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Everything posted by battlewraith

  1. Not only is there an economy, but the economy is apparently the ultimate consideration for balance in the game. So if there is something that people want, but can't easily afford, the solution is to rein in farming or nerf merit conversions, etc. Which doesn't make any sense because the fatcats with the most money are making that largess on the market. The casual players who aren't particularly interested in running tfs or playing the market are increasingly pressured into running content they don't like or becoming more effective at farming. Or caving and starting to sell converters or whatever it is that people do to trivially make large sums of cash in this game. It's not that my or anyone else's farming affects everyone else. It's that the devs apparently want to keep the marketeers happy and use that as a yardstick in figuring out what they want to permit other people to do.
  2. It's largely subjective but I think a good thing to keep in mind is legibility. Whatever character aspects that costume is communicating should be easy to read. For example, I think that for most iconic superheroes (Batman, Superman, etc.) you would be able to recognize the character just from their silhouette. Add as many design elements as necessary to clearly communicate that design, while keeping those elements as simple and bold overall.
  3. The labels reflect trends at the time. Blasters, at least the ones I knew, were squishy as hell in the early days of the game. My first character was a dm/inv scrapper when that combo was really strong. It wasn't uncommon for blasters to recruit me for a team so that they could blast away and die less. It was not common for blasters to stay in melee for long, hence the origin of the term blapper. "Tankmage" was a generic term for a character that can deal tons of damage and be unkillable. Had nothing to do with playing a tank in coh.
  4. Hey blue anime kid-- If we gotta grind our asses off or spend all our life savings on costume, why can't they be somethin useful? like Hobo or gynecologist. No blobs for me.
  5. Many years ago on live, I got involved in drawing superhero art because of the fanart community in this game. One of the artists I met online is now doing a series of themed lectures on youtube. Personally, I think he does an awesome job of breaking down the complexity of anatomy in order to show what you really need to have for an expressive, believable character. Anyway, check it out if you like drawing characters: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrandonPalas
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  6. There are people on these forums that are toxic and have no tact when it comes to using them. As a player, it's not my job to look at other people's habits and judge them for being "relevant". Relevant to what? What a stupid comment. The game's strength is giving people options and catering to a wide variety of playstyles. The removal of the merit conversion does not make emps useless. But it takes away a valued convenience. So you can still use them--for things you don't want, in ways that are more of a hassle then what you currently do. And in exchange for adapting you get--what? The approval of some twat that thinks you're now more relevant?
  7. Yeah you've got a weird obsession and it overrides any concern for how other people are enjoying the game. You don't have to care about my opinion. I don't give a shit about yours. I don't care if it is City of Tanks. It doesn't matter if that is true or not because I don't play tanks. The game doesn't make or require me to play tanks. Other people having fun playing tanks doesn't bother me. I don't look over my shoulder and get pissed that some other build or AT is doing better than mine--to the extent that I start clamoring for it to be nerfed. The balance you want doesn't exist and has never existed. And if it did, it would simply mean everything sucked equally. And goddamn, a few pointless irritating nerfs got through and it's like chum in the water. Nerf incarnates, nerf EM, nerf the ability to switch between red and blue side. Meanwhile, if you go to the suggestion forum and asked for a minor buff the power creep brigade would crucify you, lol.
  8. You've said this before and I can never really tell if you're actually serious. This is a video game. It's entertainment. The objective is to make people happy, not to pursue some OCD fixation with numerical balance. Balancing these ATs numerically is akin to the generic dumbing down of the entire system. They should be evaluated in terms of usefulness and function, not balancing raw numbers.
  9. That's actually even worse than if they didn't listen at all. They listen to someone completely unrelated to the issue. It's like coming out of your house one day and you have a ticket because the law changed and you parked your car facing the wrong direction. The law changed because legislators listened to feedback from somebody in a different city, who hasn't ever been to your neighborhood, and who doesn't own a car.
  10. Just form an sg for those elite, non-lazy few. Separate yourselves from "most people" and follow your dreams. The path of least resistance in this case is asking the devs to nerf things to suit your needs.
