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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Not a dev. However, I am a tester.... There will be more changes to Masterminds in the future. At least one major one requires other major changes at least at the same time. Page 7 is huge and there's a lot of focus on getting through the Open Beta dealing with making what's in it as right as possible for release. More updates of a more reasonable size will be coming this year. I'm sure changes to Masterminds will be in them. Changes to some MM Secondaries will come from changes to the similar Powersets for other ATs, like the changes to MM /Traps Detonator in Page 7.
  2. An AoE Immob may not be necessary to make Storm viable. But it would likely make it much better.
  3. Great post, @OverkillEngine. Quite correct. The original effect was Afraid, which made the mobs run away. Around Issue 3, in most powers it was replaced with the effect Fear, which has the mobs perhaps run a short distance, then cower in place. If under Fear and attacked, the mob either does one counter-attack or runs away for 10s, then cowers in place again. Fear is referred to as Terrorize in many places, like in the status display underneath the health bar. Fear powers also include a skull in their icon. I believe most remaining uses of Afraid are in damage/debuff patches to make the mobs want to leave them. Great idea to do something similar with Sleep to better adapt it to more of the game as it is played now. Having the attack that breaks Sleep get an auto-crit or breaking Sleep create a short-term -Resist debuff (including for the attack that breaks the Sleep) would help make Sleep more appealing.
  4. I did look a teeny bit at Arsenal Control. I'd likely take Tranquilizer at L1 as a damage power (to use with more damage from Cryo Freeze Ray for a good mez and solid Containment, as well Arcane Bolt...that's going to look weird...something to figure out later). Kind of disappointing its mez can't be stacked and is so easily broken, really needing Cryo Freeze Ray for that.... Something needs to be done. This is a serious suggestion: Replace Tranquilizer with Toxic Web Beanbag: Toxic poisoning after a short delay causes autohit Sleep. ToHit roll success gives immediate Smashing and Toxic damage, as well 0.5 KB (or vectored KD), after a short delay Immobilize (I think Mag3 and stackable). Yes, it is the all-singing-all-dancing mez power (not so much dancing after getting hit with it...or singing while Slept). But I think it would be fantastic. And can be balanced.
  5. Page 7 Build 2 Patch Notes still missing the rename of Blaster's Munitions Mastery to Arsenal Mastery. It's still Arsenal Mastery on my AR/Dev Blaster on Brainstorm.
  6. Good points. However, neither Requiem nor Rommie was getting Shout of Command and in ITF Mission #3 both have base 0 Immob Protection and don't get more from their Purple Triangles. Rommie has a Shield power (can't remember the name) that gives him Mag3 Immob Protection. It still comes down to these 2 AVs not being affected by Spectral Core Interface Immob procs, as I saw those applied, pushing the total Immob on both of them to Red negative numbers, thus they should have been immobilized, yet both still moved. Use other Immobs and they get stopped.
  7. Those immunities to Mez effects show up via the Power Analyzer power, which uses the Combat Attributes window to show their attributes, including Mez Protection. That's how I know in the ITF Mission 3, for Immobilize Protection, Rommie has 3 and Requiem has 0.
  8. Although the Mag2 Immobilize of the Spectral Core Interface Immobilize Proc shows up in the Power Analyser output, in the 3rd mission of the ITF, both Rommie (Immob Prot of 3) and Requiem (Immob Prot of 0) ignore Spectral Core Internface Immob and keep moving even when their net Immobilize shows as negative red. Both Defender's Traps Web Grenade and Psychic Blast Subdue immobilized the same Rommie and Requiem. Tested last night on Brainstorm by a group of 5 of my guild members. Motivated by a previous all-Defender/Corruptor ITF in which lack of immobilization of AVs prevented the team from completing it on Everlasting. Was looking at just swapping in Spectral Core Interface (T4 has a 25% chance to proc a Mag2 Immob for 4.3s base).
