that Heal Aura is mostly okay and similar to other PBAoE heals. Personally though, I think Heal Other, along with Soothe and Cauterize, could stand an additional small effect. Yes, they heal more than ST Heals with effects like Alkaloid and O2 Boost, but those heals other effects can be significant (especially O2 Boost). I would consider adding a small EndDiscount buff to the target for Heal Other and Soothe. Haven't really thought about Cauterize, though. With Share Pain, the Pain user is taking on that... pain and is using it to fuel their anger, which boosts their Damage. Perfectly thematic. For Absorb Pain, I try and remember that Empathy is supposed to be like Emotion Control, and if they're taking away someone's pain, what is that doing for the Empathy user? I'm not sure +Resistance is totally the best fit. I feel like taking on someone else's pain would maybe be... inspiring? To me that fits more with the idea of Mez Protection for the Empathy user. Or maybe the effect could change depending on the Archetype that was targeted? I agree that, over time, Resurrect has become the worst Rez in the game. I would also like to see it grant buffs to the target, with no penalty to them. However, I think it would be thematic for the Empathy user to get penalties instead. Of course, not as significant as other penalties and definitely not for as long. I'm personally of the opinion that it's BONKERS that Poison and Rad Defenders can debuff their teammates base ToHit chance in half for 45 seconds! In my Spreadsheet of Support Suggestions™ I was considering a scale 3 damage buff and scale 2 tohit buff to your target for 60 seconds, and half those values as debuffs to the Empathy user for 15 seconds. Clear Mind: Same thought, add Psi Resistance. For Fortitude, I also think it could become an AoE. Again, in my spreadsheet of suggestions, I was considering suggesting it be a Targeted AoE (so requiring an ally) with a 30 ft radius, the effects still do not affect the caster, increasing the recharge to 240 seconds, and then reducing the buff values to: Def: Scale 1.5 -> Scale 1.0 Dmg: Scale 2.5 -> Scale 1.6 ToHit: Scale 1.5 -> Scale 1.0 For the auras, I also think combining them would be best; I even have it named Revitalizing Aura, as well lol And then Adrenalin Boost is great and perfectly fine.
  11. It's possible to have enhancements that do this (in fact, there is already an enhancement color for Radius in the game files), but the radius of AoE powers is typically part of the balancing of a power, so it would be a can of worms to introduce this as an enhancement. We'd probably have to have a global nerf to the radius of all AoEs to account for the ability to enhance them if this were done. Also possible, but complicated. The Control Hybrid powers that add Mag are an example of how it could work, but there are limitations. Namely that extra Mag that is added would likely not be boosted by enhancements that improve duration. Also, probably some balance issues with AoE control powers suddenly being able to always affect bosses. We actually can do that, just not for ALL debuffs. Both Defense Debuff and ToHit Debuff enhancements already increase the debuff value. I think what you're asking for are Damage Debuff and Damage Resistance Debuff enhancements, but unfortunately those are never going to happen for complicated reasons. It's not an issue of balance, but an issue with how the game was designed. This isn't impossible, but again kind of complicated and TONS of manual work. It's possible to make an individual effect's duration vary with an expression that could be affected by an enhancement. However, it would have to be manually added to every individual effect in a power, and then to every power players have access to. And similar to possible Radius Enhancements, we'd probably get a global nerf to duration for all powers to account for the ability to enhance them. This is both easy and not so easy to accomplish. Easy in the sense that it's already possible to create an IO that adds an AoE effect to a power. But not so easy in the sense that it would not work like how you want, I'm assuming. It would not be able to turn Shout, for example, in to an AoE that does it's full damage and secondary effects to all enemies in an AoE; it would have to be a totally separate effect that would not benefit from damage enhancements in the power, may not even do the same damage type or have any secondary effects, would likely have to be a proc for balance reasons and you would definitely not be able to slot more than one.
  12. I don't feel Traps is suffering due to needing to toe-bomb a few of the powers. They're pretty potent already and there's good synergy built in to the set to allow you to still be active. The only power I've ever had an issue with (besides Time Bomb, and good riddance) is Triage Beacon. If I could make one suggestion, it would be either: A) Let Triage Beacon follow you around like FFG OR B) Change the +Regen to a pulsing AoE Heal every 4 seconds. +Regen tends to be more useful than just straight Healing, but not on a stationary power. There are very few encounters in the game where a stationary +150% Regen for 90 seconds is super useful. If Triage Beacon has to stay a +Regen power, then it either needs to follow you around or the duration of the actual buff needs to be increased to like 30 seconds so that you can leave it behind and still have some kind of benefit from it. If it has to stay stationary, it would be much more useful as upfront Healing. The game moves too fast for stationary +Regen.
  13. In the meantime, for "wood armor" and "wood attacks" I recommend trying Bio Armor and Spines. They make a good plant melee character look with the right colors.
  14. Sappers can drain 140 endurance (more if they're higher level than you) from 80 ft away, if you have any Endurance left after they zap you, then you're resisting some of the endurance drain.
  15. Again, Recovery Resistance is not the same as Endurance Drain Resistance. Murky Cloud gives Recovery AND Endurance Drain Resistance, but only the Recovery Resistance is visible in Combat Attributes; there is no way to monitor Endurance Drain Resistance currently. Inexhaustible only gives Endurance Drain Resistance, so it won't show up in your Combat Attributes.
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