  11. As other people have noted, they aren't completely worthless. I you were using them, like I was, as an additional source of income to outfit new characters--they are strongly devalued. There are things you can do, if you're willing to put up with the additional hassle, to convert them to inf. Is it worth it, I don't know. As for your main question--why was it necessary to penalize normal players over an outlier farming practice? There were vitriolic arguments on the forums about this issue for over a month. I never saw any concrete answer to your question.
  12. I was doing the Midjourney beta for a bit. I found out that you can use a pre-existing image as a base. Then there was a parameter called image weighting. The image weighting command tells the AI how faithfull to be to the source image. Anyway, I think it would be possible to take actual coh screenshots and use the software to render it and add detail in different styles.
  13. If this option was on a par with the merit conversion, why wouldn't the people who were that target of the nerf simply continue to farm the emps and then do the thread--ultimate--sell on the market thing? If doing this conversion is roughly as valuable as the merit conversion was, then what was the point of the nerf? If they aren't roughly equivalent, then this comment is completely disingenuous. Hey, you can still make money! (it just sucks compared to what you were making but we're gonna gloss that over).
  14. The relevant post in the thread Greycat linked is this: In a nutshell, a certain number of players were farming emp merits by repetitively pling characters that would be deleted rather than enhanced and actually played. The dev solution was to take away the conversion from everyone. They added additional merit rewards to other content. If you don't want to run that other content, you're sol. If you weren't paying attention to the appropriate threads on the forums and have a big stockpile of emps you were going to convert later, you're sol. If you're a player who didn't use the conversion, you get thrown a bunch more merits for trials and whatnot. If you're a player who relied on the conversion to buy things, you lost a source of your income.
  15. How much active defense do people try to put into their doms? Especially with these new aggro changes you're not going to be able to lock everything down all the time.
  16. When they were looking to nerf stuff related to farming, they realized that the bonus from the double xp boosters was higher than intended. So they reduced it. Maybe that's the difference you're seeing.
  17. Of all the committed naysayers you are likely to run across in this suggestion forum, he is the worst. Other people will argue about game mechanics, balance, etc. He's literally arguing his subjective take on themes and comic book genres. Even worse, after pages of debating requests there is still not a clear indication that he even understands those requests. Someone says "I want darkness effects with plant manipulation animations" and he blandly responds "just roll a plant manipulation character." Asking the devs to create brand new animations for a set is fine with him. Simply asking them to repurpose animations that already exist from other sets is forbidden... for reasons that are locked away in his brain somewhere.
  18. Sticks are used as stand ins for blades in many martial arts systems. The movements are the same. And in a comic book universe with magic, hi tech, etc. it really shouldn't matter if one is used or the other.
  19. That doesn't make any sense at all. Powers are balanced according to objective traits: defense values, damage, resists, etc. You could even factor in something like animation times because that affects damage over time, attack chains, whatever. Whether or not visuals are annoying is not part of this consideration. What people find annoying is subjective. And making something look cooler might make a set more attractive to players but doesn't translate to it playing any better.
  20. I don't follow you around. Look at your post count. You're always there in a discussion. And I respond to what people say here in these threads, not who they are as people of which I have no clues.
  21. Maybe you need to take your own advice. Adapt. Stop bitching about other people bitching. Personally, I see your posts in this thread in particular as schadenfreude. Gloating and waving away other people's concerns as insignificant. And yet you are taken aback when people respond negatively. Apparently so taken aback that you are compelled to troll. You have little choice but to pour gasoline on the fire. Not buying that line of reasoning, sorry.
  22. If you're openly trolling people who actually care about this issue, you don't get to clutch your pearls and justify it by calling them trolls. Grow up. At least own what you're doing.
  23. This is a false framing of the issue. It doesn't have to be mass exodus that happens all at once. It just has to feed the gradual decline in the playerbase over time. Is the active population larger or smaller in the time since the RoP nerf? It could be that a fairly large number of people left the game, in part, because of that change. We as players don't know.
  24. "In my gym we regularly bench 500lbs.! It's easy." "What? No way!" "Yes way homeskillet!" (flexes) Five different people start benching 100lbs.
  25. Psssst.....ask for a moratorium on the use of "homeskillet" too please. Thanks!
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