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Lunar Ronin

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Everything posted by Lunar Ronin

  1. Yep. That's really the only effective way to play melee on teams or leagues on Homecoming - go where no one else is, even if that means jumping two or three spawns ahead.
  2. Tequila is very insecure and could be used to spread malware and do nasty things to your computer. So yeah, it kind of is broken.
  3. Tequila hasn't been the official launcher for a couple of years now. You will want to switch to the Homecoming launcher.
  4. I hear you. I used to not mind voice chat every now and then. Then I joined a guild in Star Wars: The Old Republic that demanded, "If you are in game, you will be on our Teamspeak server.". I have hated voice chat since, even with friends. I would much rather listen to music while playing. Thankfully, there isn't a single thing in City of Heroes that requires voice chat, not even 4*. Oh, and that SWTOR guild imploded after several months.
  5. Brute Ninjitsu when? Don't make me roll a Scrapper. ... Please?
  6. Cleopatra is a Loyalist Responsibility story arc contact. If you're Loyalist, you can do Loyalist Responsibility, Loyalist Power, and Resistance Warden story arcs. You cannot do Resistance Crusader story arcs, even "undercover." If you're Resistance, you can do Resistance Warden, Resistance Crusader, and Loyalist Responsibility story arcs. You cannot do Loyalist Power story arcs, even "undercover."
  7. You need to use a temporary power that Darrin Wade gives you to disguise yourself as her father before speaking with Ashley.
  8. That has to be one of the most depressing things I've ever read on these forums.
  9. Yeah, that's not a bug. You actually have to be the Loyalist alignment and not undercover to get Loyalist Power story arcs, just as you have to actually be Resistance alignment and not undercover to get Resistance Crusader story arcs.
  10. Oh, I 100% agree with you. Advanced modes can be done with any competent mix of players, ATs, and power sets. Even 4*. But there has been an increasingly prevalent attitude of "meta or bust" among part of the Homecoming player base since advanced mode TFs/SFs were added. One of the main reasons that I mostly play solo now.
  11. Welcome to Homecoming's advanced modes era.
  12. Everyone log, wait a couple of minutes, and then log back on.
  13. Controllers are fine for the most part on Incarnate trials, although some leaders will tell Controllers and Dominators to put their pets away. Controllers are largely not wanted on 3* and 4* advanced mode TFs/SFs because they're viewed as doing very poor damage and their CCs are nothing that a couple of Blasters can't do just as effectively.
  14. Lunar Ronin

    Fiery Melee?

    Not a Brute, but I recently got two (yes, two), Fiery Melee/Energy Aura Stalkers to level 50. So, so good. Fiery Melee is so much better and smoother now compared to 2019. Much damage. Big numbers. Mobs melt. Such wow.
  15. The trick is to limit teams outside of advanced modes TF/SFs and league content to four or five people at most. It helps.
  16. This question is for Phil "Synapse" Zeleski: Howdy, Synapse. Word is that you intended to either make significant changes to PPM (procs per minute), or scrap the system entirely and come up with some other system for procs. Unfortunately, sunset happened. Do you recall what you intended to do with procs?
  17. Psychological, as said. Also, you don't want to open with Assassin's Strike. You do more damage opening with another power and using Assassin's Strike as part of your rotation.
  18. As others have mentioned above, there are no alternatives to Mids' Reborn. Several people have attempted web based alternatives over the past five years, but they all realized fairly quickly that they bit off more than they can chew and the projects were abandoned.
  19. Pro-tip: The nine exploration badges from the mayhem missions count. You practically get The Next Big Thing badge after stepping out of character creation, or The Next Big Thing and Jailbird if you do the villain tutorial. Then have a second account take you through the nine mayhem missions for the nine exploration badges. Congratulations, you now have the Invader accolade for an additional 5% HPs, and unlocked Long Range Teleporter. Red side truly is the best side.
  20. That's been bugged for about two years now. No ETA for a fix.
  21. Masterminds are the third most popular AT in the game according to the Massively OP article a month or so ago. They also are considered the worst AT in the game for endgame by far, and need a lot of help. Popularity means nothing.
  22. Yes, as long as you don't charge for it/people can view the stream for free.
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