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Everything posted by battlewraith

  1. Keep it up dood, you're on a roll. Still nothing of substance added. I do sleep better at night knowing that the Dark Knight of the suggestions forum will show up to inform wrongdoers that he does not validate their ideas. Shudders, lol.
  2. This is a dogma. It doesn't make any sense in a 20+ year old game that has had multiple eras of development. When you suggest that something is game breaking, I'm concerned about the consequences for players, not the fact that some initial design philosophy has been infringed upon. I don't care. I only mention it because this was something that was a big issue for the retail devs. They were constantly trying to shut pling down. And the other relevance is that the existence and prevalence of means to skip this early content completely undermines the notion that that content is somehow in danger of this proposal.
  3. And I'm sure that someone, somewhere, hypothetically speaking finds this glimpse into your psyche interesting. I don't. You don't like my idea, that's fine. But as far as I can tell, you don't have ideas. You don't present anything positive. All you do, like a lot of other people, is just weigh in on things. So I see no reason to take you seriously in any way FWIW. You're mildly amusing. And you try to derail threads you don't like....because you don't get enough attention?
  4. When you make a suggestion like this you have to deal with the range of possible behaviors it would entail. People opposing the idea immediately view someone grabbing fulcrum shift or a nuke or whatever. So if that person wants to do that--yes they could level faster through those early levels. It would still be slower and more effort than just pling, so I have a very difficult time seeing this as game breaking. Moreover, this assumes that the person wants fast leveling instead of different build options. Somebody might just hit on some fun combo that is enjoyable at a certain level range. Maybe they turn off xp to stay there. Maybe someone would want to RP a character that has an unorthodox build permitted by this mode. And so on. The irony is that the game breaking has already been done. None of the things you are pointing to here were part of the original plan. Out of a reverence for that initial plan, you are opposed to carving out a constrained domain where the original limitations don't apply. Yet at the same time, you acknowledge that the level range where it would matter is completely and easily skippable. So why would you care if someone, under certain circumstances, has FS or a nuke at low level when most people aren't even doing that content?
  5. Once again, you're bringing nothing of substance to the discussion. Some people are just naysayers. They like to just pop in and crap on other people's ideas. They always reek of insecurity to me--they constantly appeal to an imagined majority. We think this. It matters to us. You all should think that. Far be it from me to call out specific posters for such things.
  6. Yup. With the normal amount of slot for that lvl. They would burn through lvls until they hit the late 20s and then start to slow down. And they would be committed to SOs the entire time they played that mode. Not game breaking at all. Maybe you'd have less people begging for farms on brand new characters.
  7. I didn't play Champions Online (if that's what you're referencing) but doing a search suggests it's not the same. All this does is unlock the sequence that powers become available in the sets you choose. You still are bound by primary/secondary/pool selection etc. You can't mix and match powers from different sets in a way you couldn't before. There is no way this idea can break the game. Worst case scenario is that it makes some lowbie characters more powerful than they were before and they can thus outlevel that content more quickly than before. Which is nothing on par with the pling options that are already available.
  8. That nuke is going to be unslotted initially. It won't have IO rchg bonuses so it won't be up all the time. And it really won't be the big deal people are making it out to be. The mode will let you do things that you normally have to respec into later to accomplish. Skip powers you don't want for one thing. Except you don't have to wait until 50 to do so.
  9. When the game originally launched, the expectation was that the developers would do what you're talking about: provide regular content updates, New zones, new mobs, new stories, etc, That was untenable, even when they had the largest base of paying customers. They couldn't keep that up, so they added badges. Once people wasted a certain amount of time on badges, they left for other games. I was in a few mid sized sgs that left en masse to go play other games. The reason I stayed was because they added the arena. The arena, and later the pvp zones, kept a subset of the playerbase engaged with this game for years, with little support from the development team. Likewise they added AE, for the purpose of allowing players to produce content. Theoretically people like you shouldn't have to wait on the devs for story content. There should be an endless amount available all the time through AE. But in actuality, it primarily serves the purpose of PLing past the stuff you and your friends apparently love. I have little doubt that if they removed AE the game would fold. The arena, AE, and this idea are about gameplay, not content. If it was only about content the game as it is now, would not be a thing. Hell, you even have people that spend most of their time on the market. So which is it? It's just cosmetic and does nothing for the gameplay, or it's unbalanced and going to make things too easy? If you jumped ahead and looked at one of these characters as it approaches 50, It would be pretty much just another character in terms of power, almost certainly underpowered without IO sets. The biggest splash would be the early levels--which are also the levels which go by the fastest anyway. The idea is not to make it easier--easier is sitting for a couple or farm runs or doing several DFBs. The idea is fun. Novelty. The complaints here are about the level range which has the least significance in the scheme of things, particularly when perpetual double xp is available. You're missing the point of the proposal. It's not about testing a build. It's about injecting some new life into those earlier levels. Instead of PLing or grinding the umpteenth scrapper the traditional way, use this to experiment with weird combos. Make wacky experimental builds. If it gets to the point where it's not working out, go to the trainer and just switch back to a normal build slot and respec into a normal build. I suspect HC means different things to different people. The suggestions forum is literally for that: suggestions. If you don't like it, fine I heard your objections. But you and other people need to stop directing people you don't agree with to other servers. Your out of line.
  10. The things you're pointing to here are what I consider to be, as a player, the least important part of this game. Particularly after 20 years. People burn through that content or ignore it completely. This is a game and throwing more varied mobs at it, or occasional new enhancements or cosmetics does nothing for the gameplay itself. The funny thing is that you seem to assume that the normal content is challenging, It's not. And this suggestion is not about challenge. It's about new opportunities for creating characters within a given framework. Usually when I play this game it's about testing out a build idea. It's not about grinding content.
