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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Any mez that lands proves defense isn't mez protection. It's mez avoidance. I have only been discussing mez protection. Quote once when I have said otherwise. All of those offer mez protection. Personal attack because you know you've been soundly trounced on every point every time and you can't handle it.
  2. You know how I know I've been successful in my career in IT? When no one ever has to call me. Same is true here. You want to liven up the party? Be the change you want to see.
  3. Nonfunctional whenever a mez hits. Not mez protection. Liar. Validation that when RoP is down it offers zero mez protection. Fail after fail after fail. You might learn eventually.
  4. I would like to see your clear all times for DA repeatables at +4/x8. I suspect that they are admirable especially after being fully incarnated so that they are effectively only +1/x8. We're looking for somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 vet lvls per hour.
  5. Defense isn't mez protection. Resistance isn't mez protection. When RoP isn't available, it isn't mez protection. You still fail yet again.
  6. CJ - Only Immobilize Acrobatics - Only KB and Hold Weave - Nothing RoP - Can't be perma. Again, you fail.
  7. I think Sentinels have mez protection and dominators have crappy mez protection until they have permadom.
  8. There aren't any that provide consistent mez protection. Try again.
  9. And yet he can be given the correct pool choices along with the correct secondary.
  10. That would accomplish nothing so, no, no deal.
  11. Nope. Honestly, I don't see why controllers and doms don't have better mez protection than the melee ATs since they are the master of mez. No clue. The current devs would have to decide that. Until they do, we're all grasping at BS.
  12. Give all ATs some leve of mez protection either from a power in their set or from their inherent. It wouldn't even have to be much.
  13. I would have to argue that Jack's goal of the game being balanced against the difficulty of +0/x1 has had no meaning at all since LONG before the snap.
  14. Either way, the mezzed player still loses protection while mezzed AND has to spend the time (read: nerf to DPS) turning back on offensive toggles. Regardless, being mezzed still greatly decreases performance in a way those that don't get mezzed simply don't have to deal with. There is no intra-AT balance here. There's just a bad decision that should be corrected.
  15. Irrelevant. Full stop. What matters at +4/x8 matters at +0/x1.
  16. Why should I? You and others keep bringing the teaming aspect into it.
  17. No it can't due to how offensive toggles drop when mezzed.
  18. I'm stating that the current lack of imbalance can be shown by the ridiculous variance in xp/time gain by X given powerset. If x/y defender can only increase the xp/time gain of a team by Z% but a scrapper can increase the team's gain by Z+variable% then the balance is horrifically broken because scrapper X can always attain greater than defender X xp/time while solo. This ain't rocket surgery.
  19. With the introduction of the solo path to incarnate progress. With the existence of "good to solo" definitions in the archetype descriptions. With the continued balance changes that made it easier for X AT to solo. Etc, etc, ad nauseum.
  20. It applies against anything already on you.
  21. Which is still a team of 8 players accomplishing a task provided by the game.
  22. If I'm talking about a team of 8 players I'm not talking about solo play, am I?
  23. And if you're playing a character with low DPS it helps to team with someone that can dish it out. And if you're playing with a character with low mitigation it helps to team with someone that can add to it. And absolutely none of that matters at all when considering archetype balance just as it doesn't matter if you want to consider inspiration usage or cheat code P2W usage or any other silly metric.
  24. Scrappers leading the way is due to their kill speed and ability to separate while surviving. Even an all shield ITF had a better speed time than all all corrputor ITF. Being able to break off and NOT rely on teammates means a faster completion time. Full stop.
  25. And yet I played a hundred campaigns with other ATs. Imagine that. In D&D, Cyberpunk and Champions.
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