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Everything posted by Xalon

  1. It is probably this way because any lower level heroes or villains who enter will get 1 shotted by level 40s and 50s
  2. Can you explain? Because it says you can complete any mission from contacts 1-50 from all zones if you missed or outlevel them. States this on the homecoming, paragon and titan wikis, and a few guides across forums.
  3. If they released cel Shading with Going Rogue, then it Def would have sold a lot more. I'm thankful to play CoH as it is meant to be played. I always loved how this game really gave players the ins and outs of being a superhero or villain. Not just rush rush action, but the slower pace that makes everything feel more like a comic. Love love love it! I even took a break from Wow, AoC, STO, CO, DCUO and others to just focus on CoH for a while. I hope that Homecoming peeps can start a kickstarter to collect funding for some real development and maybe a new expansion one day!
  4. I heard that no matter what you outlevel, you can go to Oroboros and run every mission you might have missed. Is this true? If so, that could be a nice backup for you and your plans OP.
  5. For low level content and under 30 I do the following: Atlas (all contacts) Kings Park (all contacts) Spend time in between contacts doing shorter missions in Perez, Hollows and Boomtown. Steel Canyon Skyway City And so on. I grab every contact I can and do all the missions I can. Stick to the city maps, but also mix in hazard zone missions to help out.
  6. Yes, CoH has cel shading and it brings the majority of graphics on par with Champions Online cel shading. Menu > Options > Video > Turn On Advanced Graphics Then scroll down and enable EXPERIMENTAL Graphics Settings. And enable Cel Shading. If you don't have a great computer, then after you turn on cel shading, go all the way to the to and disable Advanced Graphics. That's it! Breaths new life into the game and makes everything so awesome looking! Try it out and post here what you think :)
  7. Now it logged me out while playing. Logging back in is a pain. They need to have MORE MAPS per zone. Split up the players otherwise it'll be like this every night 😕
  8. I always tell new players the same things and it usually helps. So for CoH, here we go: 1- once you start the game, focus on just one mission at a time 2- read everything and talk to npcs around atlas park's city hall 3- do not try to rush or powerlevel (you can miss out on a lot and end up being lost and confused) 4- remember to pace yourself (it will probably take until you reach level20+ before you start to see the overall game) 5- stick to missions that match your level, are lower level, or +1 above your level, for the first 10 levels 6- spend time on the wiki to learn about all the different aspects and read the comics too! At first it's slower, but as you gain more powers and figure out the best rotation of using them on baddies, you will gain more confidence. I played Champions Online before CoH, bur continued playing CoH because everything about it is amazing, especially if you like the stories. Yes, the graphics are very outdated and the animations are old school, but after a week or two of playing, their importance fades away as you experience all that CoH has to offer. I'm not back playing CoH again and I missed it. So many mmorpgs are being taken over by rushers and altaholics. But with CoH you can adventure with and grow your character and feel you are that character when you play! PVE, PVP, RP, CRAFT, EXPLORE, ETC. . If the graphics really bother you, play no more than an hour each day. After a couple of weeks, you won't care as much and start playing for longer. Good Luck and Welcome Home to Homecoming!
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