  11. That's right. That's what people are doing, skipping over it. The idea is to make it interesting so that they don't feel compelled to. But we have this wonderful subforum where we can advise against more formulaic, cookie-cutter content. Asking for things that are actually different. I gave you my take, If it's subjective, then yes it's true for some people. You're just not one of them.
  12. No. You have 3 slots for builds? If you used one of those slots for this mode, which would be set for normal enhancements only, the other build slots would be completely ordinary, structured the standard way.
  13. Oh no. 21 years later I have hatched a diabolical plan to cheat the game. Now I'll have...more characters sitting on the shelf waiting for me to grind expensive IO sets. Given the tone of your post, it sounds like your maybe just set in your ways.
  14. The idea behind it is make that domain of the early game more interesting/fun/novel. If you were going to run the general post 50 content, you would use one of your other build slots which you would enhance normally.
  15. I don't post something like this with the expectation that it will happen. For me, it's about expressing the type of thing I would like to see implemented. If the idea and the rationale behind it is clearly expressed, there might be a point in their development cycle where something like that becomes possible.
  16. Yeah it's ridiculous but that is the Captain America from the comics. He does not have super strength in the comics (at least the version I reads as a kid). The super soldier serum didn't make you superhuman. It just made you physically peak human performance at things. And he routinely takes out multiple targets with shield throws.
  17. It's not shortcut mode. Shortcut mode is sitting on a farm and skipping the low levels. Even a DFB with experience boosters will get you to early 20s very quickly. The core experience is something that people have had for two decades now. The whole point of this suggestion is to add something different than what is already available. I don't see how it would unbalance or break anything. As I specified, it would be limited to normal enhancements and you would still be subject to needing to slot things. The significance of getting those powers early diminishes as the character actually gets closer to 50. It would still give some options that would be interesting regarding pool powers, but nothing on the level of significance of IO sets or bonuses. It doesn't make the assumption that "people" don't like lower level content. It's for people like me that don't like lower level content. If you're someone that enjoys what you're doing now, it won't affect you. But I suspect that people that like to tinker and experiment with oddball builds would enjoy this. I think a lot of people would be into this, and if they want to go back to the traditional way all they have to do is visit the trainer. There are a lot of ways to build and slot a character--once you hit 50 and respec for sets. I don't think there's a whole lot of meaningful variety when you're leveling. And the complaint is often about the slog of getting your character up in levels, not "omg I have so many options to choose from."
  18. What is it?: One of the build slots on a character can be designated as saga mode. This option would be made available after some global unlock, similar to the way Kheldians were a reward for having a lvl 50. Once this condition has been met, a player can start a new character, go to a trainer, and switch to saga mode right away. They don't have to already be leveled or anything like that. Once saga mode is engaged, the character levels and alternates power/slots as usual. However, for the selection of powers the primary, secondary, and pool powers are unlocked with regard to availability. That means a lvl 2 character can be running around with imps. Or a nuke. Or a headsplitter. The restriction is that characters in saga mode are only able to use normal enhancements (ie SOs etc.). So no damage procs, no set bonuses, unique bonuses, etc. Since the PPPs have to unlocked via mission, I would propose that they and the APP would become available at the normal point in progression, but they would afterward be unlocked as well with regard to selection. What's the point: 1. To make lower level content palatable again for veteran players that are used to using IO builds that don't gas out constantly. And overcome the irritation of having to take powers that you know you'll skip later, wait for things you like, etc. 2. Enable greater build diversity. Allow players to cobble together exotic builds that are precluded by the current system. 3, Increased novelty/narrative diversity. Instead of this measured increase in power that is the normal logic of the game, maybe you have a character that can barely control their powers and just nukes every couple of minutes. Maybe a super glass cannon character that only has attacks but can rise from the dead periodically. People would have a lot more options to play with.
  19. When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be someone hawking denture cream.
  20. Oh no... First Hall and Oats, now you two. Some people. Lol.
  21. I think the gist of what Troo wants is something idiosycratic, not necessarily bad in the sense that it performs poorly. The game at this point is very predictable, very formulaic. Rudra says: Ummm..no? lol? If that floats your boat fine, but it I think a lot of people feel this game has gotten stale with the same thing over and over. Just come up with a new theme, tweak some variables, and viola a new set. But it's really just more of the same, which is what this game has been ever since they went down the road of powerset proliferation Some of the recent posts in this forum indicate that some people: 1. Insist on a carboard cutout sense of balance. Everything has to perform in roughly the same way. 2. They don't want anything actually challenging. 3. They don't want any kind of randomness. Cater to these three preferences and you have stagnation. The same thing with just cosmetic changes. Dull, low hanging fruit.
  22. Par for the course. I think some posters are so desperate to promote their vision of the status quo that they forget this is actually a game.
  23. No, I think the point of badges is to give players a sense of accomplishment/reward for doing different aspects of gameplay. I personally am not a fan of getting out vidiotmaps yet again and bouncing around in different zones to get exploration badges in order to get accolades. But I get that some people like engaging the lore this way. Given that part of the point of the challenge is to do something different from what players have been doing now for over two decades, I though a badge would be a good thing to add. But if that particular aspect of the proposal is a dealbreaker for you, feel free to set it aside for now.
  24. Are you serious? Cap fights sharks? I might have to see it if that's true.
  25. Yeah I get that, but it's kind of the whole point of the challenge. You are dealt a hand, let's see what you do with it. I'm sure that people who would want the badge but don't actually want to do the associated challenge would just fudge it--pl or something. The pvp badges are the same. People who hate pvp still covet the badge, so they farm characters in the arena or have a friend in o.ne of the zones help them get it.
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