  9. So you're saying the MAGI Vault is just a decoy to help hide the Real Bad Stuff Vault.... O.O
  10. Many times it has been mentioned that the movement of Storm Cell is rather slow. May be effectively solved in some builds by having a high recharge, which then has issues with the endurance cost. There's a bit of a problem with pets following. I took Teleport Target on my Ice/Cold/Ice Controller and I'm glad I did, because even with me not having any movement buffs besides Swift and some IO set bonuses, Jack Frost has a hard time keeping up with me, Often have to teleport him forward into combat when he's way off in the distance. Too bad Storm Cell can't be teleported.
  11. Is it only Pet/Henchmen and Pseudo-Pet powers so affected?
  12. I am sure this detail is not widely known. And that many builds live are hamstrung because of it and the players don't know it. It may only affect some powers, but those that it does, its effects are brutal. Considering that there are just a maximum of 6 enhancements per power and EDs limit each enhancement aspect, I really think it's unnecessary and should be removed. Like any change, it would need to be considered and prioritized for action, but I still think it's a unneeded complexity that should be removed. If only to simplify the code and what players need to know to understand this game.
  13. I'm familiar with handling this in another case, how to slot Dark Miasma/Darkness Affinity's Dark Servant. To save on slots, I often just slot them with 3 enhancements: L50 Endoplasm Exposure (Acc/Mez), L50+5 Siphon Insight Acc/ToHit Debuff, L50+5 Doctored Wounds Heal/EndRed. I expect the Accuracy aspects to affect all Dark Servant powers. And the other aspects appropriately in a similar way. I can see how with the complexity of Mastermind Henchmen, this gets rather thorny. I've got a low level Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind, let's take a look at what enhancements and sets can be slotted into it: Enhancements: Endurance Reduction, Knockback, Damage, Accuracy Sets: Knockback, Universal Damage, Mastermind Archetype, Recharge Intensive Pets, Pet Damage So, depending on the powers that the Thugs have, some of those sets won't affect some of the powers at all ?!? Considering those 4 types of simple enhancements. I'd expect them all if they affect any power of a Thug, then any similar aspect in any set enhancement that can be slotted should affect those powers as well. Example, the damage aspects of the Knockback set. If a Thug power accepts buffing from a simple damage enhancement, then it should accept buffing from the damage aspect of any of the set enhancements. It's 6 enhancements and there's ED to limit how much each aspect's enhancement can happen. Layering on this much extra complexity just makes some powers poor. And many players will get this wrong.
  14. So if a power has multiple functions/parts and say one of them is flagged only to accept non-set enhancements and eg. "damage" set enhancements, then it ignores all IOs from sets that aren't "damage" sets. So if the power accepts Accuracy enhancements and it buffs those parts, but the Accuracy aspects of say "mez" set IOs don't. Is that what you're saying. This is just wrong. It makes figuring out what the up-to 6 enhancements actually do to a power way more complex. There's enough complexity in builds and this game. Doing this is just begging to have most players hamstring their builds.
  15. I can understand what you mean. But I strongly think it's a wrong principle to follow. If a power accepts single-aspect enhancements of a particular type (eg. Accuracy) and some (not necessarily all) of the parts of the power are buffed by that single-aspect enhancement, then those parts that are buffed by that particular type of single-aspect enhancement (eg. Accuracy) need to accept buffing from all similar aspects (eg. Accuracy aspects) from ALL enhancements slotted, whether TOs, DOs, SOs, HOs, IOs, ATOs, WOs, whatever. If you start having IO sets of particular types that can be slotted into the power but only affect some parts of the power, while a single-aspect enhancements affect more parts, that's just too much complexity. Making strong and pretty Builds in City of Heroes is already a twisted process of balancing goals and trying out options and even going back and trying radically different approaches. I've spent far too much time staring at various Toon Builders over the years, currently Mids Reborn (MRB). I help other players to tweak their builds to get more out of them. If you layer on this extra complexity, it's just too much. It's also likely it won't be implemented soon into MRB or may have bugs. Players will mistakenly slot the power not understanding this at all. And a common burden reducer is to assume the Hero Builder being used is correct (I try to track down as many MRB bugs WRT the game as possible and pass them onto the MRB team to help). If that's what you think the power needs, I think you need to do the simpler option and just exclude some or all IO sets from being slotting into the power. Else players will slot them and think they're better than they are. And not understand why they aren't. City of Heroes Toon Builds are complex enough as it is. Please don't make it worse. If this already exists for other powers (highly likely), please consider finding a way to remove this extra complexity.
