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Bill Z Bubba

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Bill Z Bubba last won the day on August 19 2022

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About Bill Z Bubba

  • Birthday 06/29/1972

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  1. Somethin like this maybe. Bill Z Bubba - Scrapper (Claws).mxd
  2. I remember you both. We're all old!
  3. Poster and the likes. My kindred. Focus is the correct answer. Once upon a time right after the great nerfs in the before times, I spent my time as a claws/sr/dark scrapper that was completely ranged because going into melee was pure masochism. Thankfully the devs saw how far SR had fallen due to their decisions and corrected what needed to be corrected so I didn't have to spend much time that way. But point stands, yea, you want Focus. I once ripped off my wings to get hasten. Gods below, I'm old.
  4. It is. I have a claws/bio scrap on test that already had eviscerate so I changed to the alternate animation and tried it out. Sound FX is still wrong but it always was back when this was swipe's animation but it's glorious not having the silly backflip. I'll probably respec BZB tank into it for the extra cone size and increased AoE output but BZB scrapper's ST DPS would suffer greatly if I replaced Slash with Evis.
  5. I just posted in beta for that. 2.5 mins average before change with BZB scrap, 7.5 mins after. I get it but there's still that bit of sadness for the end of things.
  6. Change from level-less to 54 on rikti pylons is definitely eye opening. BZB scrap's live build took 7.5 minutes to take one down. Average 2.5 mins when level-less.
  7. ... Wow. Pretty sure I've been asking for this since live. Would still lose a little DPS (I think) adding it back into BZB scrapper's chain, but it might benefit BZB brute and tank. Especially the tank.
  8. I've been out of the loop. They really fixed fiery melee?
  9. Agreed. I don't ever want to lose Bill Z Bubba as the name of my main even if I do disappear for a year. Life happens and I'd be awfully pissy about it if I woke up from a year long coma to find that I'd been genericed and someone else was running around with my name.
  10. My fire/bio sent pulled that off as well but it took me a helluva lot longer than 2 hours due to the AVs rabbiting all over the map. Edit: That was before the Sent updates. If I ever get back to playing, maybe I'll give it another go.
  11. War Witch.
  12. Scrapper/Stalkers get ludicrous damage. Tanks get ludicrous resistance. At least add some defense/resistance to the brute ATOs on top of the existing fury building and call it a day.
  13. Same here. It's true, I did have to get other people to pad to start TFs and keep at least one on the team but logged off in order to solo them. The game is far MORE soloable nowadays then at the beginning but that didn't stop me from soloing 99% of the time.
  14. No, it wasn't. It was envisioned as a soloable game from day 1 and geared in a way to satisfy the holy trinity crowd as well. /psst, we're both correct.
  15. I was on the server that got shut down prior to Homecoming ramping it back up. I think someone pinged me on Steam to tell me about it. Even years later, I'm still highly offended that I was reachable on City of Faces and no one invited me to the SSPS. Big meanie heads. Course, had they done so, I would have been the one spewing youtube videos about it.
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