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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Empathy is more of a pre-30s set IMO. Only time I remember them being worthwhile at 50 was for Hami raids.
  2. Rather than outright whiffing which sucks, why not try something like a glancing blow that does less damage but still lands?
  3. Encouraging LRT as the new travel hub kinda kills bases, doesn't it? Unless that's the overall goal for this stuff?
  4. They certainly didn't have a problem adding more and more VFX spam, so this couldn't be too much of a concern to them.
  5. very humble of you brother, but speak for yourself. definitely don't want some doofus with zero imagination to steal the name of an alt I've been working on but had to drop when I got the orders.
  6. So long as people serving in the military who are out on deployment can be made exempt, go for it.
  7. Not that I don't disagree with the post, do we really need to test Eagle's Claw as a cone to know that it doesn't make sense as a cone?
  8. I hear you man. I don't think the way you're playing is wrong. if it works for you, go for it. I also don't think you shouldn't post your observations here. that's what being part of a community is all about.
  9. Ok great for you and I'm happy for you. I wasn't suggesting my way is better than yours. far from it. please don't inject stuff into posts that isn't there. I was only offering a different opinion to explain some people find running all the mission content again and again is just as boring. there's no right or wrong. do what makes you happy.
  10. Right but how many times are you going to run those missions before they get boring? Defeating Frostfire for the second time isn't adding anything new to the experience.
  11. I tell you what tinkering with "balance" and not adding anything new for 50s to do is going to drive a whole lot more people away than PLing ever will.
  12. Sure, that happens too. from what I've seen here on these forums over the past year though? definitely a wanting to cancel anyone who disagrees problem. just my 2 inf.
  13. they've been very up front with the reasons why this is getting removed and I don't think anyone objects to it getting removed as it works now. Sure, people will figure out a way around it or just do without. what some of us tried to do was offer feedback and criticism of the proposed now essentially set in stone alternatives. one power would have worked just fine, not 4. there are impacts to the base community that has cropped up because of the command. I know its hard for some people out there to listen to criticism or even want to hear the opinions of others who disagree with them. there seems to be a big problem here where people want to jump all over anyone who doesn't unquestioningly follow whatever homecoming says or does. that's a big problem. if they want to make 4 or 50 new powers, go for it. just wanted to share my opinion that 1 is fine and empathize with those who would like to see something they feel a little more reasonable.
  14. You shouldn't feel bad for expressing your opinion man.
  15. I'm sure there's people out there who may have left because of it, so I can see how PLing might be a reason, but definitely not the sole reason.
  16. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Wanted to add that there's nothing wrong with disliking PLing. Not sure why people have to jump all over the OP for expressing his opinion on it like he kicked your dog.
  17. No offense intended, but you're not reading the thread then because you've missed the mark. Pushback is to have one power, not 4. No one is asking for the command to remain as is. but the discussion is moot at this point anyway. The 4 or so base base portal powers are what we're getting and there's little to no interest to listen to any additional feedback. That's great it works for you. Not everyone plays the same way you do.
  18. When there's only a couple hundred people or less on a server at any given time do you expect them all to be in the same zone as you or something? AP and PI are always lively.
  19. Appreciate that you all are following the feedback and putting in effort on this but your comment here doesn't make any sense at all. We're still traveling a lot even with the GM command right now. Something doesn't add up here. When the new portals go live, we're still going to be traveling. All you've done is add a brief animation instead of people disappearing into thin air. If you are all so concerned about travel time and everyone traveling, get rid of the Oro portal, LFG port, base porting, TT, mission teleporter etc. I don't get why you all are so stuck on this. travel time is a time sink in for profit games. the game isn't for profit anymore and was moving toward less travel even on live.
  20. Don't care about any of that stuff. people use TT and Oro heavily too and those have costs. why are they using them is the question. it was just convenient not to have to piss away the time to move across an entire zone to get to a tram or portal. that isn't fun for me. actually playing missions and stuff is.
  21. This is encouraging to hear. I think you all may want to ask yourselves why people used this so much instead of just taking an average out of raw data to make a decision. The answer should be pretty clear - excessive travel time sucks. it always was painful imo.
  22. I think it's overly complex too. I wouldn't even give it a 5 minute recharge. What's the harm in it being 30 seconds? Are we worried the automated trams will go out of business or something? travel time sinks aren't needed anymore in a free game.
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