  16. I've just logged into Brainstorm to check and the Freebies Menu is there, both off of the Chat Bubble in the UI and via my keybind to ']'. I don't know why it would be missing in your UI. Try binding it to your ']' key with this command. /bind ] popmenu freebiesmenu Then hover your mouse to the upper left of the screen and press ']' and it should pop up. If that doesn't work, there's something borked about your install.
  17. Unless the power explicitly say it delivers End to the caster, powers do not do that. Those EndMod Enhancements increase the amount of End sapped from the mobs. From what I've heard (you'd have to check CoD2 under the Alpha setting), the Storm Blast powers drain the mobs, but do not deliver End to the caster.
  18. I don't think anyone is working on NIPPLES OF MASS DESTRUCTION. But I'm almost certain there'll be a nerf to Regen. Or was it Pineapple on Pizza.
  19. There is work being done on Kallisti Wharf. Recently, the focus has been on finding and fixing geometry issues. Also, there are plans for new things coming in the future, some of which will be put into Kallisti Wharf.
  20. I understand what you're saying. But that use of the PvP flag at this power linked in your link above is just wrong. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=incarnate.interface_silent.resistance_debuff&at=arachnos_soldier Limiting where the buff goes should be done at the first link by saying where the power applies. But if this is the way the game does this, I'm not that surprised. Sheesh. BTW, on the first link and for other Interfaces, it is also flagged "Ignores Resistance". That to me would say the power is applied without being debuffed by the Purple Patch.
  21. I skipped from the first page of this post to here, as I don't have the time to read them all. Is anyone keeping track of what's who's opinions on various topics are? Like a scorecard? Can't understand the game without a scorecard, ya know. Anyhoo, the only toxicity I'm really interested in is that from my Spines/Fire Brutes. I did a rough calculation and even on Page 4, as I can only put one on Autofire, Spine Burst was a better source of AoE damage than Burn. Burn would be better for ST, but it's Spine Burst all the way for AoE. Looking forward to CoD2 updating so I can check it again, but I imagine it'll still be Spine Burst for AoE, Burn for ST. And helps that Spine Burst is slotted with a full set of Superior Avalanche so I get the knockdown as well for mitigation. As for the devs, welp, they're a bunch of volunteers who are doing the best they can individually and as a group to make Homecoming City of Heroes better. I don't always agree with what they do and don't do, but I understand their positions. I also know to get them to consider my views, I need to test and engage with them in a positive manner. As for farming, I send me Brutes out in the Back 40 from time to time. And realise by actively using just a part of the game, farming helps draw attention to those parts of the game. Under that focus, issues are discovered more often and will get fixes implemented more often too. And if you think the last few Pages generated drama, welp, sooon. Sooon. Be seeing you.
  22. BadgeReporter wasn't in CoH Modder; it's always been manual install. I was about to see about getting it included when that tool was shut down. I am very happy you've got your CMI working and released so I can now use it.
  23. @Michiyo, thank you so much for developing City Mod Installer and so quickly too! I maintain the BadgeReporter popmenu. I'll get to working on adding it into CMI ASAP.
  24. @Veracor, stop giving @Cobalt Arachne ideas about @Faultline and @Captain Powerhouse. Oh, crap. I pinged them.
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